Wait What?

aliking said:
but how would Craig know about that?
UPS could have informed him about where they were stored the last few days while waiting for flights to commence. Kind of like: "good news! Your package has been picked up from the unsecured parking lot we had to temporarily store it at and will be on its way shortly!"
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Well, pretty lucky the whole "package" is still there. Hooray!

Another example of what this project has endured. Now we only need a couple of aliens who try to steal the Pandora's... Seriously, you could make a documentary about this project.
yeah delaying production is bad

insurance fraud is good :)
Wootson said:
Well, pretty lucky the whole "package" is still there. Hooray!

Another example of what this project has endured. Now we only need a couple of aliens who try to steal the Pandora's... Seriously, you could make a documentary about this project.
You could .. but no-one'd believe you .. unless it was a tragi-fantasi-comedi-....
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aliking said:

4. Craigix on the board in 3 days - "Damn UPS. They dumped all the boards with a neighbour in the rain and now they're all broken and the nubs won't work right"


(Don't get any ideas Craig)
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Here is what happened this morning:

I get up early, watch Educating Rita, have a bath, do some work, go to leave and see a UPS note in the porch. I assume they called while I was in the bath.

The note just has the name of a local garden centre on it (a place which sells plants).

I assume that they have thought I was the garden centre and messed up. I decided to drive up to the garden centre and give them the UPS note.

But then on the outside of the door is another UPS note with my name on it.

At this point I was confused. I'm not expecting anything today... well apart from the Pandora stuff... but that's not until next week.

So what does this all mean? One with my name, one with the name of a local business?

Anyway by time time it's 2pm and I know the garden place has lazy friday afternoons.

Suddenly a horrible thought comes to me... I'm not in... garden centre up the road... they would not have done that would they? But if they have it will be safe, right?

So I take my two notes and drive up there.


Place is deserted - friday afternoon after all.

Just as I'm about to turn the car around... what do I see in the parking spaces? A pile of boxes.

Yes - outside.

No one around.

At this point I'm shaking with rage. I park. I walk over. Yes. They are our boards. Outside. Where the public can just walk up.

There is no one else around.

I wander about looking for some staff, finally I go over and open a door and there is an old guy there.

He says he guesses they are mine. I tell him how much those boards are worth. He looks amazed. He tells me I'd better phone UPS.

I agree.

I take the boards and drive home.

Now I'm chasing up the REST of that delivery....

PS I just realised the old guy had no way of knowing who I was - I could have been anyone.

PPS no - it didn't rain today, although it looks like it might now.
WizardStan said:
Since I have no idea where the actual discussion is going on, I'll post my thoughts here, as well :p

I read it as "UPS needed storage space, so they put the pallets in the parking lot of the business beside the UPS station in whatever city the pallets currently are" and "anyone could have walked into this totally unsecured parking lot, tore open a pallet, and made off with (at least) a couple of boxes".

I read it as, Craig looked online for a status update, saw it marked "Delivered" freaked out as it wasn't in his possession. Took off in the car, noticed this huge pallet of stuff down the road got out and saw it was his stuff. Not entirely unbelievable for me as my wife once sold Avon products and they delivered one shipment down the road, another shipment to another section of the city and another time delivered a shipment after midnight in the winter freezing all of the liquid products in the delivery ruining hundreds of dollars of merchandise.

The postal service loves to place packages in our mailbox that fit in the back opening but have no chance of coming out the side we have access to. I imagine if my Pandora arrives via US Postal service, I will have a day of weeping while my Pandora sits unable to be removed from the box until the mail person arrives the next day to open the back of the mailbox. Actually THAT will be the day I break into my own mailbox.
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I've never dealed with UPS. Is this the usualy way how they handle Deliveries there in the UK? :blink:

I've never recieved a 1,2 ton package so I can't compare it with my usual Amazon packages. ^^"
What the hell? You'd think UPS wouldn't act like Royal Mail (i.e. chucking packages marked 'fragile' over my back fence). Concern over where the rest of it is. Maybe they think you have your own forklift, and wanted it delivered not to your business address but to a local garden centre? Boggles the mind. Hope everything's alright. I'd berate them to no end.
That is one hell of a crazy thing to do !!

I believe the first thing is to get all of those boxes into a safe place... then kick UPS ass !
Seriously I don't know whose idea it was to leave the package there but I can't imagine this is normal UPS policy. Definitely don't go soft on them.
Plus, this place is not your average garden centre. It's more like a large allotment with a massive greenhouse. Very low rent kinda place.

Great hanging baskets though :D
Crazy stuff... glad things worked out ok. Did ED predict this back on March 6th too? ;-).

Craig - now that you have the boards -- when is MWeston flying in to replace the resistors for the wifi fix?
Awesome. They are finally here. But hey - I think the luck is on our site again; just glad that nothing was stolen... :)
There are three possibilities:

  1. Not all of the boards shipment has been delivered, the rest being in parts unknown
  2. All the board shipment was left at the garden centre and then everything except what Craig could fit in his normal-sized car was stolen.
  3. An evil consortium known as TROLE and led by chad78, having previously targeted the Icelandic Volcano with a "Laser Beam" , has a spent months getting a mole into the Tyne UPS region and has delivered the shipment boxes to different garden centres across the country. Craig will have to go on a mad-cap chase to find them. Can he manage it before TIME RUNS OUT?
aliking said:
[*]An evil consortium known as TROLE and led by chad78, having previously targeted the Icelandic Volcano with a "Laser Beam" , has a spent months getting a mole into the Tyne UPS region and has delivered the shipment boxes to different garden centres across the country. Craig will have to go on a mad-cap chase to find them. Can he manage it before TIME RUNS OUT?
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