If you didn't preorder (and as far as I know you didn't, feel free to correct me though), then please explain the reason why you're so concerned whereas most here who actually DID preorder and paid something are fine.
I won't stop telling what i think. Noone have to agree.
The community is working pretty well in bullying people with opinions they don't like.
Well, trying to bring up a community against a project without even being directly involved (i.e. by having paid something) is officially called trolling.
The way you post and how you try to either put pressure on the project or try to open the eyes of everyone else here certaintly fits into the scheme of how trolling usually is described.
Yes, you can voice opinion here and - but then you have to accept that others will voice their opinions as well, and as quite a few seem to be annoyed, the posts can be a bit harsh.
As long as they're not getting too attacking, they are tolerated as well.
Have fun reporting me to the police though, for whatever reason.
I also had fun when you reported me
Oh, I do wonder... Should I also report you to the police, as you called me incompetent without having any proof..?
That's personally insulting and certainly can be seen as foul mouthing a business, which is illegal, you know?
relax it's just a craig m e m e
Sorry for the double post:
The thing about Internet Trolling...