The Truth is out there (2010-12-11)

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I think we should make sure that if CC doesn't deliver now they get their 15 minutes of fame over the internet.

I'm pretty sure the heavy traffic gadget sites like for instance Engadget and Gizmodo won't mind doing a piece on this company as they've done more reporting on the Pandora. David versus Goliath always does well. And the whole Pandora story with the community fronting the money and you guys going through hell and back only to be lied to and brought into trouble at the last hurdle is certainly something they'd like to publish.

I know people personally who are involved in both Gadget websites as well as television programs and magazines in Holland. In fact I already have 2 playdates for the Pandora which will get it huge exposure among the gamers/gadgetlovers once I get it and hopefully will help OPT to sell more. Might as well see if they would also like to do a little item on how the little people get screwed over by CC.

Besides that, if we combine forces and try to get maximum exposure over the internet on forums etc we can probably get them to change their name as anyone who Googles them would seriously think twice before doing business with them. And then we'll make sure everyone gets to know that they were CC before. :ph34r:

Ok ok... But let's hold off talking about this until *after* things can get going with the second company in February. No good can come from shooting our own feet off - we are in no position to be making any kind of threats until we have a *backup* or alternative means of producing boards.

I think we should make sure that if CC doesn't deliver now they get their 15 minutes of fame over the internet.

His tone is worrying to me as I'd say that "We're so sorry we didn't meet expectations and we understand you're upset with us. Please allow us a chance to make it up to you and try to exceed you expectations from now on" would be a much more logical reaction for someone who knows he can provide and wants to retain future business (and not just from you) instead of thinly veiled threats.

Right, so if his tone is worrying and he's looking for an excuse to dump us and claim moral high ground - Let's not give that to them! Let's be bigger than this, hold our tongues and be supportive until the alternative is in place.

I have a sneaking suspiscion you guys are in dire straits money wise and the critical mass of cancellations that will make you topple is probably a lot lower then we'd like it to be.

So let's not tempt fate. We should all at this point, if we really care about getting our Pandoras, think very carefully before we post anything on these forums or elsewhere that might inadvertently cause problems... cancellations... and the demise of the Pandora.

Let's just be cautious PLEASE.

There's no harm waiting until Feb.

Go murder a pillow or smash something if you feel the need to vent some steam. Venting it here ISN'T going to help any of us!
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Are you sure you don't mean it in an Angry Dragon way?

Warning: Don't visualize!







vvv code tagged to fix formatting vvv


                                     ^ <-- oh shit...

I added that becasue i'm sick of people always assuming homosexuality. It sucks! You always have to watch your back :\.


And worse, who the *fuck* added that to the urban dictionary?

...but I gotta give you kudos for making me laugh.
Let's just be cautious PLEASE.

There's no harm waiting until Feb.

Go murder a pillow or smash something if you feel the need to vent some steam. Venting it here ISN'T going to help any of us!

Agreed! Posts made in a time of enraged passion can only hurt the OP team and cause further set backs or worse :(

Might I suggest this for venting?
Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, it does!

Seriously, the people who are getting all agg about CC really need to either grow up or calm down, preferably both. It's difficult to think that any of you have had any business dealings with anyone in the past if you behave like this. CC's behaviour was not good, but if you think that's unusual then you are dreaming, lots of companies do it, and all the threats and stupidity on here isn't going to help matters. As said elsewhere on this thread, making this fact public probably wasn't the smartest thing that OPT have done, but ED has been honest throughout the whole process; personally if I was the CC guy I'm not sure I'd be so happy about having my company's error/misjudgement discussed like this given the tone of some of the posts on the last few pages. I'm 100% with ED - if things go smoothly from now on, there there's no problem. I don't see anyone deciding that they're going to go burn down Craig's house, which given the TWO YEAR delay would be a "proportionate" response compared to the "kill CC!" routine for what will be a minimal change in the delays we've already suffered. Publically stating that OPT is looking for other production alternatives for a project which has probably been a PITA for CC so far (it won't be in the future if all goes smoothly, but at present I'd think it's one of those jobs that the company could take or leave) is not a smart move, IMO, either. Remember that most electronics companies are looking for simple mass production, or high-value work, not something like the Pandora (which is still small fry no matter what people try to say to the contrary).

Work the problem, rather than start a witch hunt.
Work the problem, rather than start a witch hunt.


as already said, if we want to play with our pandoras a day, we must help them at our level.

That include stop throwing rocks on their face instead of think and talk about solutions...

pandora borned, grew and live because we are a community who love this project, and will continue to live as long we support them!!

don't burn honnest guys like ed and simply think about one question: with another company, how many chances exist to have a guys would tell us the truth?

i follow ED, with the community and for the pandora!!!!!!

(edit : sorry for my english...)
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Wow, one would think Pandora was holding back the cure for cancer... this is just an awsome micro laptop here.

