Release UAE4All 2.0

whload games working on my pandora but run so slow even overclocking etc.

Skidmarks runnning quite well but POP sooooo slow.

Did anybody get these to run at near full speed .

Running lite winuae workbench version?

Did you delete you .conf files that the previous release created? If not try that, I have found that the emulator runs slow when using old ,conf files
tried lotus turbo challenge, superfrog all working full speed. I think it an issue with some of the files.

I did delete old config files.

Very happy with Amiga Emulation now nearly as good as real thing.
Is it still possible to use scanlines with this version somehow? If not, is the supported planned?

Or, where can I get a version that supports them?
No, sorry. That feature only worked in integer doubled pixels mode which isn't included anymore in the newer releases. You can download the old uae4all from which should still contain this.

The old doubled pixels mode (especially with scanlines) is slower than the new one solely using notaz sdl for scaling.

I wanted to ask notaz if he can add support for overlays to his sdl (like Toni Wilen added for WinUAE) so we can have multiple horizontal/vertical scanlines or raster effects in every emulator that uses his sdl. I'll ask about this in his sdl-thread.
That would then take half the pixels away unfortunately, if you apply scanlines to a native res. If you do that with doubled res, you still see all lines as you can sacrifice half the lines for the scanlines.
I mean notaz can apply the scanlines to the full Pandora screen - independent from the SDL-surface. So the scanlines could be applied to any other line of the full 480 pixels height even if the scaled sdl_surface only consists of e.g. 240 pixels height.

Btw., black scanlines are terrible - transparent scanlines look a lot better.

I've now put a request in notaz' sdl-thread:
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I mean notaz can apply the scanlines to the full Pandora screen - independent from the SDL-surface. So the scanlines could be applied to any other line of the full 480 pixels height even if the scaled sdl_surface only consists of e.g. 240 pixels height.

Btw., black scanlines are terrible - transparent scanlines look a lot better.

I've now put a request in notaz' sdl-thread: http://boards.openpa...140#entry168615

Great. Let's see what will happen.
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that's a pity. it does look nice in those screen shots, but would it make much of a difference on a screen the size of the Pandora? I am hoping to see hires at some stage, that would be an extra bit of icing on the cake :)
Superfrog, Alien Breed Tower Assault, Lotus Turbo challenge, Lotus Turbo III Soccer Kid, all working full speed.

Anybody whats da config for Banshee get to loading screen select English then does not load blank blue screen.?
The CD32 WHDLoad version of Banshee works.

it does look nice in those screen shots, but would it make much of a difference on a screen the size of the Pandora?
At first I wondered about that myself, too, but the old doubled pixels mode + scanlines looked really nice on Pandora's screen...
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Well in that case, I hope you've good success on implementing hires modes into UAE4ALL. This is my favourite emulator on the Pandora, and it only seems to keep on getting better!
Ive got guardian aga running but no sound.Anyone got a config for this? also banshee crashes uae2.0 for me. What config should i use? So far I have no sound for any games.I just ran adfs no hd or whdload yet.Would I get better results with whdload or the hd uae2.o option.

Also when uae 2.0 boots up it says error kick.rom not detected. I have them named kick12.rom, kick20.rom and kick31.rom I want to make a uae 2.0 1ghz pandora video so any tips and pointers are appreciated.

Anyone got exile aga working?
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It's important that you have a kick13.rom.

Also try to delete all of your old .conf-files in appdata/uae4all/conf/.

Maybe then sound'll work.

Banshee WHDLoad CD32 version works.

Regarding ADFs: there are four different cracked first disks in TOSEC - by Anthrax, Paradox, PSG and DLM. I think at least one of them works with uae4all, too.
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That sounds great - thanks for the support! :)

Not much time currently on my hands but maybe I'll give it a try (now that I finally own an Android device ;) ).

I contacted the guy. He said he can provide the source code to his users, following the gpl. if you are willing to pay for it, you can get the source code.
I really hate it when people do that.

