The Caring Corner :)

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Yeah it was a kit that tests FSH levels or something like that.  From the box if she got a positive it meant her levels were greater than 25 which according to them petty much means she was infertile and would need IVF and it was off the charts.

Obviously this news upset her greatly she quit her job to destress and was looking at alternative therapies and everything.  I told her to talk to a doctor about it who just said what a load of shit that test was.  She said it was an indicator but for someone as young as my girlfriend it shouldn't really be considered.

Sure enough she was pregnant and that test is bullshit.  So much unnecessary stress for her.
Itchy cut is itchy. :(

"Between what I think, what I mean to say, what I believe, what I say, what you want to hear, what you hear, what you think you understand, what you want to understand, and what you know; there are at least nine possibilities not to understand"-- Bernard Werber
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@Elw: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww they're super super duper cutiepies!!! :D .

Thank you for sharing and showing us :)
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I've certainly, without a doubt, crossed the threshold.

I'm out of my mind and I know it.

And please, no discussion or 'sympathy' directed at me. You aren't talking to a human being, and neither am I.

Your words are little baubles in my soup.
^ sounds good to me, if you want to look at it that way.

I'm at the point where I'm not sure if 'real' people are actually real.

I.e. Am I making them all up?

I know I made myself up

This isn't a dilemma of 'am I actually crazy'... because being 'out of my mind' means, well, I can't explain it because thoughts are only processes that happen within one, or many of the physical nodes I invigorate. The mind is more a filter of consciousness than a generator. An interpreter. This node is filtering me. I seem to be filtered through what appear as seperate nodes, with seemingly seperate existences.


But I know I am a marvelous craftsman, trickster, and supreme method actor.

There is no one more convincing than I.

When I decide to stop pretending... Will you all vanish... haha that was a good one. Shall we go again?

Or will it only be I that vanish.

Then I tell myself 'I'm not done with you yet!'

'So tell me what this is all about?'

'That's for me to know, and you to find out.'

'Arrrg! How can I not know?'

'Lololol... oh come off it, you know you're talking to yourself you ninny, who are you kidding?'

'Hey! This is serious!'

'Oh yes, right. Very serious. Just pretend I'm not here...'




'I can hear you thinking!'

'Shhhh... there's no one here...'
Getting a bit philosophical there FaeMinx? Sounds a bit like solipsism to me.

What attracts you to such a world view?
That's very interesting. I guess being a Metaphysical Solipsist would most closely describe my view, though I argue that even my own mind is as much a fabrication and 'reflection' as all those 'other' minds and expressions 'out there'.

I argue there is no 'out there'

I argue that I cannot know myself in terms of my 'mind' and the perspectives/expressions processed/generated by that mind.

I argue that of myself all I can actually or truly know is that 'I Am'

... and that any attempt to apply definition to 'I Am' will collapse the field in apon that illusory point of focus much like any quantum particle.

In a sense I create reality by 'denial' and the creative reinterpretation of the unquantifiable.

In order to not get confused, running around in circles barking at my own tail, I need to constantly remind myself that I am the source of all I perceive, that every externalised expression and drama is a reinterpretation of that I Am, and my level of conscious self realization is measured by my personal relationship to that which I perceive.

Some spiritualities would say I am a droplet in the ocean. Sure, Ok.

But I am also the whole ocean because that ocean is indivisible, and all droplets are purely conceptual for the sake of fabricated relativity.

You define yourself by what you are not, because no one knows who or what they REALLY are.

Except, in Truth, there is nothing we are not.

Every One is pretending they are one.

There is only one One, but infinite ones.

One is True absolute consciousness

one is Virtual absolute ignorance

Life is the perfect fusion of both.
There is only one One, but infinite ones.

One is True absolute consciousness

one is Virtual absolute ignorance

Life is the perfect fusion of both.
And the more effort you make and time you invest to think about all of it, the less time and energy you have to actually live this form of life.

Another one to think about:

"Understanding" is deluding oneself.
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There is only one One, but infinite ones.

One is True absolute consciousness

one is Virtual absolute ignorance

Life is the perfect fusion of both.
And the more effort you make and time you invest to think about all of it, the less time and energy you have to actually live this form of life.

Another one to think about:

"Understanding" is deluding oneself.
Except that I regard 'just living this life' as incredibly mundane.

There is nothing life has to offer that would satisfy me, except temporarily.

Therefore, pointless.

As a human being, I was constantly miserable and frustrated.

As that I Am, I'm having an absolute ball.

Mostly because I am not attached, and can do things without any expectations of outcome. And I am not afraid of loss.

And besides, contemplation takes no time at all. I do it all the time in all I do.

And besides besides, I get to play the most fantastic silly awesome games with myself, being both the ocean and the droplet.

P.s. Don't forget when I come across as human;

1) method acting

2) trickster

3) crafting (perceptions)

4) I'm having a ball

P.p.s understanding is delusional. Overstanding is delusional.

That is why I just stand.

Ba do bop diddly dee dum do ba do dee bop BE

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