Updates in all areas, spiced with case renders

Why waste precious battery power for glowing MacBook style?
Good question. MacBooks do not have a separate light for the glowing logo. Instead, they utilize the backlight to make the logo glow. That's why when you turn the screen brightness down, the logo on the back also dims. So by using the screen backlight, it wouldn't drain battery life.
Transparent case anyone? :D

Only if it's transparent Aluminium please. ;)
It'd take years to figure out the dynamics of the matrix. :)
Not now Madeline!
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This is all exciting news, and ht Pyra looks amazing in those renders. However, it does sound like we still have ways to go. Perhaps several more months of development. Maybe this will make an excellent Christmas gift :D
oh oh oh Deep Purple.... guy's there is NO way there can be a happy consensus there are just too many shades of RED (and purple) .... AND Blue oh oh oh and Dark Blue............

[edit] Please ED if ever we needed a benevolent dictator to lay down the law..... (just pick a damn colour for us!)
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Two colors would look great, the contrast of a light and a dark one, like ivory / dark red (or blue). Something in the line of the Famicom.
Translucent dark blue! If its dark it oughta dim the lights inside so the keyboard backlight still looked good enough.

Will the keyboard be black? If so it might not look so good with any colors on the rest of the case, dark grey keyboard would look better in most cases IMO.
c'mon - you're teasing me. .... drool.  :-) brilliant update and I would love the transparent case. 

Maybe a white and black case .. like the rear button picture.  External buttons in black accent with case in white .. 
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Color:  Swirly Balkelite like this:


Otherwise a -dark- color.  I.e. Black, charcoal, dark grey or red so dark it's almost black.  It needs to look serious enough to set on a conference room table hooked up to a projector for presentations.

Kickstarter:  Mixed feelings. Bad - loosing a cut of the funds.  Good - huge exposure.  Bad - huge exposure results in a lot of people signing up who have no idea what they're actually buying then asking why it didn't come with Windows.

Clear case makes a neat render, but would cause serious annoyance when actually trying to use the thing with the backlights running.
'ere these backlights for the keyboard, easy to switch off? or will I have to break out the soldering iron.....?