Let there be boards (2010 - 12 - 02)


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Michael had another conference call with the board production company in Texas and we got some news.

* The remaining LCD Cables should ship to me next week. I'll need a few days to solder the speakers onto them (and will probably setup a webcam). The cables for half of all units are already in UK, so I'm not that much in a hurry here.

* They told us they are still in schedule even though the nubs have been delayed (they had been planned to be there two weeks ago). They mentioned they hired more people to do labor once the nubs arrive to speed that up. They will finish all the boards as planned even though the nubs are not there yet (so we should have 3000 boards without nubs but fully tested in 1,5 weeks).

* The parts for Batch 2 are ready except for the RAM chip which is a bit hard to get. It should be there when Batch 1 has been finished though.

* 90 - 95% of the boards are finished already. Very few failed testing and need to be redone, that does sound good.

Well, we heard similar things quite a few times from them. However, there is one difference:

They will give Trey (that's one from the community here, living right around the corner) a tour on Friday. Trey has yet to confirm that he has time to visit them, but they probably won't lie to us about finished boards and invite someone to check the numbers a few days later.

We'll hope Trey will have the chance to make some nice pictures of thousands of boards on Friday!

About the nubs:

2000 are on the way to Texas and will arrive on Friday / Monday.

The rest are waiting for the PCBs. We hope to get a schedule for them soon.

That means: 1150 fully tested, Pandora PCBs with nubs should ship soon to UK!

So, next important day for more news would be Friday.

I'd really love to see some pictures with finished boards :)
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Very Great news!! I was actually just thinking, "Hmm I wonder when ED will update the news." Then I checked here and to my surprise some very promising news. Probably the best news within the past year! Hope all of batch one is shipped before Christmas! *Fingers crossed*
Very Great news!! I was actually just thinking, "Hmm I wonder when ED will update the news." Then I checked here and to my surprise some very promising news. Probably the best news within the past year! Hope all of batch one is shipped before Christmas! *Fingers crossed*

That would be VERY hard, as building the units takes quite some time!

I'm happy if we can get the finished boards before christmas though - then shipping will start and won't stop...

I don't trust the calm yet though. It's christmas time, all companies are going crazy, doing production during that time is not easy.

Hopefully the nubs will soon be there, so as many boards as possible can be finished.

I'll be VERY VERY happy though if we find out on Friday that really all the boards are finished and just missing the nubs :)
You remember I said 2000 nubs are ready? Well, actually, the eMail said 2000 PARTS are ready (that was last week).
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I'd say overall this is positive news. Like you ED, I'll be so happy when all the parts needed for your assembly are in the UK (or wherever they need to be) and that the only thing left is to put the parts together, no more having to rely on other people, no more supply issues, shipping delays. If we're anywhere nearer that stage by Christmas, it'll be a big difference to the unfortunate static state we've found ourselves in. Thanks for the update, looking forward to see if Trey can make it to the company.
Aaaaaand another update (just got the information from Michael):

2000 nubs have INDEED already been shipped to Texas and should arrive Friday / Monday.

It's just the rest that are waiting for PCBs (and we are waiting on a schedule for those).

So 1150 boards should have nubs soon. Yay! :D
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Aaaaaand another update (just got the information from Michael):

2000 nubs have INDEED already been shipped to Texas and should arrive Friday / Monday.

It's just the rest that are waiting for PCBs (and we are waiting on a schedule for those).

So 1150 boards should have nubs soon. Yay! :D
So 1000 New Pandora's should be made soon?
So 1000 New Pandora's should be made soon?

Yes :)

And the rest shouldn't take much longer - as they also only are missing the nubs :)

Christmas / New Year will probably eat some days here... but if I see finished boards without nubs, I'm a happy ED :D
* They told us they are still in schedule even though the nubs have been delayed (they had been planned to be there two weeks ago). They mentioned they hired more people to do labor once the nubs arrive to speed that up. They will finish all the boards as planned even though the nubs are not there yet (so we should have 3000 boards without nubs but fully tested in 1,5 weeks).
Wasn't the schedule to have all the boards for batch one done by October 18th, a month and a half ago? Or was it November 18th? Whatever, either way the schedule you originally said they gave you had them all being finished weeks ago. What is this "they're not done but still on schedule" stuff? How can they be on schedule when they're already past schedule? You guys are too nice, letting them get away with things like this. :(
Yes :)

And the rest shouldn't take much longer - as they also only are missing the nubs :)

Christmas / New Year will probably eat some days here... but if I see finished boards without nubs, I'm a happy ED :D

Consecutive good news, surely not..

Many thanks for the update Ed.. so shipping of remaining batch 1's scheduled for... ??
Wow, my early-morning gets better. I wonder how long they think it'll take them to finish the rest. Either way, this means we'll likely see the beginning of a steadier flow of boards from Texas. Great news thanks for the update.
I'm approximately 850 in Craig's queue... so is there a chance I'll get mine in the time period of December 17-Feb 1? It's my winter break from college and it'd be incredible to have some time to mess with it.
So 1000 New Pandora's should be made soon?
Yes :)

And the rest shouldn't take much longer - as they also only are missing the nubs :)

Christmas / New Year will probably eat some days here... but if I see finished boards without nubs, I'm a happy ED :D
I wonder if this will get Craig's list up to 850-950, where I am. If not oh well, no big trips for me until February.
Eeep! At last count I believe I was 2000+, so I'll expect my Pandora before my birthday (end of Feb). Good news, I suppose, as having a Pandora wont do my desire to get a second iPad any favours.
I would like to vote for an offical Pandora delivery stop before the upcoming christmas.

The good reasons are:

Without a new Pandora, everybody will have all the time to have a merry merry christmas with their well beloved family.

There is no "build as much you can" pressure for all production sites, which could lead into a lower quality and RMA units.

Nobody gets angry because he's still waiting but his friend got his Pandora already. ;)
If whe did went to my sister on christmas (because she has now her newborn daughter since yesterday) i need my Unit for this time, because between Saarbrücken and Nürnberg there are about 400 km (248,548477 miles)

But there are good news, and myebe there are some more good news tomorow

EDIT: Christmas would be better whit a Pandora: Last Christmass i went all 2 Hours tho my PC to see whats new in the Openpandora Board...

whit the Pandora i can bee in the Living Room an surve whit the Pandora... :p
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