Marketing Slogans

Ishimaru said:
Well, if there's gonna be a slogan, then it probably has to relate to Pandora (mythology) or something. Just cover it up with conveying words, yet simple, then you got a marketing slogan.
Maybe something about Cronus (Microsoft being his famous victim? Right in time for the Clash of the Titans remake too!)

OK, maybe not...

Prometheus said:
"Now You're Playing With Power." - 80s NES slogan. :D
Pandora Does What NintenWon't!

SoleGrave said:
"Hope in the box" . . .get it? . . ehh. .

That's actually quite good.
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trooper said:
Pandora, The millennium console, Should arrive sometime This millennium.
Pandora: The New-Millenium Fun Grizzler.

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Pandora: You'll never wait longer for anything better.

Pandora: For those who can have everything.

Pandora: Freedom to play in your pocket.

Pandora: The never ending Chinese buffet.

Pandora: Shellfish allergy safe clam shell of joy.

Pandora: Compile yourself on our nubs.

Pandora: Rub a nub nub, but not in a tub.

Sung to the James Taylor song "Shower the People" - "Shower the people you love with nubs, show them the way to F5"
p. - opening minds

p. - connecting people

vorsprung durch offenheit

one can only dream - the many accomplish

bored? p.

games, utilities and moar.

3, 2, n, meins
Pandora. Just wait

Pandora. Wait for it

Pandora. Be profoundly in love. (based on Secret Diaries of Adrian Mole's theme tune - ).
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@mali - Somehow the "three Ls" spelling had gotten burned into my mind, as well. I'll have to be sure to get it right in the future, as well. :lol:

Seeing that video, though - wow! What a blast from the past! Looking at that, I can't help but think how amazing it is that the software has come so far since then.
Prometheus said:
@mali - Somehow the "three Ls" spelling had gotten burned into my mind, as well. I'll have to be sure to get it right in the future, as well. :lol:

Seeing that video, though - wow! What a blast from the past! Looking at that, I can't help but think how amazing it is that the software has come so far since then.

Was looking through old videos for the "killing is not nice, but it works" quote and may have found at least one source of this particular confusion.

We'll have to get ED to tell us which is the right spelling, but I believe four Ls is the most common.
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^ I still remember that thread where the first hellollo vid was posted. Those were the days :)
Pandora - show us your nubs! B)

no no scratch that ... Eureka, I've got it it!
Let it simply be:

Edit: 2 weeks? 2 months! (years..)

Pandora - She does everything! (So you don't need a prostitute)

OpenPandora - we do what we must because we can