Nihilistic Mystic
This should work for the Pyra.

I think I'll pass on the fanny pack.https://trashmessengerbags.com/#/product/15
My personal method of carrying my Pandora when my pockets are too small.
Alternatively, you can get those Ikea anti-bump soft plastics-with-glue... and use 2 or 4 on the corners...
It would only need an initial 100 to agree on one color at 25€ each which IMO is a reasonable price (molding is only part of the total cost) and seems doable (considering the aluminium case preorder).
I know there was some interest in mixed colors. I don't know how possible that would be, but if there was a chance, and enough people were interested, they could try for the classic two tone look of early plastics. Worst case is you get something like the colors mixed incompletely into the clear.
I don't know how it works, could a translucent mix be made and then have opaque or shimmery colors be added without fully mixing them in with the original mix?
It would also be cool for colored translucents (like red and black), or getting the gunmetal or dark grey many of us want, or even the white or beige a handful like. I wouldn't pay $50ish for beige, but I might pay a little premium if it looks right to me. I need to check the renders again. If we got extra cases it might result in experimenting with add on hardware, such as the hot topic of a camera. There have to be other interesting ideas like that.
[doublepost=1464036623,1464036431][/doublepost]I think @Grench mentioned putting the camera in a sidecar. Maybe a simple mod can be made so that you buy a few holes in the side of the case (hmmm, typing...) and we can make a starting side car design that people can edit to suit their needs and print.
AH! yea that is definitely doable. It will be a bit more involved than just full translucent, but I'm pretty confidentI meant translucent colored plastic. The transparent cases are a good second choice for that, and I have done a bit of that myself, but some people do amazing things with clear cases...or just in general.
What I am wondering about is getting the look of some fancy pens, or the bakelite look that has been mentioned a couple times. I should probably post pics. I will add one or more in a minute.