Surprise Attack! (New Blog Post)

I think they are going to wait until the first 1000's cases arrive and check if they are okay. I really hope the cases will arrive quickly and are okay so that they can give the green light once again.
Gruso said:
The boards are tested thoroughly before leaving Texas. A quick power up and test of the main functions is probably all they need to do before shipping.

The wifi is certainly not tested in the 700 boards, since it is not yet built correctly.
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Yeah, I also believe they are waiting to get those first 1000 before they green light the remaining 3000-9000 cases.

Hopefully once assembly and shipping begins, the Pandoras level of "want" will be off the charts, so hopefully the team will arrange to get the remaing cases in 500 unit shipments, so that way they can ship constant deliveries every week, and keep assembly going along with the new board shipments. Instead of waiting for 1 more huge shippment to get done.

But I'm sure it will be a cluster fuck like always, and 700 will ship, and then it will be weeks/months for more. :P Hopefully not, but we all know how things go around here. ;)

gp32rich said:
That'd be do-able if it were being done at the factory - but in a village hall the equipment available may not be as thorough.

Allthough calling OpenPandora a team and quoting them as such seems increasingly futile, as I cannot recall which member said it I'll resort to quoting the team as saying that building the Pandora in a village hall will result in tighter, bteter quality control, not worse.
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may88 said:
craigix will still be quivering with rage for another 2 weeks or more.



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aq21 said:
Gruso said:
The boards are tested thoroughly before leaving Texas. A quick power up and test of the main functions is probably all they need to do before shipping.

The wifi is certainly not tested in the 700 boards, since it is not yet built correctly.

It is. They test if the module loads the firmware correctly.
That confirms that the module is working fine.
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EvilDragon said:
aq21 said:
Gruso said:
The boards are tested thoroughly before leaving Texas. A quick power up and test of the main functions is probably all they need to do before shipping.

The wifi is certainly not tested in the 700 boards, since it is not yet built correctly.

It is. They test if the module loads the firmware correctly.
That confirms that the module is working fine.
So what is the current speed of the Wifi? Is it higher than 500KB/s now?
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may88 said:
TylerAW said:
Gruso said:
Hold on to the checkout link for as long as they (OPT) will let you. You might have enough time to see the first ones delivered (at which point there will be a ton of reviews and feedback) and still have time to get into the first batch. ;)
Thank you for you're kind words that is like a grace from the gods if that works :)
A Pandora in the hand is worth two in the 2nd Batch. Order it. It may have its flaws but it will still be largely usable.
And if you're geek enough for it then the this in itself is fun. Waiting for this patch or that patch to be developed and release.

2nd Batch may be a while off (4-6 months - guessing). The OPT has said that the OS/software is the next focus and they'll want a rest from natural disasters, translation problems, resistors and delivery men. Parts are on order so I'm sure they'll not sit on them for too long.

Reyhn said:
Are the chinese building more cases by now, since they shipped the first ones and cases are good for mass production ?
Good question. There was going to be a quality check after the first 700/1000 cases. MWeston has seen the new painted cases and is happy with it.
Not sure if that was enough for the final go-ahead for the remainder of the 10,000, of if the OPT want to build a few for real first.
I really don't know where you get 4-6 months away? and I do plan to order from my link the second I hear a review from someone on these boards with a Pandora in their hands. With any luck some will be shipped soon but but not all since there are only around 500-700 ready to put together.
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Just make my pandora in a small shoebox or something! Even a chinese food container!

Screw the cases!
@TylerAW - The only ones put together right now are a handful of prototypes, and the 2 or 3 recent samples MWeston showed us. 700 will be assembled as soon as the cases arrive in the UK, the rest as more boards ship in from Texas.

Re: Case checking (this is aimed more at may88) I don't think the ones MWeston put together are enough to approve the case production beyond the first 1,000 cases. They'll probably want to see how the whole 1,000 look first, so they can make sure quality is consistent and they didn't just get sent the prettiest ones.