I was browsing the net today, looking for some onEscapee walkthroughs, when I accidentally stumbled across this forum. I believe that a small introduction is in order, so let me start by saying that I'm the anonymous guy who added that HD/MC68020/A1200 support to UAE4ALL. I thought it would be appropriate to choose the same forum user name, but since user names don't mean a thing on the net, here ar some more proofs:

a ) My LinkedIn profile: http://www.linkedin....043&trk=tab_pro

b ) Email address that I used to reigister with this forum is the same email I used to correspond with AnotherGuest while working on the emu.

c ) AnotherGuest can confirm this by emailing me, if necessary. I will reply to him to confirm my indentity.

I am perfectly aware that posting my online profile kind of beats the purpose of staying anonymous in this project, but like I said, I really, really, REALLY hate it when people try to steal other people's work for money.

I'm an engineer, not a lawyer, but sometimes I find that there's not much difference between the two when it comes to finding bugs in code and holes in laws. From what I can gather, as an engineer highly practices in bug hunting, GPL licence is bullet-proof against what this guy is doing.

There are simply no bugs in this piece of legal code:

"The GPL additionally states that a distributor may not impose "further restrictions on the rights granted by the GPL". This forbids activities such as distributing of the software under a non-disclosure agreement or contract. Distributors under the GPL also grant a license for any of their patents practiced by the software, to practice those patents in GPL software.

The fourth section for version 2 of the license and the seventh section of version 3 require that programs distributed as pre-compiled binaries are accompanied by a copy of the source code, a written offer to distribute the source code via the same mechanism as the pre-compiled binary, or the written offer to obtain the source code that you got when you received the pre-compiled binary under the GPL. The second section of version 2 and the fifth section of version 3 also require giving "all recipients a copy of this License along with the Program". Version 3 of the license allows making the source code available in additional ways in fulfillment of the seventh section. These include downloading source code from an adjacent network server or by peer-to-peer transmission, provided that is how the compiled code was available and there are "clear directions" on where to find the source code."

To conclude, if any of the more legally proficient people out there wish to take some legal actions against this guy, I am perfectly willing to offer my full assistance. I cannot claim any ownership over pieces of code that were taken from PocketUAE and WinUAE projects, but I can sure as hell claim FULL INTELLECTUAL OWNERSHIP over the WHOLE MC68020 CODE (MC68020 instructions emulation and accompanying MC68020 code) in UAE4ALL and ALL SUBSEQUENT code projects that include the said code.

If I'm not mistaken, and legal guys can correct me on that, I and everyone using my code have signed a BINDING LEGAL AGREEMENT, clearly made by the above quoted GPL licence statement, and anyone not abiding by GPL licence is in breach of that contract. As a legal owner of intellectual property of my code, I am in right of demanding that all furter distribution of mu code by any party not abiding by GPL licence be immediately suspended and all or some part of financial gains acquired by distibuting my code be used in any manner I may find fit. What I find fit is that those financial gains be distributed among all who contributed to Amiga emulation projects, including the guy who made Android port, but only providing he discloses his source code.

Should he refuse to respect the GPL licence he legally signed the very moment he used the forementioned code, he is COMPELLED TO REMOVE all traces of MC68020 code from his Amiga emulator for Android.

I remain hopeful that others who contributed to emulation code used in this guys Android emulator will also be willing to make an example out of him.

Anyone know of any lawyer firm that would be willing to take this case?
And some technical stuff that people may find helpful.

The problem with speed is that FAME core is written in C while Cyclone is pure assembler. From my extensive tests while working on UAE4ALL, I found out that difference in speed can be as much as 40%.

There's a simple workaround to this problem. FAME is really necessary only for A1200 emulation. If people just want HD support for their A500 emulator, Cyclone would be the way to go. I personally use two installs on my Nokia, one with FAME core for A1200 and one with Cyclone for A500 emulation.

This is a snippet from my Symbian make file that I use to change between those two builds. The two macros outside of #ifdef are independent of core selection, so I just comment/uncomment the branches.



//#ifdef _CYCLONE_



//sourcepath ..\..\src\m68k\cyclone

//source m68k_intrf.cpp



sourcepath ..\..\src\m68k\fame

source famec.cpp

sourcepath ..\..\src\m68k\fame

source m68k_intrf.cpp


As for A1200 games that do and don't work (last checked more than a year ago), I couldn't attach the file, so I guess I'll have to copy/paste it here.

