Nice to see a fellow LOOM fan on the boards.
I think that this emulator looks fairly promising, even if its installation & interface seems a little unintuitive. It's been slowly but surely progressing over the past two years from "unplayable" to "playable without sound at 156Mhz".
PORB is a combination of a lynx emu and a few games (Arkanoid clone, some space invaders clone, etc)... at least that's what it was when I downloaded it a few months ago; the files for the games seem to have been removed since then. TBH, it looked to me more like something a programmer would make for himself so he could say "look at how cool these shaky line menus are!" as opposed to something you could actually use.
Not that it didn't look cool, but it was buggy and I suspect that the interface made sense only if you were the programmer.