I just use the version before this one, it works fine for me. One cool thing I noticed is that the seams between the tiles are gone in this version. That is a big plus.
do you think, it will ever be possible to get full speed with sound?
i mean, the increase of performance from version 0.2 to 0.3 was impressive. how did you do that?
and that's no begging for a release or something, i'm just curious, if you think it's possible or if you are evn working on it h34r:
another funny thing is that the speed in version 0.3b seems to be slower. i recognized this in california games. it was even slow in the first version, but now it's even slower. but i thought this second version just had gui fixes and save states?
i really played with this emu many hours since last week. i really forgot, how great the lynx was.
with savestate support i can try to complete xenophobe.
Just tried this new version. It ROCKS!! it is getting real close now! Even with sound it it at a very playable speed. The background gamma still could be darker, and there is a bit of screen flicker, but this is a much improved version, I can get my roms to show up fine now. Thanks much
Wow! hellofan improvement tuskenraider2k! I can't believe I'm playing chips challenge w/ sound (albeit a bit crackly) at 166! I really hope you contiunue with this project
This is one emu I would donate for if it gets fullspeed w/sound at FS 0,1, or 2. It is not to far from that either (sound a bit slow yet). Keep up the great work!