Uae4all Gp2x 0.6.0 First Release With Integrated Fame/c

well it might not seem like rocket-science to you Critical, but it is still beyond the capabilities of most PSP emulator users, and is a very time-consuming process to do on-mass! :P
I meant no disrespect to you with my "rocket science" comment... it's a great feature. I just meant that I could understand how you did it. I wouldn't want to host the mega-super-savestates myself however (bandwidth/possible legal issues). It's very decent of you to provide for users like that... I guess it'll save time answering the same questions over and over again too ;)

of course, i would be very interested to hear more of your PSP uae4all port. (or even try it out.) Ric did one some time agao (before FAME/C) although i am unsure what stage it was at. He found there to be no direct improvement over e-uae, and in fact gave him less to play around with (with regards to memory etc), and this is why he didnt bother releasing it.
There is indeed less to play around with. It doesn't currently save state or write to disk either. It's not wildly different from Chui's original code.

I'll look at it again next week, and maybe put something out for you to play around with, but it was just an idle thing I looked at when sorting out the codebase so I can target GP2X, Gizmondo and PSP from the same tree. I mean, you can't get a new console and just play games on it, can you? :)

Anyway, all of us over at would be very greatful if you'd come over to chat about the projects with us, hell, if you wanted you could join the devs team! I see no reason why a healthy amount of honest and open co-operation cant take place, which would benefit everyone involved, be it from PSPUAE borrowing ADF routines from uae4all, or uae4all borrowing Ric's FAME/C integration.
Thanks for the invitation - I'd be interested to see how gnostic's uae2x would perform with Ric's FAME/C integration... that's probably the best path forward now, as I'm really short of time (house buying) anduae2x is probably from largely the same codebase as pspuae. I'll do my best, of course.

It's great to hear from you - thanks for popping in.
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@ DaveC - well that's just the attitude i'd expect from you "ooh look, our manufacters dont hate us, arent we great... mmmm.. smug!" GP2X users!!! :blink: <JOKE!!> (in truth i'd love to have a GP2X as well, i just cant afford to have both at the moment)

in all seriousness, cheers for being welcoming guys. :D

Critical; no disrespect was taken, honest! i'm a bit of a sarcastic b*stard, and i just like to have a bit of a joke around. I was simply determined to use WHDLoad on PSPUAE, because i'm a big fan of amiga HD loading... i should be since i only moved from an Amiga -> PC around 2001! even now my A1200 sits in front of me, stacked up with HD installed games, an 030 and a whopping great 24 meg of fastram!!

re: the savestates. it was my original intention to see them shared by bittorrent, like my own amiga website ( ) - but at the moment we are able to have them hosted on an external server.... which apparently has no struggles with bandwidth! if legal issues were to occur (which tbh, i've never seen with KillerGorrilla's pre-installed HD packs website) we would willingly remove them. (and then move over to BitTorrent!) - it's nice doing it direct like this at the mo, becasue it's generating a bit of interest in PSPUAE, and it shows all the annoying console-loving-fanboys in the PSP scene (i wont name systems, sufficed to say i am not exactly a fan of Nintendo gamers) that the Amiga is not the slow antiquated hunk of rubbish they seem to percieve it as, but rather the greatest computer created since Deep Thought.

RE: uae4all... no savestates or disk writing? damn! i'd be gutted when trying to play Bloodwych then! it would be like the cracked copy with no saves, where my a500 had to stay on for few days!

i'd be happy to try out anything you are willing to share. Amiga, ZX Speccy and Music programs are my knowledge spots tbh, and so i've willing offered to break beta's of all of those programs on the PSP several times! 9i'm told i'm quite good at breaking stuff!)

i'm really glad you seem keen on the idea of everyone sharing / swapping ideas / ports / code etc. i believe FOL (of has already spoken with the uae2x author (gnostic?) about swapping code etc, (since it is also built off e-uae i believe, and he has used some of ric's profiling from pspuae) so it'd be really good to get you on board to communicate with as well. I understand that real-life stuff like house buying can get in the way, but if you just get in contact (prefereably over at our forum!) whenever you are free, or when you just want to show off your skills, we'll gladly welcome you!
Shame horaces video was misunderstood. It was just an example of how States work better over adf, and load much quicker. Very few adf`s take over 1 min to load.

