Sierra Sarien Emu


Certified Guru
Nov 1, 2002

I newly tried the Scumm emu and enjoyed it, then I tested the Sarien emu and looked for the sources.

I've updated the current cvs version and added some features.

The main difference for the GP32 is the sound and the GuiWordbook :o)
Zip files also work, you don't need the hacked pc-link version, just add your for example in the directory gp:\gpmm\sarien\
The zipfile itself should be without any directories inside..



PS.: I only tested Space Quest 1 & 2 , perhaps I have not modified all necessary code-locations for the zip-feature..
nice one- looks like I'll have to dig out those old floppy disks.

Is it the original EGA version of Space Quest you tested or the updated VGA version? there's a huge difference......

hmm... wonder if there's an old sierra collection I could get hold of

The old versions ... The EGA version

There is a project for the new Sierra games Freesci, but I have not looked at the sources yet, yet :)

Nicely done - its good to see someone working on this again. You mention the guiwordbook - does that, by any chance, pretty much elimiate the need to type everything on a virtual keyboard? I suppose I should try it myself and find out lol, but its too close to midnight right now :)
I might give it a go tomoz.
the Wordbook starts for example like this:

a - card..
care.. - dude..
dump..- guar..
guar.. - log..
look.. - pool..
port.. - sign..
sink.. - this..
thos.. - zone..

then you can specify the word in two further steps, finally you get the complete list, but you are at the 'selected' position :-)
Really great, but found some issues (maybe it occurs only on my GP). In Larry 1 at the age verification screen you are asked and have to choose answer (A,B,C or D) - the problem is that virtual keyboard doesn't respond. It also occured in Agi Demo Pack no. 1 (can be found here) where you need to choose number of the game and keyboard doesnt respond as well.
I've tested also King Quest 3 - it works but there are slowdowns when you are walking (i noticed the same in space quest 2).
response :) jipeah, okay

okay, I have set the speed to 66mhz, it seemed to work well :) , I will adjust this or add an option

I have downloaded the demo-pack, I will fix the problems :o)
Ernest posted on Feb 18 2004 at 08:53 AM said:
also wwith all these quality adventures being put on gp32, do you reckon discworld will ever get the treatment
probably not, since there's no free alternative for the interpreter, afaik. (like Sarien for Sierra adventures and ScummVM for LucasArts adventures)
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tuskenraider2k posted on Feb 18 2004 at 12:56 AM said:
okay, I have set the speed to 66mhz, it seemed to work well :) , I will adjust this or add an option
Don't change clock speed - it is ok. It was actually my fault :)) I've tested PC version and had the same 'slowdown when moving' issue. Actually it was me causing the slowdowns as if you want a hero to walk in given direction you just push joystick once in given direction and hero starts walking and i was keeping joystick pushed for. eg. left and the movements get shaky :)) So everything is ok and there is no need to overclock anything :)
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Thanks man im playing leisure suit larry already ;)

i have the patch to skip the quiz on LSL1 if anyone wants it :)

And yes its legal you need to download AGI Studio to edit the leisure suit larry game.

You can make your own games with AGI studio 2 :)

jegHegy posted on Feb 18 2004 at 11:55 AM said:
Ernest posted on Feb 18 2004 at 08:53 AM said:
also wwith all these quality adventures being put on gp32, do you reckon discworld will ever get the treatment
probably not, since there's no free alternative for the interpreter, afaik. (like Sarien for Sierra adventures and ScummVM for LucasArts adventures)
Also worth noting that the Discworld source was 'lost' when the company went bust (as I understand it). The ScummVM team looked into this some time ago.

You would have to reverse eng. it and that would be a BIG job, not impossable but big.

I am really glad to see sombody working on the Sarien port, time to dust off Space Quest VGA :D.
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just updated the download...

- I fixed all (?) problems with the keyboard
- the demo-packs don't need to be repacked anymore
- v3 games work now

- v4 games doesn't work ?? none tested yet :)


I wanted to put it online several hours ago, but there was a stupid problem with the v3-games :P

:: AHHH, sorry, I inserted some strange bug..
I forgot to do a rebuild :) *ups
i tried v0.80c and v0.80d and can't answer to questions (A B C D) but i can enter my age, am i doing something wrong? the older sarien skipped that part and started playing directly, i don't know why... can anyone help me please?
yes, I tried it myself :-(( , I think this is the only isue now or ? perhaps I just change all letters to the 'lower' ones ?
I think no games want 'only' capitals?
Or should I insert that the user can decide between 'A' and 'a' through 'swapping' like CAPS lock ?

I just updated the download..

The only change for compatibility is Larry 1. It should work now. ( the adult questions )
2. If you like lower case letters, you can use them too
And finally:
3. If you have a keyboard which works with Mr.Spiv's example program, perhaps it works with this emu too :-), I can't test it myself :-(
Just a couple problems here :) Kings Quest 1 & 4 don't work, kings quest 2&3 do and so does police quest, but in police quest if you look at the newspaper, you can't stop looking at the newspaper. Terrific work though, I like having sound :) thank you tuskenraider2k!