Not yet. My guess is that they'll be about twice as expensive, though.I'd like the idea of getting my paws on one of those pre-production Pyras, even if more expensive (is to be expected). Have you estimated cost of producing 20?
Not yet. My guess is that they'll be about twice as expensive, though.I'd like the idea of getting my paws on one of those pre-production Pyras, even if more expensive (is to be expected). Have you estimated cost of producing 20?
Make sure you have enough units for yourself, your dev team and a couple to loan to known prolific developers from the Pandora (you would know who to best include in that).Not yet. My guess is that they'll be about twice as expensive, though.I'd like the idea of getting my paws on one of those pre-production Pyras, even if more expensive (is to be expected). Have you estimated cost of producing 20?
Me? I'll wait for a production unit. It benefits me to have these early pre-production units in the hands of developers more than it would for me to have one personally.
Well there are options yes. but why use something not ment for the Pyra that would fit akwardly and have to make cut outs? Also noticeThere are many options already available for cases. It would probably be better to focus on finishing up the Pyra instead.
I don't want the darn thing worked on till after the Pyra is finished. Its a question as to how long we might see accessories be added. I don't know how long it takes to develop a perfect fit outer case or a new bag with the Pyra symbol on it; and I wouldn't mind if they took a break after the Pyra got finished before adding stuff but would be interested in having an idea.when might those start get worked on and possibly showcased?
Modification is part of the experience.I had mine modified in a leather shop:
haha sweet. I know evil dragon will make a new case. if only by just changing the symbol. I expect the Pyra would be bigger than the pandora was so lets hope minor case changes happen too. If not Im ok with what ever is available.I really hope the new case will have a belt clip. As the standard Pandora hard case doesn't feature one I had mine modified in a leather shop:
That is a great idea. I don't think this is exactly how I would have had it done, but I like it a lot.I really hope the new case will have a belt clip. As the standard Pandora hard case doesn't feature one I had mine modified in a leather shop:
The Pyra will probably be very close to the same size. A big concern was keeping it the same size so that it is still pocketable. Unless the numbers have changed, Pyra is within a mm or 2 in every dimension of the Pandora.I expect the Pyra would be bigger than the pandora was so lets hope minor case changes happen too. If not Im ok with what ever is available.
The pistol?You missed out on the early blue ones with white piping. They had a belt loop on them. They also make a very convenient case for a P238, but that is another subject entirely.
Yes. Three spare magazines even fit in the SD card slots. Since this discussion is not appropriate here, I won't speak further to it or provide pictures. It is such a perfect fit, though, that for those of us who live where such things are commonplace, it makes a very nice range case.The pistol?You missed out on the early blue ones with white piping. They had a belt loop on them. They also make a very convenient case for a P238, but that is another subject entirely.
As soon as I can create nice and shiny videos with a working prototypeso when can we start pre odering? was wondering cause i wan to now lol
I actually went through three of them - always teared somewhere, mostly on one side where the belt loop was fixed to it - before I got the hard case.You missed out on the early blue ones with white piping. They had a belt loop on them. They also make a very convenient case for a P238, but that is another subject entirely.
Why would that be? Outdated CPU?... I wanting for the Pyra revision or Pyra 2.0.