The Caring Corner :)

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That's true; they do stay in the Corner. Mind you; I'd be lying if I said a few didn't go outside, here and there too :p

Eek, rygD! Please don't cut me down..I'm already short :( *picks up her roots and lays them down elsewhere* hehe
Mind you; I'd be lying if I said a few didn't go outside, here and there too :p

They gave their lives so that I might have a satisfying meal at a low price.
I have seen variations of it many times.  I wish I could remember the ones where the person pours the can over themself and lights it.
I fear we may have gone slightly off the Caring track. Back to work, Care Bears. People are in need of huggles, care and glitter and happy rainbows :D
I've got two *huggles* to hand out. One to Miku who helped me fight off my depression when it reared its ugly head earlier, and one to Lolla who also helped me fight it off.
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I'm not the type to look for sympathy or dwell on the past, but I'm a little concerned that I've never really dealt with the comparatively recent death of my (albeit somewhat estranged) father. Or maybe I have, by just soldering on and never really thinking about it.

He didn't pass under the best of circumstances ( it was a footnote in the local news ), and when the police drove us out to where he was found- not far from his childhood home- I marked the spot on my iPhone map as "dad."
^ my condolences.

on another note, i'm surprised nobody got the facehugger reference, as Aliens were brought up.

I left it wide open for

'zilly the God Alien chest burster' to make it's appearance...


... yes, I know it's rather zilly.
@Gadgetoid: Oh nej :( I'm so sorry to hear about your father, and his passing *huggles*.

Have you really spoken about it to anyone?

I think in a way, our mind protects us - to a degree - when dealing with trauma etc, by gradually coming back to it bit by bit, like slowly lifting a veil. Is that what's happening with you?

Maybe your way is to do that too. But it is important to grieve - so absolutely put some time aside to do that. Maybe writing down your thoughts/feelings - or even writing a letter to him - might help make it a little easier to deal with, and/or give you some kind of closure.

I think you marking the spot of his passing, as 'dad' was very lovely of you to do, also.

As always, we're all here, should you need us.
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but I'm a little concerned that I've never really dealt with the comparatively recent death of my (albeit somewhat estranged) father.
My condolences.
I sort of did the same thing when my old man passed away. Put it away without too much thought.

In my experience, it will come back at certain times which remind you of him and you will grieve then.

Eventually it will get its own place. Just takes time.
Thanks guys, it's been some time now ( I wish I could actually remember how long, but over a year ), but I don't really talk about it to anyone. I have, as Caine says, put it away without too much thought. I'm not sure if that's just drawing out the process, or if that's just how I deal with things.

My dad had reached out to me before he passed, but I had other problems in my life that means I couldn't be there for him. They were things way out of my control, and I don't even really know if I could have made a difference, but I suppose it's typical to question yourself when something like this happens. Since it happened after the other problems, well, there wasn't really any room left in my life for more disaster so I kind-of ignored it and moved on.

After the funeral I just sort of sat quietly, didn't eat much, and slowly drank myself unconscious. It wasn't my proudest moment.

@FaeMinx I've been watching the Alien movies again recently, watched Aliens yesterday in fact. Legendary film! I didn't know it was John Hurt in the original film until Alt-J's song "The Gospel of John Hurt"... yup random weird hipster music contains Alien factoids...

On a positive note, I've moved on, moved away, and moved jobs to something much more fulfilling where I get the chance to help and educate people on a 1:1 basis and really explore my potential as a professional "tinkering with random electronic shit" guy. I'm managing to haul my ass back down south on a semi regular basis to see my daughter, too.

Which leads me to a song:
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