Which games are you going to play first on your Pandora?

Can anyone check if pokemon snap works?

I've heard it doesn't but I can't verify.

The first game I'll be playing is "Rubbing it in my parents' faces that this wasn't a total scam." After that, I don't even know. Maybe Hero of Allacrost if it gets ported. Probably FHeroes2. Anything from HIB that happens to get ported. But I would also like to get some nub action on. I could see abuse making good use of the nubs.
Back in the day that game made me nauseous, the 3D did not agree with me. It forever made me hate all games that built characters out of basic polygons. The movies were nice though. I actually want to try it again on a smaller screen to see if that helps, so this will be one I try also.

That's odd. I lied when I said I'd never played it-- I started it once. Can't say much about the graphics though-- I felt dizzy at the time but it was because I was upside down in a chair. The only time I've ever started to play it was while I was getting drunk for the first time, on UV Blue and Sierra Mist. One of the best nights of my life. Too bad I spent it with the girl I was being friendzoned by at the time, and not with friends who really mattered. When i'm rich i'm gonna start a goddamn AA-type organisation for friendzoned manslaves. Two years later and well into a happy relationship, I'm still pissed over all the lost time and wasted moments (entire first half of first year) :angry:

Ah well, back on topic-- another thing I hadn't considered about the Pandora is that it can run Android. If I can get Angry Birds running, that'll be on my list too. I am addicted to that game. My girlfriend has it on her HTC Incredible and I am constantly draining her battery, much to her dismay.