Pyra Unofficial Quick Reference

The latest working Vivaldi is 6.2.3105.58.
Well for me the latest release of Vivaldi works good..(6.5.3206.61)
2024-02-11 08.58.50 version d1138266fdc8.png
2024-02-11 08.58.50 version d1138266fdc8.png
On Buster?
All versions above v6.2 just close after a few seconds on my device running Debian 10...
Okay thats good news. Now why do these versions refuse to work in my case?
I tried on a fresh image and v6.5 runs, that's great. Since this year, current releases of the chromium engine do not work on Windows 8.1 anymore, so this will happen to buster one day as well. But not yet :)

This is the error I get when launching vivaldi from the terminal:
[3650:3650:0211/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=11
[3650:3650:0211/] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.
Trace/breakpoint trap

A quick google showed that this error emerged with recent chromium versions on some configurations. So this may get fixed in future releases.
[Edit: ok, writing took me much too long, good to see that the current Vivaldi does work after all]

Bummer that you cannot use an up-to-date version of Vivaldi :(
Well, at least there is some version of Vivaldi available :)
With the Pandora this really became a reason for me to not use it for mails and browsing any longer, though. (Plus I got other devices which performed much better at some point).

I think instead of deleting the repository you can also do something like:
apt-mark hold vivaldi
That would enable you to unhold the package in case for some reason an update becomes possible later.
Could this cause dependency issues with other packages down the line?
In principle yes, if you hold a package which is a dependency for others. Otherwise it should be save, because all dependencies for the held package are there and should be kept as well.
This thread doesn't get nearly enough traffic. The first thing I did when I got my Pyra was install Vivaldi. As of this writing, the latest stable Vivaldi works on the stock Pyra with Debian Buster. I'll make a thread about it later.
Is there any reason to not recommend that new Pyra owners flash Bookworm as their first act? I just finally put it on an SD card, so I'll test it more this week and next, but it seems fine.
Is there any reason to not recommend that new Pyra owners flash Bookworm as their first act? I just finally put it on an SD card, so I'll test it more this week and next, but it seems fine.
I think the old OS is most compatible, latest least stable. None have the audio patch still I think.