Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

Are the controls for the Pandora version described anywhere?  I couldn't find anything in the repo or this thread...

Are save states supported?
Are the controls for the Pandora version described anywhere?  I couldn't find anything in the repo or this thread...

Are save states supported?
Game button wise it matches the real Dreamcast controller at least physically. The labels are different of course between systems. A and X are swapped.

Not sure about saves.
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I messed up.  :)

When I noticed slowdown, I had accidentally switched back to the default SGX driver.

Switching to the newest driver brings speed for SA1 back on par with what I experienced on the last release using the newest driver. It does seem a bit smoother, and turning off sound no longer causes the game to skip too fast. I will test more as I play through the game, but so far the experience might even be a little better, especially with being able to safely deactivate the sound. Thanks again!
Are the controls for the Pandora version described anywhere?  I couldn't find anything in the repo or this thread...

Are save states supported?
VMU (memory card) saves are supported in-game.

Dpad is Dpad

Left nub is analog stick


R/L is R/L (digital)

Right Nub can be configured on the fly:

    Use "n" to silently switch mode

    Modes are "none", "up/down->R/L (analog)", "left/right->L/R (analog)", "ABXY"

Use "s" to switch sound (on by default)

Use "c" to have some performance counter on screen
New version of Reicast is out on Android.  Not sure worth porting to Pandora though.
Ok, I'll try to update Pandora build this WE.

I think the core now support some basic Disc swap feature, so that will be worth integrating, but for that I will need to add more GUI element, so that will take time (so probably not this WE but a bit later)
Ok, I synced the sources and compiled a new version. I haven't implemented yet any Disc Swap feature... But that will come eventually.

build 09


  • In sync with official sources
  • Remove "f" for frameskip as it was not efficient.
I think this worked quite fine for gta2 which was around 75% at my rebirth unit.
Oh, really? In fact, Iit's true that I based my testing on a Gigahertz unit, that has a GPU 2* faster than Rebirth/CC. I'll try in a "not-so-far" future to put back frameskip, at least in an experimental build, to see if it make a difference.
Oh, really? In fact, Iit's true that I based my testing on a Gigahertz unit, that has a GPU 2* faster than Rebirth/CC. I'll try in a "not-so-far" future to put back frameskip, at least in an experimental build, to see if it make a difference.
Thank you, I will test it, when my Pandora arrives back :) .
Hi ptitSeb,

Is it possible to disable the shadows in Reicast? I do not think there is a built in option to disable shadows but perhaps the shadows can be disabled by modifying the code?

Disabling shadows makes a huge difference on my old Pentium 4 computer running NullDC.

In NullDC this is done under Options ->  PowerVR -> Modifier Volumes

 Modifier Volumes:
         This has something to do with shadows. By default, this is set to the first option.
         "Normal And Clip (Slowest, highest accuracy)" - Provides the highest accuracy in terms of shadows and things, but may impact performance.
         "Normal (Good speed, good accuracy)" - Provides moderate accuracy and speed, as the label portrays.
         "Off (Fastest, no shadows)" - This will probably increase your performance if you're having issues, but you won't see any shadows, as if it wasn't obvious.

Thank you!
Hi ptitSeb,

Is it possible to disable the shadows in Reicast? I do not think there is a built in option to disable shadows but perhaps the shadows can be disabled by modifying the code?

Disabling shadows makes a huge difference on my old Pentium 4 computer running NullDC.

In NullDC this is done under Options ->  PowerVR -> Modifier Volumes

 Modifier Volumes:

         This has something to do with shadows. By default, this is set to the first option.

         "Normal And Clip (Slowest, highest accuracy)" - Provides the highest accuracy in terms of shadows and things, but may impact performance.

         "Normal (Good speed, good accuracy)" - Provides moderate accuracy and speed, as the label portrays.

         "Off (Fastest, no shadows)" - This will probably increase your performance if you're having issues, but you won't see any shadows, as if it wasn't obvious.

Thank you!
Oh. Interesting, but no idea for now if I can do that. Some research is needed ! (and I still have to do try to put back the Frameskip option).
New release on the repo. I update to latest source, but not nuch as changed (mainly Android GUI).

I added back the frameskip option, for CC/Rebirth model, maybe it helps (it doesn't on my Gigahertz).

build 10


  • In synch with official sources
  • Added back the frameskip "f" option (probably usefull only for CC / Rebirth model).
Well, as you know, mine is overclocked to 1300MHz so it runs pretty good.  I'll try to make a video when I have a chance.  But this version is much more stable I think. 
Well, as you know, mine is overclocked to 1300MHz so it runs pretty good.  I'll try to make a video when I have a chance.  But this version is much more stable I think. 
yeah, 1300 mhz... i saw that in your Pandora Model CHeck screenshot :P

Does the sound still stutter at this speed ?
Yes, but not as bad.  And Soul calibur is very very close to full speed at this speed, but sound still stutters.  So I don't think it's all the Pandora's fault :P .  I think this emulator still has room for improvement on the Pandora.  If the sound stuttering gets fixed/improved, we're in business :)

At work now, can't make a video at work.

As for the 1300MHz on my Pandy.  This is the stable speed tested by notaz's CPU Stress Test tool!  :o .  So this means it can go a little higher than 1300MHz as the test is conservative!  This is crazy as I got this unit on ebay the other day for 300 something squids.  Zero3K stated here that his unit is stable at 1300MHz, I'm a believer now. 
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