As for hosting, the states, I cant see a problem as we are not giving the full games as it were, but a SaveState. If any company feels differently, then I will gladly remove them from my server.

gnostic, im guessing is the guy who cantacted me. He was thanking Ric for the profiling code which gave him a speed increase in UAE2x. Very nice guy I must add, well a few emails have since been passed back and fore, sharing ideas / helping. Its awesome when this open talking and sharing, helps everyone involved.

As Horace said your welcome to join us at, to chat or join the devs. The more the merrier, Ric is working wonders with the main core of PSPUAE and thinkp has eleminated alot of bugs and add alot of stuff.

Anyways, sorry for being a PSP FANBOY!!! and posting here, ;). I registered here, before, as I was considering buying a GP2X (still am).
RE: uae4all... no savestates or disk writing? damn! i'd be gutted when trying to play Bloodwych then! it would be like the cracked copy with no saves, where my a500 had to stay on for few days!
Chui's original uae4all is for the Dreamcast. He has implemented disk writing on that platform (which as you might imagine is quite a funky feature - if I remember correctly it saves just the parts that differ from the original disk image on the VMU card). Anyway, I haven't got around to adding that to the GP2X port yet, although I hope to do so next week. Savestates are probably the main thing that has been nagged for... I'll get around to it soonish ;)

I'm concentrating on the GP2X right now, and doing my best not to get distracted by shiny new things.

I'll join your forum to stay in the loop, anyway.

Hi to FOL too - I look forward to seeing what you guys are up to ;)
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So, I wonder, guys who design propulsion systems at JPL, Raytheon or somewhere, when they try to explain stuff to their collegues... What is it not? It obviously is rocket science...
So, I wonder, guys who design propulsion systems at JPL, Raytheon or somewhere, when they try to explain stuff to their collegues... What is it not? It obviously is rocket science...

Lmao, I didnt understand a word of that.

Aye, Critical, seen that you registered at the site. Ric has just given us a very early alpha with the FAME C core, so we are currently testing it. It seems faster, just need to test it some more, before commenting.

GnoStiC, also emailed me, which was nice. As he to registered, ;). We should be able to start sharing experiences on E-UAE. Should help us all, :)
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@ DaveC - well that's just the attitude i'd expect from you "ooh look, our manufacters dont hate us, arent we great... mmmm.. smug!" GP2X users!!! :blink: <JOKE!!> (in truth i'd love to have a GP2X as well, i just cant afford to have both at the moment)

in all seriousness, cheers for being welcoming guys. :D

i'm really glad you seem keen on the idea of everyone sharing / swapping ideas / ports / code etc. i believe FOL (of has already spoken with the uae2x author (gnostic?) about swapping code etc, (since it is also built off e-uae i believe, and he has used some of ric's profiling from pspuae) so it'd be really good to get you on board to communicate with as well. I understand that real-life stuff like house buying can get in the way, but if you just get in contact (prefereably over at our forum!) whenever you are free, or when you just want to show off your skills, we'll gladly welcome you!

Well the fact that Sony tries everything they can to crush homebrew doesn't really matter to me. Just don't upgrade the FW and you are fine. I have a PSP with FW 1.5. I just don't like emulation on it due to the screen aspect/resolution, I can't stand the stretching/scaling/filtering that makes stuff look distorted and blurry. That is just me though as I guess most don't mind it.

I do like Amiga though. I just hope that your recruitment of GP2X coders here will not mean the end of the progress of Amiga emulation on the Gp2X. That would really suck for us and piss many of us off. If it helps both then great.
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I do like Amiga though. I just hope that your recruitment of GP2X coders here will not mean the end of the progress of Amiga emulation on the Gp2X. That would really suck for us and piss many of us off. If it helps both then great.
If gnostic takes Ric's FAME/C integration (or performs it himself), the GP2X will have a fantastic, well-featured Amiga emulator. No-one's trying to poach anyone... you're somehow reminding me of the G*zm*nd* thing all over again ;) Although... now you come to mention it, did you see Drpocketsnes was released for it last week? Mwahahahaha.

