Wolf3d For Gp2x

reaper79 posted on Dec 8 2005 at 09:43 PM said:
OrR posted on Dec 8 2005 at 01:48 PM said:
I can understand not uploading the engine to the archive but I don't understand why there shouldn't be a news post... Oh well...

Well, when you have the responsibility of hosting a great site like this, it's better not to take chances. Besides, most hosts are pretty leary of getting in trouble b/c of what someone posts on thier servers.
That's why I understand that it's not uploaded but posting a newspost is hardly anything to worry about.
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Why not remove the shareware files from the package? Then it can be put up on the archive since there's no Nazi party references in the engine itself.
nickspoon posted on Dec 8 2005 at 10:07 PM said:
reaper79 posted on Dec 8 2005 at 07:43 PM said:
Besides though at Wolf3d is about eliminating Nazis

Grammar Police!

Grammar nazi. :P

Just out of curiosity... How were the obvious signs and banners handled in the... "Untergang", I think it was...
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OrR posted on Dec 8 2005 at 10:15 PM said:
That's why I understand that it's not uploaded but posting a newspost is hardly anything to worry about.
In germany, Wolf3D is on the index which means that it isn't allowed to spread or advertise the game. ED would be on very "thin ice" if he tries to do that, even if he just makes a newspost.
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Jarska333 posted on Dec 8 2005 at 08:24 PM said:
Grammar nazi. :P

Yes, but due the fact that this thread is debating the morality of using Nazi references on German servers, I refrained from using it.

Now, sit down and hail me.
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Octoate posted on Dec 8 2005 at 01:46 PM said:
OrR posted on Dec 8 2005 at 10:15 PM said:
That's why I understand that it's not uploaded but posting a newspost is hardly anything to worry about.
In germany, Wolf3D is on the index which means that it isn't allowed to spread or advertise the game. ED would be on very "thin ice" if he tries to do that, even if he just makes a newspost.

Shit, that's fucked. That reminds me of the episode of Family Guy where Brian was talking with the German tour guide in Munich.
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nickspoon posted on Dec 8 2005 at 10:07 PM said:
Grammar Police!
If you want correct spelling, don`t hang around in internet forums <_<

Jarska333 posted on Dec 8 2005 at 10:24 PM said:
Just out of curiosity... How were the obvious signs and banners handled in the... "Untergang", I think it was...
Jep, "Der Untergang" with Bruno Ganz, quite good movie, and everything was in there - hell, even the Indiana Jones movies show the Hakenkreuz (Hookcross?) and it isn`t forbidden... it`s just stupid to forbid games like Wolf3D - people who want to play them, play them anyways...
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nickspoon posted on Dec 8 2005 at 10:48 PM said:
Jarska333 posted on Dec 8 2005 at 08:24 PM said:
Grammar nazi. :P

Yes, but due the fact that this thread is debating the morality of using Nazi references on German servers, I refrained from using it.

Now, sit down and hail me.

I figured it's usually standard to stand and hail?

Ave Caesar, Morituri te Salutant!

Is blood still green in Germany?
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Jarska333 posted on Dec 8 2005 at 02:24 PM said:
nickspoon posted on Dec 8 2005 at 10:48 PM said:
Jarska333 posted on Dec 8 2005 at 08:24 PM said:
Grammar nazi. :P

Yes, but due the fact that this thread is debating the morality of using Nazi references on German servers, I refrained from using it.

Now, sit down and hail me.

I figured it's usually standard to stand and hail?

Ave Caesar, Morituri te Salutant!

Is blood still green in Germany?

I think you've got Germany mixed up with that one episode of Star Trek.
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Octoate posted on Dec 8 2005 at 08:46 PM said:
OrR posted on Dec 8 2005 at 10:15 PM said:
That's why I understand that it's not uploaded but posting a newspost is hardly anything to worry about.
In germany, Wolf3D is on the index which means that it isn't allowed to spread or advertise the game. ED would be on very "thin ice" if he tries to do that, even if he just makes a newspost.

Actually Wolf3D is not on the index. Its allowed to sell games on the index to people over 18, but it's forbidden to sell Wolf 3D to anyone.
Doom, Duke and Quake are on the index and they are in the file archive.
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Ninjia^ posted on Dec 8 2005 at 01:43 PM said:
On a side note the one thing I hate about metal Slug CD is that they replaced blood with what looks like water when you kill a soldier :angry:

Easy fix: Just change the region setting of your NeoCD to Japanese and you have the full gore :)

SatanClaus posted on Dec 9 2005 at 12:46 AM said:
Actually Wolf3D is not on the index. Its allowed to sell games on the index to people over 18, but it's forbidden to sell Wolf 3D to anyone.
Doom, Duke and Quake are on the index and they are in the file archive.

Exactly. Had some chat with the index guys this year at the games convention:

Doom, Duke, Quake are not allowed to be sold to people which are under 18 years old.
Furthermore, any advertising is not allowed.
Now, uploading the engine onto the archive and doing a newspost is okay - as long as I don't advertise it (i.e. GO BUY the original game HERE!) and as long as there is no link where to get the game itself (neither the original nor the shareware version).

That's because the engine is just a technical thing, and there are a lot of WADs out there which are not on the index. I'm allowed to offer these, too.

However Wolf3D is not on the index, it's entirely illegal and forbidden in Germany.
Therefore, I am not allowed to even mention it anywhere.

That's the reason.
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Hooka posted on Dec 8 2005 at 10:17 AM said:
Just thought I'd let you know I did a really crappy port of wolf3d to the gp2x

Nice job, Hooka! Hopefully by the time I get a GP2X, it will be full speed with sound!
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EvilDragon posted on Dec 8 2005 at 03:56 PM said:
However Wolf3D is not on the index, it's entirely illegal and forbidden in Germany.
Therefore, I am not allowed to even mention it anywhere.

So you wouldn't even be able to mention the engine? What if you posted it as the Super Noah's Ark 3D engine? ;)
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OrR posted on Dec 9 2005 at 02:42 AM said:
Die Beschlagnahmung ist mittlerweile verjährt.
So, no need to worry.

Yep, that's what Wikipedias Author thinks.
I don't know how he came to this conclusion, but the time it needs for games on the index to be allowed again is 25 years (and Wolf3D is NOT from 1980) and if a game is illegal it stays that way.

As said, talked about this with the guys from the "Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften".
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wait, but the port has no textures in it. is it illegal to even reference anything that COULD have textures containing swatstikas? if so, then a doom2 port wouldn't be allowed, because of the link i posted above...

you wouldn't be supplying the textures in question in either cases, why is one legal and why isn't the other?