Sub-Forum For Long-Suffering Partners (Humor)


Still Fresh
Dec 31, 2009
In all gentle good humor, I would like to suggest a "Pandora Spouse" sub-forum for long-suffering wives, girlfriends, heck, even the odd boyfriend or husband.

I'm not a geek myself, but I can still tell you about the exciting new prospects of this Linux based hand-held. :rolleyes: I've never read this forum (though I've heard someone else read from it many times, at length) -- but I could name the people who post on it most frequently or in the most depth. And I've never personally experienced the agony of reading that, once again, the actual release of the Pandora is being pushed back ... but I've felt great sympathy for the depression of my poor partner. So:

For anyone who's ever heard their distressed spouse state "Baby, I hope I get my Pandora before Christmas" ...
For anyone who's ever subsequently heard their distressed spouse state "Darling, I hope I get my Pandora before my birthday" ...
For anyone who's ever walked their spouse through the alien process of obtaining a foreign wire transfer from his credit union ...
For anyone who's ever been made fun of by a coworker who asks if one's geeky spouse has a PSP & then made the mistake of answering honestly & in detail ...

And again, no offense meant, just in all gentle good humor ... :rolleyes:

I would like to officially propose the addition of a Pandora Spouse sub-forum where we can all commiserate & support one another. :lol:
I don't suppose you'll let on who your gp32x-reading spouse is would ya? :p

I personally think it's a great idea, but as far as I know, you're the only spouse whose ever bothered to actually take a look here!
I'm not one of those gals who will kiss and tell! :lol: If he ever clicks on this he'll recognize my writing style & know what's what, plus I'd never lie if he aked me directly - but of course I will not expose my own Pandora-obsessed, Pandora-depressed, frequently-forum-posting spouse to the derision of his fellows by naming names.

I may be the first to openly make this particular suggestion, but surely I'm not the first to casually browse the forum to see what's been taking up so many hours of my partner's time & think of it! Men [or women] of Pandora, casually mention this post to YOUR OWN 'Pandora Spouse' and let's see how many of them will support my suggestion! :lol: If not that's cool too. Hopefully ('cause, as I say, I'm not a geek myself) I've successfully un-clicked that "remember me" box since I used his desktop for part of the registration process.

Otherwise I'll be 'unmasked' tonight when he gets home from work! :lol:
Heh, my spouse agrees with your sentiments wholeheartedly! She asks more than myself when it will arrive.
No way! :rolleyes: Even if I was, I'd admit nothing, ... & even if I wasn't, I'd remain coy about whether I ~was~, in hopes people might ~think~ I was Lady X, ... you know, hoping I'd retain some clout through the false assumption. :rolleyes: The truth is, I hope every obsessed guy here thinks I'm ~his~ Pandora girlfriend or spouse & acts accordingly! :lol: With TONS of hugs & appreciation!

Men of Pandora, we've been waiting just as long as you have with even ~less~ of a real handle on when our man's XXX $ / pounds sterling will turn into something he can hold & cherish! So if nothing else, upon reading this, hold your gal close tonight & appreciate that she isn't whining or bitching but instead waits patiently by your side for the product! :lol:
cute ;P

ur rite tho, my ex did a lot of smiling & nodding whilst I gushed about the pandoral desires [I'm sure she was quite fed up of hearing about it by the time we broke up, lol]
Thanks much! :)

The truth is that if my man will sit there & listen to me talk about art house documentaries for hours (which he cheerfully does), the least I can do is listen to him talk about the Pandora. The difference is, the films I like have already come out.

Lucky for me!
you shouldn't tell you are female on this forums. Your pm-box will be filled in no time ;)
:pandora2ut4: Sigh ... still waiting. :rolleyes:

I would like to say, though, that geek men are AWESOME! A great untapped market, many diamonds in the rough! Now that I know I tell all my single girlfriends. Every time my geek man pines for his Pandora, I remind myself that all over the world there are men pining for bimbo porn stars, hard drugs or a girl to mooch off of financially. Hell, I know -- I dated a couple of 'em before I found my geeky prince. :lol:
PandoraSpouse said:
:pandora2ut4: Sigh ... still waiting. :rolleyes:

I would like to say, though, that geek men are AWESOME! A great untapped market, many diamonds in the rough! Now that I know I tell all my single girlfriends. Every time my geek man pines for his Pandora, I remind myself that all over the world there are men pining for bimbo porn stars, hard drugs or a girl to mooch off of financially. Hell, I know -- I dated a couple of 'em before I found my geeky prince. :lol:

Please tell this to my girlfriend. :p
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PandoraSpouse said:
A great untapped market
If y'know what I mean...

We're stealthy buggers though :ph34r: unless you look, well, here for example.
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I wish my wife was more like you, she HATES that I'm still waiting on the pandora, spending every waking moment pounding the F5 key in hopes of new information. "You and that stupid little computer of yours!" is what I always hear.

In her defense though, I never used to frequent many forums and now I'm obsessed with this one. She's probably jealous!