Well, I had noticed while playing some games in Stella a slight deform to the LCD while pushing the joystick to the right.
Taking the advice of others, I decided to try and remove one of the rubber 'spacers' under the LCD. I figured I needed to anyway, since the several specs of dust under the screen protector were driving me (even more) insane :lol:
With my trusty mini-screwdriver and can 'O air I went to it. Got rid of the offending top rubber square and all the dusties ... heck, I even bent the LEDs up slightly, so they sit nicer, then re-assembled the unit (which was an exercise in extreme nervousness ... it's always harder to re-assemble then to destroy
I'm very satisfied ... no more distortion, no more specks of dust, but I did screw up a bit; While blowing the crap out, I must have leaked some liquid into the blast of air and got a small haze-like spot on the screen cover. It's only noticeable when the power is off, but I'm concerned ... will this eventually dissappear, or am I doomed to look at my screw-up??
Taking the advice of others, I decided to try and remove one of the rubber 'spacers' under the LCD. I figured I needed to anyway, since the several specs of dust under the screen protector were driving me (even more) insane :lol:
With my trusty mini-screwdriver and can 'O air I went to it. Got rid of the offending top rubber square and all the dusties ... heck, I even bent the LEDs up slightly, so they sit nicer, then re-assembled the unit (which was an exercise in extreme nervousness ... it's always harder to re-assemble then to destroy
I'm very satisfied ... no more distortion, no more specks of dust, but I did screw up a bit; While blowing the crap out, I must have leaked some liquid into the blast of air and got a small haze-like spot on the screen cover. It's only noticeable when the power is off, but I'm concerned ... will this eventually dissappear, or am I doomed to look at my screw-up??