In my opinion, I never ordered a Pandora. I invested in a company called Open Pandora and my hopes is for an eventual dividend in the form of a working Pandora. If it never happens... well I lost a heck of a lot more in the stock market a couple years back.
Wow, one would think Pandora was holding back the cure for cancer...

no, pandora is "by gamers and for gamers".

where Big N, sony, appale and all the other are fighting to sell us their vison of a gaming machine, OPT just concretise our
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Under the circumstances, I think its time for some good old fashioned British WWII Ministry of Information propoganda :-)

So ED, given that the CEO of CircuitCo obviously reads these forums, how long will the delay be when you have to move to another board manufacturer? I mean, there's always a chance that the unkind comments on here will be forgiven and won't affect production, but it's painfully obvious that they're going to cancel your production now.

What kind of a delay are we looking at now?

If the information is properly vetted (and, at this point, I'm not so sure), then OPT has an obligation to share it with their customers. Even if they didn't come right out and say they lied, it would obviously be implied. If OPT were to gloss over, or spin the facts to avoid upsetting CC, it would be dishonest, and, contrary to the apparent opinions of some people posting in this thread, dishonesty doesn't suddenly become okay if it makes good business sense.

I'll have to disagree that OPT has an obligation to tell folks CC lied. As I explained, they could have simply said Trey visited and they they were now working on boards for OPT. (Which is true.) I'm sure folks would have been ballistic with this information, but it would not be OPT doing the mud slinging. That is a VERY important distinction.

I watched the start of this thread and alarm bells were going off right at the start. It was couched in a way that was doomed to cause people to react in a very, very negative manner. Only one outcome (all the board made and ready to have the nubs installed) was going to please anyone. This is especially disingenuous on OPT's part as they knew that CC was only going to get paid when they ship the boards out. I am stunned OPT was naive enough to believe that ANY company would start building stuff in advance especially when a critical part (the nubs) from another vendor had failed in the past and needed reworking. What if the nub company could never find an acceptable solution to the part? Or what if this batch of nubs had problems as well?

I hate saying it but CC are the ones using the most business common sense in their behaviour. (By waiting until they actually have functional nubs before starting any production.) And before you jump on the "lied" theme I have serious concerns that OPT is horrible at communicating appropriately with suppliers and, more importantly, actually asking the right questions. Ed's first languarge is German and while he does communicate a lot and quite well in English, there are times where it seems things are being lost when he translates to English. This is not a knock against Ed at all either, these things happen and are to be expected. So OPT is dealing with at the very least English, American English (which can actually cause communication problems), Chinese (Mandarin and/or Cantonese) and German. Things that are assumed if everyone speaks the same language can easily cause communication problems. So I have serious concerns that poor communication on BOTH parties part (CC and OPT) caused this rift. Yet is seems everyone bashing CC just assumes that OPT is completely in the right here. I highly doubt that things are so BLACK and WHITE as is being couched - things are nearly always shades of gray and that is when professional and appropriate communication is the most important for business. Getting all in a tizzy when things don't go as you expect simply wastes energy and creates wasted animosity that is not justified or productive.

I'll repeat that most of this thread is embarrassing. (I tip my hat to the others that have attempted to calm this thread as well and that are expressing concerns at all these threats to CC. It seems we are in the minority here.) Calmer heads need to prevail here and seriously think before folks sound off in such a negative manner.
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I'll have to disagree that OPT has an obligation to tell folks CC lied. As I explained, they could have simply said Trey visited and they they were now working on boards for OPT. (Which is true.) I'm sure folks would have been ballistic with this information, but it would not be OPT doing the mud slinging. That is a VERY important distinction.

I watched the start of this thread and alarm bells were going off right at the start. It was couched in a way that was doomed to cause people to react in a very, very negative manner. Only one outcome (all the board made and ready to have the nubs installed) was going to please anyone. This is especially disingenuous on OPT's part as they knew that CC was only going to get paid when they ship the boards out. I am stunned OPT was naive enough to believe that ANY company would start building stuff in advance especially when a critical part (the nubs) from another vendor had failed in the past and needed reworking. What if the nub company could never find an acceptable solution to the part? Or what if this batch of nubs had problems as well?

I hate saying it but CC are the ones using the most business common sense in their behaviour. (By waiting until they actually have functional nubs before starting any production.) And before you jump on the "lied" theme I have serious concerns that OPT is horrible at communicating appropriately with suppliers and, more importantly, actually asking the right questions. Ed's first languarge is German and while he does communicate a lot and quite well in English, there are times where it seems things are being lost when he translates to English. This is not a knock against Ed at all either, these things happen and are to be expected. So OPT is dealing with at the very least English, American English (which can actually cause communication problems), Chinese (Mandarin and/or Cantonese) and German. Things that are assumed if everyone speaks the same language can easily cause communication problems. So I have serious concerns that poor communication on BOTH parties part (CC and OPT) caused this rift. Yet is seems everyone bashing CC just assumes that OPT is completely in the right here. I highly doubt that things are so BLACK and WHITE as is being couched - things are nearly always shades of gray and that is when professional and appropriate communication is the most important for business. Getting all in a tizzy when things don't go as you expect simply wastes energy and creates wasted animosity that is not justified or productive.

I'll repeat that most of this thread is embarrassing. (I tip my hat to the others that have attempted to calm this thread as well and that are expressing concerns at all these threats to CC. It seems we are in the minority here.) Calmer heads need to prevail here and seriously think before folks sound off in such a negative manner.
Yeah. We need to send out more Positive Waves, to keep the Kelly's Heroes reference going.
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