
Ok good to know. Let me refrase that: Hope OP starts using a Antarctican production company soon. :p
What's really funny is that I had that typed out, but deleted it right before I posted.
Thank you all for your words of encouragement. I'm glad I can give back to the community.

My goal today was to see every pandora board they had. No if, ands, or buts. Show me some boards!

What I'm doing for the community is SHOWING what CC has. And from what I've seen, I'm confident that we will receive our OPs

Cheers Trey! Nice to have someone closer to ones friends than is possible.

"His was name was Rodney Reynolds..."

"His was name was Rodney Reynolds..."

"His was name was Rodney Reynolds..."

"His was name was Rodney Reynolds..."

Its almost Christmas folks...have some Sherry!
wait a minute, how is the chinese year gonna hold us back? how many cases do we have now? other parts are from texas or from uk...
RL has been seriously busy for me for awhile/forever so not had time to check into this forum .. I tend to keep an eye on gp32x more, thats 'home' right? :)

Man, some nice pics though :)

Go Trey!

And remember, when an engineer lies, you get a chip and stick it into his back until he can yell out the number of pins it has. Thats how you make 'em work ;)

Ed would be in a better place than I to answer this, but don't they still need the last 1k or so of cases to finish off Batch 2? I've kinda lost track.

I'm hoping if there is a more or less steady stream of parts that batch 3 would follow close on the heals of batch 2 and the Chinese New Year will certainly impact this. Plus manufacturing maybe the tail end of batch 2 in Taiwan, which should be faster overall, but may incur some small startup time before their line is up and running.

Not that the Chinese new year would impact Taiwan, but I'd guess it'll all steady out and "gel" after the Chinese new year, and I'm hoping it actually reaches that state as soon to after that New Year as possible.

Edit: Maybe it does? I don't know how the holidays break down in Asia and who follows what calendar.
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^Ed said they were waiting on the last 1000 cases because they were checking out a company in Taiwan. He said they'll probably ship them by air.

Edit: Oops, I thought you were talking about Batch 1. I have no idea about batch 2.
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So that means there must be a goatee-less version of this guy in the mirror universe who's honest and up front about everything.
Hmm, let's see - what do we know about the circuitco guy

Stature: on the short side

Hair: Short

Facial hair: Goatee

Dress: Last seen, suit trousers, shirt and tie

I've got it! Consider our very own EvilDragon:

Stature: Teutonic

Hair: Long

Facial hair: Clean shaven

Dress: Last seen, jeans and mediaeval metal t-shirt

Awesome work by Trey. Sounds like we've got someone who won't take any sort of bullshit, and that's awesome. Only thing I want to know now is; Trey, when are you going back?
They maybe making all of the Beagleboards when I ordered mine from Mouser I was back ordered for a month. They said they were waiting for more delivered straight from the factory..

They have been making them. Trey saw them making Pandaboards and Beagleboards when he was there Friday a week ago (when the CEO "forgot" about that appointment), this time they were definately mostly working on PandoraBoards.

Well, they only got the nubs last monday, so they might've decided to finish the Pandaboards and Beagleboards first and then start doing the Pandoraboards after that (might've been Wednesday or Thursday, who knows?)

That's why I hope they will start doing the boards NOW.
And remember, when an engineer lies, you get a chip and stick it into his back until he can yell out the number of pins it has. Thats how you make 'em work ;)
Engineers don't lie, they only twist the very fabric of the reality to adjust your perceptions of it.
He thought he could hide his identity? It explains the company's affinity for a red colour scheme.

Electronics though? C'mon Lucifer, that's not evil :p
