Sub-Forum For Long-Suffering Partners (Humor)

^Similar here. "You spend too much time with your laptop(insert between lines:"and too little time with me") bla bla" *sigh*
My ex-girlfriend is the same way.
"Can you stop looking at that board and help me with my programming assignment?"
" isn't that funny."
or the classic, "I decided I wanted a laptop, so I went to the store and bought one. How's it going since you decided to buy a Pandora?"

edit: That reminds me. She promised me cheeseburgers if I helped her with her programming. She still knows the way to my heart.
Dude, my female friends (not even girlfriend) complains that I don't spend enough time hanging out with them! I am quite convinced that the chief purpose of women is to tell men they're spending too much time on something.
PandoraSpouse said:
:pandora2ut4: Sigh ... still waiting. :rolleyes:

I would like to say, though, that geek men are AWESOME! A great untapped market, many diamonds in the rough! Now that I know I tell all my single girlfriends. Every time my geek man pines for his Pandora, I remind myself that all over the world there are men pining for bimbo porn stars, hard drugs or a girl to mooch off of financially. Hell, I know -- I dated a couple of 'em before I found my geeky prince. :lol:
Why not all 4? That's what I do.
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Haha my girlfriend starts to "sssssssshhhh" me whenever I mention the pandora. Coversations go something like this:

BB: "So the case of the pan.."
GF: "sssssssssssssssssssssshhh, oh shut up"
BB: "..." *clicks forum one more time in silence
PandoraSpouse said:
:pandora2ut4: Sigh ... still waiting. :rolleyes:

I would like to say, though, that geek men are AWESOME! A great untapped market, many diamonds in the rough! Now that I know I tell all my single girlfriends. Every time my geek man pines for his Pandora, I remind myself that all over the world there are men pining for bimbo porn stars, hard drugs or a girl to mooch off of financially. Hell, I know -- I dated a couple of 'em before I found my geeky prince. :lol:

Wow, can you write me a reference? :p
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Gerix said:
edit: That reminds me. She promised me cheeseburgers if I helped her with her programming. She still knows the way to my heart.

Down your throat? Might be a problem...
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:rolleyes: We had a long talk last night about the Pandora. This was after I had made him BBQ cheddar buffalo burgers. BUT, he washed this dishes afterwards. <_<

He spoke about its continued prospects, the perils of Chinese manufacture on a small organizational budget & the importance of high-quality vacuum molding.

I confessed to him I had no doubt that those who have done the whole pre-order wire transfer thing will get their product eventually (luckily he is one of those), but what about others? He delivered a convincing argument about the relative ease of manufacturing a large number of units once prototypes are perfected & the dies have been (quite literally) cast.

Also, he stated how much forward he's looking to the opportunity for frequent updates & modifications of this, that & the other with this type of device. This is a totally foreign concept to me as a non-geek. If I purchase a product I want it to be finished; predictable & consistent. Maybe that's why I'm still fighting him about trying to replace my beloved Photoshop CS. :rolleyes:

We briefly spoke about his late lamented GP2X ... which I bought him from Korea (I believe it was) a couple Christmases back .... :( Sadly, a mere 4 months later I was to learn firsthand the meaning of the term 'bricked.' :(

p.s. To all the geeks out there wishing for a devoted Pandora spouse, I would only ask, are you doing for your partner what you would have her [him] do for you? :huh: That is, are you in 45% seem like foolish fancy? If 'no', ask what seeming folly you can meet with better forbearance & enthusiasm. Reciprocity will get your far. :rolleyes: If 'yes', but your fondest wishes are still being considered with undignified scorn, then you are being badly used & totally deserve better! ;)