Sorry, I'll stop now ;)

There's a fair amount of cross-pollenation that can occur with the Amiga emulators, and as you've seen the PSP crowd are pleasant and clearly getting things done. I find it more encouraging than anything else.
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@ DaveC - well that's just the attitude i'd expect from you "ooh look, our manufacters dont hate us, arent we great... mmmm.. smug!" GP2X users!!! :blink: <JOKE!!> (in truth i'd love to have a GP2X as well, i just cant afford to have both at the moment)

in all seriousness, cheers for being welcoming guys. :D

i'm really glad you seem keen on the idea of everyone sharing / swapping ideas / ports / code etc. i believe FOL (of has already spoken with the uae2x author (gnostic?) about swapping code etc, (since it is also built off e-uae i believe, and he has used some of ric's profiling from pspuae) so it'd be really good to get you on board to communicate with as well. I understand that real-life stuff like house buying can get in the way, but if you just get in contact (prefereably over at our forum!) whenever you are free, or when you just want to show off your skills, we'll gladly welcome you!

Well the fact that Sony tries everything they can to crush homebrew doesn't really matter to me. Just don't upgrade the FW and you are fine. I have a PSP with FW 1.5. I just don't like emulation on it due to the screen aspect/resolution, I can't stand the stretching/scaling/filtering that makes stuff look distorted and blurry. That is just me though as I guess most don't mind it.

I do like Amiga though. I just hope that your recruitment of GP2X coders here will not mean the end of the progress of Amiga emulation on the Gp2X. That would really suck for us and piss many of us off. If it helps both then great.

We have not or never will ask anyone to join us and stop what they are doing. Its more of a sharing exercise, as sharing experiences can and might help each others projects. Maybe gnostic more so as his UAE2x is based on E-UAE, which is also what PSPUAE is based on. Is UAE4ALL based on E-UAE (aint looked at the source properly yet). If there is anyway we can help you guys out, let me know. Ill have to start eamiling what we have changed to gnostic as he is mailing me and helping us.

Things are getting done, as Ric was updating and posting on different forums about updating. This wasnt going any where, the new coder Ric who took over updating PSPUAE, had no base (site, forums) to get any info and bugs etc etc. So when I found out that it had been updated to 0.41.1. I siezed the the chance to save PSPUAE. I contacted Horace and he inturn contacted Ric, and so here we are today, I am detirmed not to let PSPUAE die. As im sure you are detirmined not to let UAE4ALL and UAE2x die.

Gnostic, Ric said thanks for the info, he has implemented it. ;)

Anyways, be interesting to setup a chat over at As when you get coders together, one problem is mentioned and 10 mins of ideas on how to fix it follow, ;).
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I do like Amiga though. I just hope that your recruitment of GP2X coders here will not mean the end of the progress of Amiga emulation on the Gp2X. That would really suck for us and piss many of us off. If it helps both then great.
If gnostic takes Ric's FAME/C integration (or performs it himself), the GP2X will have a fantastic, well-featured Amiga emulator. No-one's trying to poach anyone... you're somehow reminding me of the G*zm*nd* thing all over again ;) Although... now you come to mention it, did you see Drpocketsnes was released for it last week? Mwahahahaha.

Sorry, I'll stop now ;)

There's a fair amount of cross-pollenation that can occur with the Amiga emulators, and as you've seen the PSP crowd are pleasant and clearly getting things done. I find it more encouraging than anything else.


I don't see a problem in porting your hard work to other platforms. If i had the knowledge, ability and time to do what yourself and some of the others are doing then it would be a priority. Why not open up more doors and try and earn a little extra income through donations? (you're all a credit to the gp2x community and deserve everything you recieve)
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just a quick word about "poaching" - although i see FOL has covered it all already for me!

no, we would never want to see a coder joining the team, and dumping their previous projects, and this has not been my intention when asking critical to pop over for a chat, or in asking for some info regarding his uae4all PSP port... Amiga emulation being as hard as it is to do, can only thrive from everybody helping each other out to achieve the common goal.... regardless of platform. winUAE has just had a "bige-UAE merge" for example, and although my experiences of recent winUAE updates have not exactly been favourable, this could eventually counter-help e-uae on portable devices, through winUAE improvements moving into e-UAE also.

