Some PCBs, holidays, a new case revision and a theme

Kickstarter may not be useable for this, but Indiegogo flexible funding seems better for this project anyway.
I'm enjoying this new wine red Pyra theme, prefer it to the old Pandora blue one so far.

I posted a comment in the communication thread about it, but perhaps should mention it here for whoever is theming this?

The below style makes all those buttons unreadable on hover, as it's the same red colour as the background button. Is used on the [More Reply Options] button when you post, and throughout the user control panel at least.

.input_submit.alt:hover {

  1. color: #992b34;

...That case shot looks very nice indeed.

That logo is going to shine well

Also the top navigation menu holds the hover colour when the drop-down shows, for the [General Information] [Community] [Development]....

...But not for the [Tutorials] [Emulation] [Resources]

Minor issues, but you know... When you see it... :)
Also the top navigation menu holds the hover colour when the drop-down shows, for the [General Information] [Community] [Development].... ...But not for the [Tutorials] [Emulation] [Resources]
I think that is intentional.  The Pandora theme is the same way.  If not, it helps indicate which option the drop down is for, such as when clicking Community, which has a very wide menu that is wider than 2 buttons for me.
Regarding the theme, is it just me or are the "Prev" and "Next" buttons kinda pinkish?

I think people would be more partial to being less harsh if I changed my avatar for something that doesnt envoke as much feeling.

Of if you changed from a faceless avatar, maybe it would bring out more humanity both ways. Thats not a comment on your person, and

you rub some people the wrong way anyhow, with just about anything, but I think the balance of the theme is struck at a ill-fated balance. Its not a pleasant environment to be in.
Your avatar doesn't evoke any feelings in me which aren't associated to what you've recently written and what my impression of you is. It seems pretty normal/harmless/calm/even boring to me.
How does mine make you feel?  I lost the source image late last year so I'm forever holiday themed.
My brain is pretty much ignoring the snow flakes. I'm associating your name with some man from a book. Don't remember whether that man had exactly the same name, and none of the specifics. He was a hermit with some strange habits, that's pretty much all I remember. Maybe, if I don't mix stuff up, he was the mentor of some more important character at a point before the time of the book.That probably influenced that I take your avatar to be some kind of shelled sea animal, which sits somewhere on the floor of the sea, calm, not with a lot of company, but happy like that.

(that's more a comparison to my actual feelings than the feelings themselves, they are harder to express and much less specific)
I thought Tenka's pic was a dog nose.  Do you know the name of the book you are talking about?  I might want to read it.
Don't ruin the picture for me, I don't like dogs very much. :-)Yeah, it was Eragon, probably, and Tenka the mentor of Angela. But I'm not sure about that, I've misremembered stuff like that before.
Ah.  That book is probably floating around my house somewhere.  I will see if I can get into it.
Ah.  That book is probably floating around my house somewhere.  I will see if I can get into it.
Okay, actually it's Tenga, I looked it up. It's on page 176 of 861 of the third book of my German edition of Eragon.
Ah.  That book is probably floating around my house somewhere.  I will see if I can get into it.
Okay, actually it's Tenga, I looked it up. It's on page 176 of 861 of the third book of my German edition of Eragon.
Thanks.  I am not sure how close it will be to the English pages.  Now I just need to wait for the person who has it to come back from a trip.
Ah.  That book is probably floating around my house somewhere.  I will see if I can get into it.
Okay, actually it's Tenga, I looked it up. It's on page 176 of 861 of the third book of my German edition of Eragon.
Thanks.  I am not sure how close it will be to the English pages.  Now I just need to wait for the person who has it to come back from a trip.
I guess the proportions should be about the same (176 divided by 861), that's why I gave total length too.
Ah.  That book is probably floating around my house somewhere.  I will see if I can get into it.
Okay, actually it's Tenga, I looked it up. It's on page 176 of 861 of the third book of my German edition of Eragon.
Thanks.  I am not sure how close it will be to the English pages.  Now I just need to wait for the person who has it to come back from a trip.
I guess the proportions should be about the same (176 divided by 861), that's why I gave total length too.
I understood that, and appreciate it.  I don't know what version she has.  Is this the book?

I think people would be more partial to being less harsh if I changed my avatar for something that doesnt envoke as much feeling.
Of if you changed from a faceless avatar, maybe it would bring out more humanity both ways. Thats not a comment on your person, and
you rub some people the wrong way anyhow, with just about anything, but I think the balance of the theme is struck at a ill-fated balance. Its not a pleasant environment to be in.
Your avatar doesn't evoke any feelings in me which aren't associated to what you've recently written and what my impression of you is. It seems pretty normal/harmless/calm/even boring to me.
How does mine make you feel?  I lost the source image late last year so I'm forever holiday themed.

I think people would be more partial to being less harsh if I changed my avatar for something that doesnt envoke as much feeling.

Of if you changed from a faceless avatar, maybe it would bring out more humanity both ways. Thats not a comment on your person, and

you rub some people the wrong way anyhow, with just about anything, but I think the balance of the theme is struck at a ill-fated balance. Its not a pleasant environment to be in.
Your avatar doesn't evoke any feelings in me which aren't associated to what you've recently written and what my impression of you is. It seems pretty normal/harmless/calm/even boring to me.
How does mine make you feel?  I lost the source image late last year so I'm forever holiday themed.
I cannot covertly PM you my appreciation, Guest, so thank you here. 