Euros -> USD conversion?


Apr 23, 2003
Shibuya Games has official black GP32's from Game Park, and they are listed at 230 Euros. I haven't imported anything from Europe before - how do you convert Euros to US dollars?

What would 230 Euros be in USD? Thanks, and sorry for the dumb question. :o)
Awesome, works great, I'll bookmark that site!

And for anyone else wondering - it's $270 USD. Now I know why so few people have black GP32's - that price is OUTRAGEOUS!

I would've been willing to pay maybe an extra 20 or 30 dollars for black over the normal GP32 price, but $270?! Hell NO.
does gbax send to u.s.a?

i noticed on the buy page most uf the prices are in euros when i go to checkout will it convert the $?
Is it just me, or are Shibuya's prices a little high? :angry:
I live in france and effectively find shibuyagames prices high :angry:
You better buy your gp at entware :)