Some games that I've been playing recently:

Star Trek 25th Anniversary - there's a problem with the 4th mission, 'Another Fine Mess'. Lowering fast RAM to 4MB, loading a previous mission save game (3rd, for example), warping to Harlequin at the beggining of a previous mission (incorrect destination for 3rd mission, but it works), and then loading 4th mission and warping to Harlequin seems to solve the problem of crashing.

onEscapee - Amiga ALT key appears on emulated keyboard, but it turned out that it actually maps to left CTRL. So I changed the following line in vkbd.cpp:

{{ 10,34,10, 5 },73, 1,88,90, SDLK_LALT/*SDLK_LCTRL*/}, // 89

Amiga ALT is used for personal shield in onEscapee, and judging by one walkthrough, it's impossible to play beyond some point without a shield. Unfortunately, even with a shield I've been unable to get past that point as things happen too quickly when entering new screen. So I've been looking for some help on that.

It's the screen when some robot activates explosives, when you enter the base and take an elevator down. If anyone knows what can be done here, let me know. :)

The list of A1200 games:

* Not working *


Breathless - black screen

Fire & Ice CD32 (WHDLoad) - crashes

Kid Chaos CD32 (WHDLoad) - crashes

Motorola Invaders 2 - exits

Ryder Cup - Johnnie Walker - crashes

SkidMarks - click on SKIDMARKS doesn't start the game (both OCS & AGA)

Virocop - crashes/freezes

XP8 (WHDLoad) - bullet collisions don't work, but ship collisions do

(you can't shoot anything down, but everything can shoot you down)

* Some problems *


Banshee (WHDLoad) - occasional screen flashing

Defender of the Crown 2 CD32 (WHDLoad) - incorrect colors

Deluxe Galaga (WHDLoad) - player ship gfx problems

Disposable Hero CD32 (WHDLoad) - menu gfx garbage, in-game OK

Fatman the Caped Consumer - some sprite flickering when it rains

Fightin' Spirit - incorrect colors

Guy Spy CD32 (WHDLoad) - screen flashing

Humans CD32 (WHDLoad) - menu gfx garbage, in-game OK

Star Trek 25th Anniversary - doesn't work with WB 3.1, works with ClassicWB and AmigaSYS4AGA

Super SkidMarks - occasional screen flashing

Super Stardust (WHDLoad) - sprite problems

Tubular Worlds - jittery movement

Wheelspin - menu gfx garbage, in-game OK

Zool - some sprite garbage

* Working * (floppy & WHDLoad 17.0)


Action Cat


Alfred Chicken

Alien Breed 2 (WHDLoad)

Alien Breed - Tower Assault

Alien Syndrome (WHDLoad)

All New World of Lemmings

Arcade Pool

Base Jumpers CD32 (WHDLoad)

Beneath a Steel Sky CD32 (WHDLoad)

Benefactor CD32 (WHDLoad)

Battlestorm CDTV (WHDLoad)

Black Viper (WHDLoad)


Body Blows

Body Blows Galactic


BombPac CD32 (WHDLoad)

Brian the Lion

Brutal Football

Bubba'n'Stix CD32 (WHDLoad)

Bubble & Squeak (WHDLoad)

Burning Rubber (WHDLoad)


Castles 2 CD32 (WHDLoad)

Chaos Engine (WHDLoad)

Chaos Engine 2

Charlie J Cool

Chuck Rock 2 CD32 (WHDLoad)





Dangerous Streets

Dark Seed CD32 (WHDLoad)

Death Mask

Deconstruction (WHDLoad)

Defender of the Crown CDTV (WHDLoad)

Deluxe Pacman

Dennis (WHDLoad)




Dragon Tiles

Dragon Stone CD32 (WHDLoad)



Fantasy Flyer


Fields of Glory

Fire Force CD32 (WHDLoad)

Flink CD32 (WHDLoad)

Football Glory

Frontier CD32 (WHDLoad)

Fury of the Furries CD32 (WHDLoad)

