Hello all,
Finally got my GP2X this morning after an awful lot of "should I/should'nt I" deliberations with myself, but have to say, overall, I'm glad I got it. I bought from PlayAsia in the end, mainly because I was ordering some bits and pieces from them anyway and it seemed easier to get everything from the same place rather than wait for 2 parcels. To be honest, I think I would rather have bought from a UK source (in case it needs to be returned :rolleyes: ), but the service I got from PlayAsia was, as always, excellent. And just in case anybodies wondering about the import duties, then yes, I got charged and you probably will too, so if you're thinking about a cheapie from HK then, in all honesty, its probably not worth it as you pay virtually the same in the end anyway (but PlayAsia do you give you freebie sweets

So, first impressions then: great looking unit, very solid, little bit concerned about the lack of documentation/drivers, etc, but then I see the GP2X as a completely 'open' unit, or a blank slate for you to do with as you please so this wasn't a particular surprise. I did, however, think I may have got a duffer when I tried to connect to my PC to get properly started. I got the 'Unrecognised USB device/malfunctioning USB' message when I tried to connect, but after reading various posts on here it seems I am not alone. It seems the common answer seems to be a dodgy USB cable, but if the PC knows its connected, then its odd to think that a new cable will solve the problem. Logically, if the cable was at fault then the PC would'nt realise a connection was present ???
Anyway, I havent got a card reader (as such) so I thought I may be a bit stuffed, so after a bit of creative thinking I decided to use the card input on my printer. Bearing in mind its incredibly slow to read photos and very unreliable, I did'nt really expect much, but amazingly it worked a treat and this is now my preferred method of writing to the SD card, unconventional possibly, but hey, it works for now so thats good enough for me.
I have to give massive kudos to 'Reesy'. His Megadrive emu is, quite frankly, astounding. It was the first thing I loaded, and I have to say its very user friendly, seems very stable, all the games I tried worked, and, well, I love it. My experience with emulation is very patchy to say the least, so to find something this simple is an absolute joy, so if you happen to be reading this Reesy, then thanks again.
So, a bit of a long post to just say 'hello', but there you go. It probably wont be my last post so expect to see me asking stupid questions in the tech help area, but go easy on me, please !
Bye for now,