How about some merchandise?

I look like a knob in baseball caps, I'd be in for a shirt though, or maybe some tasteful brown and yellow y-fronts
With you all the way with this one. Especially looking a knob in a baseball cap. Stupid things only fit for keeping the sun out of your eyes if your playing an outdoor sport like...rounders.

I'd love a Pandora-badged portable computer that ran Linux and had good game controls.

Yup - that'd be nice.
OMG I've been waiting my whole life for something like that, or at least it seems that way. :P
You people who say you look funny in a baseball cap, you must have weird-shaped heads. :P

What this thread makes me think of.. Would of liked to shop a Pandora logo in..
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I have a big head and hats aren't a viable option, although my kids enjoy getting their kicks by putting hats on me at the store and laughing about it.
I could use another hoodie... maybe one that says... "In soviet russia, Pandora waits for you!"

wait, that was extremely lame... how about a toque with the Pandora logo on it? I'd love to go tubing in that...

I prefer zip hoodies... because you don't have to pull them over your head to remove them... and you don't have to accidentally show everyone what it looks like under your shirt in the process :P

words... on a shirt... how about...

"It was worth the wait."

My imagination is bland these days.

I don't know... and if you don't know what a toque is, gtfo. (joking, lol)
No sentence is fine as well.

The logo by itself would be quite perfect in my book.

You could even call it a "secret" sign of recognition for those in the know.
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I would definitely buy a shirt..

In fact I'll get one made of there isn't an official shirt on the cards