
Damn. I could not believe my eyes when I saw that sweet little logo fade in from the white background :-) Thank you Squidgey!

- Alex
Think of virtualisation like this:
Two systems have the same CPU's using the same instruction sets.
They may have completely different hardware for graphics acceleration and controls, etc...
Virtualisation let's you run one systems code natively on another system and hooks into the calls to certain hardware and emulates only that portion.
You can see why I'm interested in this. Expect some news on my front soon. ;)
Thanks Squidge :)
I imagine myself geting a GP3X after 3 years, running a GP2X emulator on it, running a GP32 emulator above the GP2X emulator, and running LJ NES emulator over all this :P
Hey, I'm coming from ZodTTD's thread, so correct me if I'm wrong, but:

interpretation<dynamic recompilation<virtualization

Guessing here, but for virtualization, you'd have to know and understand the entire instruction set of the target CPU in order to get it running on the host CPU (which would mean pure assembly)? Is that what makes it so complicated? It is more complicated than a dynarec right?

Anyway, amazing stuff Squidge!! Looking forward to playing some GP32 apps!
Nova posted on Mar 14 2007 at 01:48 AM said:
Why's it called spot?

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Jaguarandine posted on Mar 13 2007 at 06:29 PM said:
Hey, I'm coming from ZodTTD's thread, so correct me if I'm wrong, but:

interpretation<dynamic recompilation<virtualization

Guessing here, but for virtualization, you'd have to know and understand the entire instruction set of the target CPU in order to get it running on the host CPU (which would mean pure assembly)? Is that what makes it so complicated? It is more complicated than a dynarec right?

Anyway, amazing stuff Squidge!! Looking forward to playing some GP32 apps!

For virtualization to work it must be the same processor. The instructions are then called for the most part as-is. The emulator has to catch calls for special hardware and emulate them.

As for the amount of complication for the different types, you have to know the entire intstruction anyway, or you have no business trying to make an emulator.
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zodttd posted on Mar 14 2007 at 12:42 AM said:
Think of virtualisation like this:
Two systems have the same CPU's using the same instruction sets.
They may have completely different hardware for graphics acceleration and controls, etc...
Virtualisation let's you run one systems code natively on another system and hooks into the calls to certain hardware and emulates only that portion.
You can see why I'm interested in this. Expect some news on my front soon. ;)

The GBA and the GP2X both use ARM too. Couldn't the GBA emu run code natively on the ARM and emulate the other hardware in spare cycles? There are alot of spare cycles as the GBA runs at what, 16 MHz and the GP2X runs at 200 MHZ. Plus you have another core laying around waiting to be used too :)

Could that be possible?
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purple_goat posted on Mar 13 2007 at 11:05 PM said:
how about a readme?

What would you need a readme for considering its current state?
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zodttd posted on Mar 13 2007 at 05:21 PM said:
Squidge, DJ Willis, unai, and skeezix are some of my favorite homebrew developers.
Heh, I have to agree with that one... lots of cool, helpful coders in this scene :)

It's quite amazing to see the GP32 running on the GP2X, albeit a little laggy... but the GP32 emu by firefly was about the same speed I'd guess and tbh that was on PC :)
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Also keep in mind, from what I understand Squidge did the code up very quickly. I bet he had it on his mind for awhile though. ;)

I'll let Squidge answer the question of performance, but my honest opinion is that there's a lot of room for him to optimize and things will be running faster soon enough if he sticks to the project. :)
I'm glad I voted for the mystery project!! :D

I'd love to play GP32 software on my GP2x. Keep up the work Squidge!