Update regarding the cases (and some other things)

@m@t dude chill, seriously. at least change your post style from "pissed off tumblr kiddie" to "elitist snob who loves correcting people". drop the blatant rage and maybe people around here won't treat you like a hatemongering ignoramus.
ED's guesstimate for the end of testing and stuff was off, so what? when you work with hard-/software you've never worked before, it's complicated to do on-spot time calculations, especially if other devs can't/won't share details about bugs and pitfalls they've encountered.

btw, if you're so worried about your money why didn't you check out what kind of people are working on the project? you'd probably seen something like "part-time", "small team" and "other jobs", plus the whole thing about the Pandora"s delays, so you could have made an educated guess about what might happen with the Pyra. next time, do some research before you preorder something.
did anybody say meme?
@m@t If you consider yourself a victim over how things are done here, then just request your money back. You can return later when mass production is running.

This community is working pretty well, there are good reasons for why things are being done the way that they are. People have been telling you repeatedly that they think differently from you, and that your way of complaining is not productive. It will not have an effect in this community.
I bet m@t is having a wonderful time explaining to the police about a forum full of nutcases trying to override his opinion and getting himself arrested for false reports.
I should be working but this is much better. BTW, I sent the police round to SONY because the PlayStation 6 is taking too long and MD told me to stop emailing him, I'm really offended.
None of your business!
But noone have the right to insult my, and i will not accept that!
That's right, but at least there was a short apology afterwards from raelik.

You on the other hand, offended other people multiple times, even stated ED is lying, wich is a pretty heavy accusition (especially as lying requires not only untruth, but also intent.)
Some of your offends can easily considered insults as well. But so far I have not seen apologies from you. But might have missed those.

Yeah, some of the reaction to yours were low down. But can you really say witch a clear conscience that your comments were any better?
None of your business!

If you didn't preorder (and as far as I know you didn't, feel free to correct me though), then please explain the reason why you're so concerned whereas most here who actually DID preorder and paid something are fine.

I won't stop telling what i think. Noone have to agree.
The community is working pretty well in bullying people with opinions they don't like.

Well, trying to bring up a community against a project without even being directly involved (i.e. by having paid something) is officially called trolling.

The way you post and how you try to either put pressure on the project or try to open the eyes of everyone else here certaintly fits into the scheme of how trolling usually is described.

Yes, you can voice opinion here and - but then you have to accept that others will voice their opinions as well, and as quite a few seem to be annoyed, the posts can be a bit harsh.

As long as they're not getting too attacking, they are tolerated as well.

Have fun reporting me to the police though, for whatever reason.
I also had fun when you reported me :)

Oh, I do wonder... Should I also report you to the police, as you called me incompetent without having any proof..?
That's personally insulting and certainly can be seen as foul mouthing a business, which is illegal, you know?

relax it's just a craig m e m e

Sorry for the double post:

The thing about Internet Trolling...

i also should work. I try not to shout out load, its pretty amusing
I actually often wonder why some guys do something like that.
I mean, yeah, if he preordered and I refused to refund him, then it would make sense... But without any payment etc. Involved,.it really doesn't make sense for me.
I was just about to post something as well, but you ninjad me @EvilDragon
Judging from earlier quotes this dude had cited in his posts, he is a German speaker. So as far as I know, "lügen" is not a crime in Germany/Austria, while "Verleumdung" actually is. So how would he like if we filed a complaint against him, as he seems to be trying to damage your business by making false accusations and slandering.

@m@t I so hope you call the police and record that call for us, that's going to be a major event. lulz overflow. I'd even live stream it from my server.
I'm concerned that if the government/police do get involved, they're going to find something wrong with the project somehow, even though ED has been so transparent.

Yes I am paranoid why do you ask? XD
I am always amazed at the patience of our moderators.

@EvilDragon, so we can distinguish between those who do or do not have 'skin in the game', is it possible for the forum software to grant 'trophies' based on orders? I'm guessing that it would be a royal manual pain in the neck and that not everyone would want to have their user name associated with verified purchaser status...

It can work the other way too. For example, I have publicly stated my order status, but there is no way for a random community member to validate that.

If there is an easy way to do it without impinging on people's privacy, maybe look into it? Probably not worth it.

@m@t Fun is fun and all, but it's time to hang it up. If you haven't actually pre-ordered, then your indignation is false. If you have pre-ordered and are that upset, ask for a refund. Simple solutions. Keep up your current behavior though, and I could see the mods legitimately banning you.