I also think that such help and commitment to the cause is very much in the spirit of the Amiga hey-day. The scene then was full of character and entailed a lot of people putting work in purely for the reward of "doing it", and for the pleasure in simply contributing to the scene.... there was a time i thought the PSP homebrew scene was turning this way, and it reminded me of the old Amiga scene, but more recently i've seen too much hype and one-upmanship, and people who just dont give a toss for the work of others, for me to think this anymore.

thankfully, everyone involved in Amiga emulation still seems to have the spirit of those times when Amiga ruled the world (comeon... they did sponsor Chelsea FC afterall!) and i couldnt be happier to see it happening here.
I also think that such help and commitment to the cause is very much in the spirit of the Amiga hey-day. The scene then was full of character and entailed a lot of people putting work in purely for the reward of "doing it", and for the pleasure in simply contributing to the scene.... there was a time i thought the PSP homebrew scene was turning this way, and it reminded me of the old Amiga scene, but more recently i've seen too much hype and one-upmanship, and people who just dont give a toss for the work of others, for me to think this anymore.
I honestly think that this GP2X community is exactly what you describe the old Amiga scene to have been. There's no bullshit here, developers always help each other, and there's a real sharing attitude.

I haven't really seen any examples of people in this community treading on each other's toes and forking projects for glory. You only have to look at things like squidgesnes to see what the crowd here are like.

You could always get yourself a GP2X for Christmas :)
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You could always get yourself a GP2X for Christmas :)

i'm considering it.... but the speccy emulator doesnt look as good as pspectrum, so i'd only be getting it for UAE, and i really need HD support (or a way to cheat around it as i have with pspuae) .... the TV output is nice, but pointless for amiga emulation, since i still have my a1200 hooked up to my telly! it's certainly food for thought though

i'm glad to hear the scene is as good as that... although i dont think anyone will be mailing jiffy bags of floppy disks anytime soon ;)
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just a quick word about "poaching" - although i see FOL has covered it all already for me!

no, we would never want to see a coder joining the team, and dumping their previous projects, and this has not been my intention when asking critical to pop over for a chat, or in asking for some info regarding his uae4all PSP port... Amiga emulation being as hard as it is to do, can only thrive from everybody helping each other out to achieve the common goal....

I also think that such help and commitment to the cause is very much in the spirit of the Amiga hey-day. The scene then was full of character and entailed a lot of people putting work in purely for the reward of "doing it", and for the pleasure in simply contributing to the scene.... there was a time i thought the PSP homebrew scene was turning this way, and it reminded me of the old Amiga scene, but more recently i've seen too much hype and one-upmanship, and people who just dont give a toss for the work of others, for me to think this anymore.

thankfully, everyone involved in Amiga emulation still seems to have the spirit of those times when Amiga ruled the world (comeon... they did sponsor Chelsea FC afterall!) and i couldnt be happier to see it happening here.

Well that is where the "If it helps both then great." in my post was from.

I was curious about optimisations and how they would work. Can all of these different optimisations be useful for all platforms? Wouldn't multiplatformness make the emulation slower 4all? If not how does this work?

For example if some code has to be written in ARM ASM such as the cyclone 68000 CPU core it would be quite useless for a PSP? Also if some code was written for the PSP GPU it would also not work on the GP2X.

If the solution was to forgo platform specific optimisations and have everything in easily portable "c" wouldn't that be too slow especially for the GP2X which has a slower CPU than the PSP? I think the GP2X needs all of the help it can get to get Amiga running at a low frameskip. Maybe even the second core would have to be used to offload some work such as audio. ASM code is probably a requirement for the GP2X if Amiga emulation is to reach a full speed status without having to overclock the bejeezus out of it (which some of us can't do).

Maybe it is just a matter of popping in modules as needed? So on the PSP a MIPs 68k core is used and on the GP2X an ASM 68k core is used? How does this all work?

