The following is based on a true story.

Well, yeah, the cases are pretty robust... but if something REALLY heavy accidentally drops on them, that probably won't help ;)

It could also be most case parts survived. But a courier would NEVER deliver such smashed boxes to the client :)
As long as you don't need to pay for these crushed Cases it should be OK.
For the Case Company, at least you have the (more or less finished) Molds, which is good. Maybe you can now look for a quality (german?) molding Company for mass production if the greek can't do it properly?
How transparency takes the pain out of things, I'd thought things had gone quiet, usually you'd be fobbed off with a lie or told nothing, things do go wrong and it just goes to show when a third party drops the ball, honesty and transparency takes the pain and stress away!

Looks like I'm not the only one to find it strange "bullet proof" cases could be crushed.... ah-hem...
Thanks for the update ED. Might not have been the news you wanted to cascade, but by the law of averages good news must surely be imminent :)

Looks like I won't be getting a Pyra for my Scotland holiday in June though....... :(
I too think it's bull crap, the cases were supposed to be very sturdy and even damaged goods should be delivered. Nothing to do but deal with it though. It is what it is. Some applied pressure in regards to threatening to move the mass production to another company could help. ;)
I say it's plausible they got crushed. While the casing plastic is sturdy, it's shipped as individual pieces and these individual pieces are not an assembled case which would reinforce itself. There are weak places in the thin sections and such.

It's also just as plausible it's a delay tactic, it's hard to say without proof.
I too think it's bull crap, the cases were supposed to be very sturdy and even damaged goods should be delivered. Nothing to do but deal with it though. It is what it is. Some applied pressure in regards to threatening to move the mass production to another company could help. ;)

Well, it's not that far off.
No courier delivers completely crushed boxes.
Chances are (if whatever crushed them was heavy enough) that the carton boxes were completely damaged and all plastic parts were lying around.

You let the insurance take care of that and let your client reship the goods.

Usually, they went via boat from Greece to Germany, so something CAN go wrong here.

But yes, you can be sure I keep an eye on everything. It's good that I can visit anytime - would be impossible if production happened in China...
So black is now the Pyra color?
What is the status with the other parts?

Which ones? Mostly everything was covered in my the last newspost (the one before the cost calculations)
What are you missing?
You are always way too optimistic about progress anyway ED.
Setbacks are bound to happen. I am positively surprised so few have happened so far.

Yep, it sucks, but shit happens. We will get there eventually.
Then he-who-wont-be-named send it's minions to destroy the works of hope...
It was as if the weight of the world was on it's shoulder [buttons]... and the pressure made it break and get crushed, for it was still small and defenseless for it hadn't grown strong yet.
The cracked parts were molten again in the volcano which was the furnace of origin. And new parts were made, that would last until the end of times.

From the book of the Dragon, chapter 11:10
You let the insurance take care of that and let your client reship the goods.

If the courier was contracted by the case company, you'll likely not see any more of it.
If the courier was contracted by your company, get ready for the insurance claim process - and you might get a chance to see a picture of the carnage.

Either way, it's a box of plastic. It can be replaced and the only cost is time. Nobody was hurt (that we know of).

Thank you for letting us know.

Does this mean that the purchased prototypes are all going to be in black cases?
I´m not much interested on what happened itself as that is past, so it is just for curiosity sake.
I´m glad there is a plan of action dealing with it, like the renewed deadline to receive the newer cases.
Hopefully all goes right now and we don´t have to change company.
I´m not much interested on what happened itself as that is past, so it is just for curiosity sake.
I´m glad there is a plan of action dealing with it, like the renewed deadlinetimeline to receive the newer cases.
Hopefully all goes right now and we don´t have to change company.

Fixed it for you.
well im just going to say SH1T happens. at least you told us what is going on and im happy to hear that. this project is a tough one to do and at least your keeping up and find out whats going on with the parts.
The logo plate color ?

It'll be black. 3000 already produced :)
[doublepost=1493663736,1493663281][/doublepost]Well, if nothing has been posted then the status from last time hasn't changed.

Well, i think you know the parts better than me.
Case: If you finally receive the 50. How long do they need for mass production? Will they all be black?

Mass production can be done in a couple of days, depending on the plastic used.
If it's no special color, then the plastic should be available from stock.

I want to offer transparent ones as well (as people requested them), but I don't want to make too many colors from the beginning, as that would increase the costs A LOT.

keymat: When does the mass production start? How long does it take?

Mass production takes roughly four weeks, only thing needed to be tweaked now is the DPad (see the "Test the keymat"-Thread), and I'll receive new ones end of next week.

PCBs: Any more fixes needed? Ordered? When? How long?

Nothing new has been found yet, but the applied fixes need to be tested thoroughly.
Mainboards take about 4 weeks to be produced then they'll be ready for mass production.

LCD Cables: Same, when can the new ones be ready?

Hasn't changed, about 3 - 4 weeks (plus shipping).
We had to revert back to a rolled one though (still with redundancy), as simulations showed the S-Curve the other cable made put too much stress on them.

Boxes: Design? Production?

2 weeks production time, so that's one of the late things to be done.

USB tested and workung?
Wifi tested and workung? How good?
LTE tested and workung? How good?
Bluetooth tested and workung?
HDMI tested and workung?

Functionality of those has been tested over a year ago (way before the second prototype production run), so they basically work.
Some more hardcore testing will be needed, but so far no issues have been found.
Sorry for all the trouble ED, but thank you for staying on top of it! As always, you are the best. I hope things in the future go smoothly so that you don't have to deal with so much stress!
Whoop whoop!

That's maybe the best news I got today, I want as well a transparent Pyra
Because this also looks awesome on my GBC