Release Sonic Robo Blast 2


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Sonic Robo Blast 2, a Sonic themed 3D jumping game.


This is a fresh compile, using latest sources & datas.

It use SDL only, as the GL version is not running well (heavy use of glReadPixels & glCopy* making it unuseable with glshim). I tried with the omapdss driver, but it change almost nothing to the render speed, so I left x11 driver and switched Nub to "First Person Shooter" mode (left as joystick, right as mouse).

Build 02 now use omapdss so smaller windows mode (like 400x240) can be used for faster speed. But the nub as mouse is kinda unuseable, so changed default mapping scheeme.

History log

Build 03

  • fresh new build (should be sligtly faster)
Build 02

  • omapdss driver now used
  • Changed default to 400x240 and keymap too (you may need to remove appdata/srb2)
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Some Pandora customization
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i still got the code, it mainly needed a EGL update to support raw fb mode.
It's doing many glReadPixels and glCopyTexture2D, the performances are not good (and it's heavily blinking when using raw fb), so all this call has to be avoided (using FBO), but that doesn't seems like an easy task.
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The old Version has random Segfaults in the Game with the rescent Zaxxon.

I am glad to have a new Version of this,thx ;)
Hi all,

@ ptitSeb: thanks for porting SRB2 to the Pandora :)

I played it a little yesterday and this morning. It's a bit too slow on my Rebirth @ 600 MHz with driver (FPS between ~7 and ~15 on 1st level I'd say, getting worse after that) and overclocking didn't help, I guess GPU is the bottleneck here. I changed some options in both menus and config file, with very little results so far.

Cheers, Magic Sam
Hi all,

@ ptitSeb: thanks for porting SRB2 to the Pandora :)

I played it a little yesterday and this morning. It's a bit too slow on my Rebirth @ 600 MHz with driver (FPS between ~7 and ~15 on 1st level I'd say, getting worse after that) and overclocking didn't help, I guess GPU is the bottleneck here. I changed some options in both menus and config file, with very little results so far.

Cheers, Magic Sam
I didn't used 3D for this one, it's pure software rendering. Strange, I get much petter frame rate on my Gigahertz (more than double that), and I don't remember seeing soo low fps on my CC. I'll test again.
Just realized I wrote something stupid about GPU being the bottleneck, sorry about that :)

No matter the CPU clock (600 MHz or 825 MHz), Notaz' Live System Info still reports 100% CPU usage.

Cheers, Magic Sam
I remember that, pretty fun game actualy. But yes, it performs not really well, especialy not on a CC Pandora. Strange, because it should run much better for a "simple" DOOM Engine thing. But I'm not an technical expert, I guess the original makers just had todays PC's in mind when making that game. ^^"

However, nice idea to bring Sonic and such an engine together, even without fancy loopings and other 2,5D limitations. :)
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Ok, new try.

Using omapdss this time. So, on CC, use 400x240 windowed screen for fast game play (I tried).

But, avoid using the nubs as the nubs as mouse is not useable (way too fast). I have changed default mapping, so DPad turn now, and use both shoulder button for Strafing left/right (don't forget to remove your appdata/srb2 folder to get new default if you want them).

Build 02


  • omapdss driver now used
  • Changed default to 400x240 and keymap too (you may need to remove appdata/srb2)
Hi all :)

@ ptitSeb: I'm sorry to bother you with this, but that new version doesn't perform really better than the old one.

Even with OC @ 825 MHz, resolution set to 320x200, sound off, and every other options turned off in the menu and the config file, the game still use 100% CPU yet it doesn't feel smooth, and drops below 10 FPS at times...

It might be only an impression, but I found the game slower when there's a lot of "sky" on screen... Could you have a look at the code, see how it deals with "sky" rendering ? 

Cheers, Magic Sam 
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Hi all :)

@ ptitSeb: I'm sorry to bother you with this, but that new version doesn't perform really better than the old one.

Even with OC @ 825 MHz, resolution set to 320x200, sound off, and every other options turned off in the menu and the config file, the game still use 100% CPU yet it doesn't feel smooth, and drops below 10 FPS at times...

It might be only an impression, but I found the game slower when there's a lot of "sky" on screen... Could you have a look at the code, see how it deals with "sky" rendering ? 

Cheers, Magic Sam 
Really? I tried (a bit) on a CC (O/C to 800MHz), with fps shown, and it was ok for me, and not going sub-10fps ?!! that's odd (but I've not gone very far in the game). Also, the demos play fine too (fps between 15~35).
I'll take some screenshots when performance issues happen, maybe it could help you understand what's wrong with this game.

By the way, I also noticed that preferences are not saved upon restart. I always have to go back to the options menu and set everything up again.

Cheers, Magic Sam
I've played a bit with it this week-end. Thanks for the port, I remember playing an older version on PC a while ago. A well-done game, though a bit tedious at times (as often with 3d platformers).