I think the Amiga is the holy grail of computer emulation. All of this co-operation gives me hope that the Amiga will get the full speed treatment that it deserves on all of these platforms. Good luck.
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you'd be better speaking to the Dev's about such matters Dave! they could tell you much more than i can.... i just know Amigas. i dont code anything except AMOS basic... and even that badly! the only programming i do is music ;) my guess is that many of the optimisations taking place will benefit both systems, although where they will begin to superceed one another, will be when each takes advantage of the specific hardware the best. At the mo, all the amiga emulators on portable machines seem to be in the early stages, and i beleive the cross-over will be maximised in these stages. (educated guess that though, dont take my word on it!)

i do know that thinkp is very keen to do some MIPS ASM optimisations on the FAME/C core, since a MIPS version isnt planned by the FAME team atm. i gather this would entail re-coding some of the most commonly used parts of the core.... this i would imagine, might take some time however!

i however remain doubtful of full-speed on either system, although i see no reason why it shouldnt be perfectly playable without.... many emulators on the PSP already utilise frameskip, but do it cleverly enough that most people dont even notice. the SNES emulator imho gets a lot of undeserved praise (next to PSPUAE which takes a lot of flak tbh) given the amount of skipping that often take place on this simplier system. Still, that's just my own opinion, and now doubt many PSP users would tell me i'm full of s***. :blink:
just a quick word about "poaching" - although i see FOL has covered it all already for me!

no, we would never want to see a coder joining the team, and dumping their previous projects, and this has not been my intention when asking critical to pop over for a chat, or in asking for some info regarding his uae4all PSP port... Amiga emulation being as hard as it is to do, can only thrive from everybody helping each other out to achieve the common goal....

I also think that such help and commitment to the cause is very much in the spirit of the Amiga hey-day. The scene then was full of character and entailed a lot of people putting work in purely for the reward of "doing it", and for the pleasure in simply contributing to the scene.... there was a time i thought the PSP homebrew scene was turning this way, and it reminded me of the old Amiga scene, but more recently i've seen too much hype and one-upmanship, and people who just dont give a toss for the work of others, for me to think this anymore.

thankfully, everyone involved in Amiga emulation still seems to have the spirit of those times when Amiga ruled the world (comeon... they did sponsor Chelsea FC afterall!) and i couldnt be happier to see it happening here.

Well that is where the "If it helps both then great." in my post was from.

I was curious about optimisations and how they would work. Can all of these different optimisations be useful for all platforms? Wouldn't multiplatformness make the emulation slower 4all? If not how does this work?

For example if some code has to be written in ARM ASM such as the cyclone 68000 CPU core it would be quite useless for a PSP? Also if some code was written for the PSP GPU it would also not work on the GP2X.

If the solution was to forgo platform specific optimisations and have everything in easily portable "c" wouldn't that be too slow especially for the GP2X which has a slower CPU than the PSP? I think the GP2X needs all of the help it can get to get Amiga running at a low frameskip. Maybe even the second core would have to be used to offload some work such as audio. ASM code is probably a requirement for the GP2X if Amiga emulation is to reach a full speed status without having to overclock the bejeezus out of it (which some of us can't do).

Maybe it is just a matter of popping in modules as needed? So on the PSP a MIPs 68k core is used and on the GP2X an ASM 68k core is used? How does this all work?

I think the Amiga is the holy grail of computer emulation. All of this co-operation gives me hope that the Amiga will get the full speed treatment that it deserves on all of these platforms. Good luck.

Well, from what I have seen, gnostic and Ric have been using each others code.
gnostic with Ric`s Profiling code, which gave a speed increase.
Ric with gnostic`s display code, which helps with size and position of screen.

So where out code might not be able to help (i really dont know) UAE4ALL, it will help with UAE2x and viseversa.

1 crucial point, is you say about the processor, the PSP aint that much faster. So theres the pros and cons, PSP can only give you 6 Megs Amiga RAM tops, where as GP2X can give more. PSP CPU is faster (but no by much). So as you can see the pros and cons. Lets just hope a FullSpeed emu comes in the near future, even on these 2 slow processors.

Is it ok to post in here, or this a release thread, if so, i will stop posting.
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