Galaga '92



Harry's Balloons

Heimdall 2

High Seas Trader


Hoi Remix

Impossible Mission 2025

International Karate+ CD32 (WHDLoad)

International Open Golf Championship


Ishar 2

Ishar 3

James Pond 2

James Pond 3


Jungle Strike

Jurassic Park (WHDLoad)

Last Ninja 3 CD32 (WHDLoad)

Leading Lap MPV


Liberation - Captive II

Lion King

Logical CDTV (WHDLoad)

Lords of the Realm

Lost Vikings CD32 (WHDLoad)

Lunar-C CD32 (WHDLoad)

Marvin's Marvellous Adventure

MAX Rally

Mean Arenas CD32 (WHDLoad)

Minskies (WHDLoad)


Myth - History in Making CD32 (WHDLoad)

Naughty Ones

Nigel Mansell's World Championship

Nobunaga's Ambition





PGA European Tour (WHDLoad)

Pierre le Chef is... Out to Lunch (WHDLoad)

Pinball Fantasies (WHDLoad)

Pinball Illusions

Pinball Mania

Pinball Prelude

Pirates Gold CD32 (WHDLoad)

Power Pinball CDTV (WHDLoad)

Premiere CD32 (WHDLoad)

Primal Rage (WHDLoad)

Puffy's Saga

Putty CD32 (WHDLoad)

Quasar Wars

Quik the Thunder Rabbit (WHDLoad)

Qwak CD32 (WHDLoad)

Raffles CD32 (WHDLoad)

Rally Championships


Rise of the Robots

Roadkill (WHDLoad)


Sabre Team

Second Samurai (WHDLoad)

Shadow Fighter

Shaq Fu (WHDLoad)

Simon the Sorcerer

Skeleton Krew (WHDLoad)

Slam Tilt

Sleepwalker (WHDLoad)

Soccer Kid

Speedbal 2 CD32 (WHDLoad)

Speris Legacy

Subwar 2050

Superfrog CD32 (WHDLoad)

Super League Manager

Super Loopz (WHDLoad)

Super Methane Bros CD32 (WHDLoad)

Super Street Fighter 2 (WHDLoad)

Surf Ninjas (WHDLoad)

Theme Park (WHDLoad)

Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Pinball

Tin Toy Adventure in the House of Fun

Tiny Troops CD32 (WHDLoad)

Top Gear 2

Total Carnage (WHDLoad)

Tower of Souls


Treasure Island Dizzy CD32 (WHDLoad)


Tube Warriors (WHDLoad)

Turrican 2 CDTV (WHDLoad)

UFO - Enemy Unknown

Uridium 2

Virtual Karting 2 (WHDLoad)


When Two Worlds War

Whizz (WHDLoad)

Wingnuts (HD installed)

Winter Olympics (WHDLoad)

Worms CD32 (WHDLoad)

Worms - The Director's Cut

Wrath of the Demon CDTV (WHDLoad)


Xennon 2 CDTV (WHDLoad)

XTreme Racing

Zool 2 (WHDLoad)
Glad you found this place and thanks a lot for your hard work that made it possible for us to enjoy AGA games on Pandora!

Since our device is pretty powerful Amiga 500 games run fullspeed with FAME/C core (many 1200 games do, too).

Thanks for the info about OnEscapee - we have a controls menu so we can map ALT for this. On Youtube there's a Let's play series for the game that should answer your question (this is part 1, but there are 7 more):

Would be great if you could help us fix 2 games that are on your "working" list but have problems in our version (merged with your work) that render them unplayable: Slam Tilt and Roadkill.

In Slam Tilt the score counter always shows values like





and only switches between them when you're supposed to score something.

In Roadkill you can't accelerate. The CPU drivers can't either! You can turn around on the spot but not move forward.

Do you have an idea what could cause these problems?

Having Slam Tilt fixed would be a dream come true! (Except for the score counter it seems to run perfectly.)

When the Android dude tries to sell UAE4All 2.0 containing your intellectual property I'd be glad if you'd start legal actions and would of course fully support you as witness.

@Craig and EvilDragon: I think it would be a very good idea to donate a Pandora to "anonymous"...
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