Pyra Marketing Slogan

Hamster on keyboard will be your only problem.

Lollas one was good and its one that everyone can understand.

I saw it as, think fast in lieu of something fast approaching, which is something incoming to enable you to dream big.  Or that you should highten your expectations before seeing it in action.
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Pyra. Burns the competition

...but I like Lora's too, nothing silly and seems type of phrase you'd see on a slogan
I actually like that one. Anyway, Lora's I'm not really feeling it.Maybe because it doesn't speak into Pyra identity enough.

The slogan sounds like it can be use on any device.
@Natsu: No offence, but I don't understand how you can say that when it's specifically the "Pyra" I was thinking of when I came up with that slogan idea.
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@Natsu: No offenc, but I don't understand how you can say that when it's specifically the "Pyra" I was thinking of when I came up with that slogan idea.
Doesn't "Think fast. Dream big" seem kind of vague to you? Seem like something from a school poster.
I don't think so, as she was the one who suggested it. Evidently by the response it got, nor did anyone but you thus far.

When you put a statement in the form of a question you are making an assertion. When you back it up by something that truly is as vague as your preposition, the irony is not on your side.

Something is specific to an entity when that entity lays claim to it, which is enhanced over time. It may not be an intrinsic connection, but that is the point you made, although, not very well.

If you want one, then make one. I did, and nobody understood it, or they didn't care.

It could be that a better slogan is found, meanwhile we have that. You are not doing your cause a favour by ripping on it. Also, as a result of that we cant have any good ones, because you are actively making the thread a hostile environment, and could even be successful in scaring away the one poster that made, judging from the consensus of constructive feedback, the best suggestion thus far.

Edit: To specify, there is nothing visionary about a school poster, there is no re-thinking or alteration to conventional methods. If you did put that on a school poster, you would be doing so in error, which doesn't reflect badly on its use for the pyra, unless such use is prevalent. I don't know what a school poster is, but i doubt there is a problem you need to address with that.

I think your problem is you lack imagination to see why that slogan is good, because thats what its about, and therein lies the connotation. As can be observed in practice, it does work for those in the know.

For those who arent it could backfire immensly, and the bar is set very high.  That is also something quite telling about the project at large, if done right, it even means it accounts for those who do it badly. Which is to say you give yourself one chance and can expect your product to be tarnished otherwise.

As many good logos are wasted on bad projects, a slogan is an extention of that in that it could turn either way.  Also, if made extremely nerdy it is not easily understood, and the difference to something quirky is very small.  Similarly with a more generic approach the difference may be minute, but the effect is it rises above the rest. I think lollas suggestion was one of those.

Edit: The best slogan ever in my opinion was Nero - burning rom.   No duality in the name, but what a waste.
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The slogan sounds like it can be use on any device.
Yes, slogans tend to do that a lot. I can't honestly think of any slogan that seems like it can only apply to one particular product."Just do it"... do what? Why would I think sportswear when I hear this?

"i'm lovin' it". I can love a lot of stuff, but surely not the encroaching heart attack.

Coca Cola gets better: they frequently put their brand in the slogan, but even so, "always Coca Cola" could just as easily be "always dominoes pizza".

Slogans aren't meant to be some unique descriptor of a product, their supposed to be an eye/ear catching identifier. Pick something that sounds good and makes you want to learn more, something that you won't get tired of hearing, something that, once it's formally associated with the product, you think "yeah, that's the way". Lora's "Think Fast, Dream Big" fills that roll nicely, as do a few other great words that have been posted here. ED is going to have a hard time narrowing it down, I think :D
Jeez, comradekingu. I'm trying to respond, but you keep adding things. :p

This is what I found when I Googled it. Link

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Edit: dont respond. Move on. Send a pm if you have to.

I think there is a difference between a slogan, moniker, catchphrase, selling pitch.  In todays society its as with everything else hyperbole and reduced to mind-numbingly dull and speculative jibberish.
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Edit: dont respond. Move on. Send a pm if you have to.

I think there is a difference between a slogan, moniker, catchphrase, selling pitch.  In todays society its as with everything else hyperbole and reduced to mind-numbingly dull and speculative jibberish.
Well, you accused me of just ripping on it. That's why I felt the need to responded.
I finally thought of one!

"Do the Dew"

No way that can be applied equally well to anything else.

But that's the only one I could think of.
Well if we cant put an end to kids with life-threatening medical conditions i suppose we have to give that one up. Such is life.
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Any one of my roommate's Sugar Gliders would of had that popcorn kernel eaten in a half-second flat, hanging upside down..
I've got four sugar gliders and they do indeed have the greatest knack for hanging upside down and being all round incredibly agile at any angle. Cute as buttons they are too and they've got a wonderful repertoire of vocal noises.
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