RTFM , the big gathering thread for useful commands and tricks around Pyra and Software


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Staff member
Oct 24, 2008
Germany,, Saarland, at home
Well to get a place for all of the stuff, this is it:
I would suggest just write commands hear, like:
DOSBOX: mount C media/matzesu/pyra 2/pyra roms/DOSBOX/Munch

Not only Commands, also shortcuts for the Emulators like
mgba : fn + F1 - F... = Savestate Shift + fn + F1 - F.. Loadstate

Something like this, stuff you need, but don’t find in the documents
Just make your own Pyra Manual by opening a file and copy and paste,
Note that some stuff needs editing for your own Pyra, like on DOSBOX or song..

Now have fun
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Yeah, but I assumed the tips in this thread would be better at least if they were correct. I'd expect DOS to actually see long filenames or filenames with spaces in them to actually be referred by their old 7.3 names, something like pyra~#1 instead of 'pyra 2', but perhaps DOSBOX ain't DOS so they're doing things less braindead than Microsoft did back in the day. In linux at least though, you need to escape all of your spaces (or put the entire term in quotes) because it needs to know where the term ends and the next one starts. It's conceivable that since that particular command has the path name last, it could assume all spaces after the third space separated word is part of the same term, but that won't work for all commands.
Well on the other sd cart, I had it in the root in a DOS called Folder, but as this SD Card got a write protection, I just moved the stuff to my second SD Card.. maybe I will move everything, and then use gparted to format this Left SD Card to a real Linux Format..
a good format that doesn’t make Issues ..

I don’t test dosbox yet whit the Pyra 2 sd card
Ok now that I Test space in the directory name, hear is a first correct tip:
DOSBOX Stagging:
mount c /media/matzesu/pyra/dos/nwurm
This tells DOS from where it’s have to start the software,
You should use other directory’s as I would suspect that your Dos Game Folder isn’t on my Pyra ..
also note that dos don’t work whit space in directory names, so “pyra 2” don’t work..
then c should be mounted, and you can go to the directory by using C: , but you need to use shift +fn + ; because it’s a bit wyrd mapped in dosbox ..
then you can look in the directory by just typing
And then look how the executable file was called (.exe) and then write in my example

Then it should work, and you have started the Snake Clone, or other DOS Games..

Edit: in DOSBOX, type
For some other commands

edit 2: this should look like this when you had succes:
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Yes, the keyboard glyphs initially seem a bit random under DOSBOX, but if you're familiar with a 1nn-key US keyboard then it does make sense at least in your head, even if your fingers will still likely be a little confused.

is on shift semi-colon
, which on a pyra is FN+I, so under DOSBOX on Pyra, the keys you need to enter are shift+fn+I.
Similarly, open curly brace/bracket ({) is on shift square brace ([), so under DOSBOX on Pyra the keys to press are shift+fn+C
And close curly brace (]) is on shift close square brace (]), so under DOXBOX on Pyra the keys are shift+fn+V.

All the symbols I can think of:
Symbol        |        Pyra keys
 Colon (:)             shift+fn+I
 Open curly brace ({)  shift+fn+C
 Close curly brace (}) shift+fn+V
 Double quote (")      shift+' (the key to the left of the A row, as labelled)
 Question mark (?)     shift+fn+period dot (. or >)
 Pipe (|)              shift+fn+H
 Plus symbol (+)       shift+fn+Z
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