Rainbow Liberation Instigation
"this server does not support resuming"
Why? My connection drops often, so this makes your site virtually unusable to me...
Also, I can only get between about 0.7k - 6k lasting only 1 second roughly
every 23 seconds. My download graph looks like a bunch of very lonely needles.
In comparison, the File Archive supports resuming and I average at about 23k a sec... sometimes I can get over a 100k a sec!
While your site looks and works great, I would be mortified if it became the only place to get apps as downloading is both painful and (if larger than a couple of MB) sure to be impossible.
I refuse to use Pandora Apps for almost the same reason - "this server does not support resuming" , although I do get much better download speeds there.
Ah! Finally! a 2MB has just finished downloading from your site. It took just over an hour. :angry: :huh:
Why? My connection drops often, so this makes your site virtually unusable to me...
Also, I can only get between about 0.7k - 6k lasting only 1 second roughly
every 23 seconds. My download graph looks like a bunch of very lonely needles.
In comparison, the File Archive supports resuming and I average at about 23k a sec... sometimes I can get over a 100k a sec!
While your site looks and works great, I would be mortified if it became the only place to get apps as downloading is both painful and (if larger than a couple of MB) sure to be impossible.
I refuse to use Pandora Apps for almost the same reason - "this server does not support resuming" , although I do get much better download speeds there.
Ah! Finally! a 2MB has just finished downloading from your site. It took just over an hour. :angry: :huh: