Preorders Have Started. (Previously named starts in two hours)

Order now and receive it...
Between Mi 4 and Fr 6 with UPS Express Saver International

Between Mo 9 and Mo 6 with Signed Mail

Between Do 12 and Mo 6 with DHL Weltpaket International"
That's probably still for normal orders of other products and doesn't apply to the Pyra preorder. I just hope nobody thinks it's actually true and ED removes this for the product pages of the preorders soon so no more confusion will be spread.

(is there any reason not to use PLS8-X instead of PLS8-US for the US version??)
I guess it's more expensive as it supports more frequencies and ED wanted both the EU and US version to be priced equally, but that's just a guess.
Not sure, but my assumption is that the reference is the actual one that matters here and the ID is the regular DragonBox order ID.

I'm sure that ED will clarify once he gets back to the boards.
Hm, with bankwire transfer, ED only needs to see the id he uses internally, and we need to put it in their. Who else might need a reference?

Also, can someone decrypt what this is saying:

Order now and receive it...
Between Mi 4 and Fr 6 with UPS Express Saver International

Between Mo 9 and Mo 6 with Signed Mail

Between Do 12 and Mo 6 with DHL Weltpaket International"
Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
The times of day look converted from 24h to 12h without the needed addition of AM/PM. (EDIT: Or they are CET?)
Switch to 24h already, USA! ;)
I guess it's more expensive as it supports more frequencies and ED wanted both the EU and US version to be priced equally, but that's just a guess.
Better compatibility seems like it should be more important than what must be a tiny difference in price. :/
Just paid for the pre-order of 4G 4gb US ver. by using vouchers purchased with Paypal. I paid an extra $12 for the Paypal conversion but I think it's worth it because dealing with my financial institution wasn't worth my time, no one would pick up the phone and too many questions just so they won't decline int'l orders. I can't wait for the day that I get to play with my Pyra. Good luck on the goal ED. =)
I ordered, but said there was a problem with my my order. Additional 200 EUR voucher went through, payment went for 600 EUR, but I didn't oddly get a confirm for the 400 downpayment.

Mine said there was a problem, but I got successful confirmation emails from my credit card and the shop with an order code.

So I guess it worked
Also I see on the 4GB standard edition it still mentions 2GB in the specs.

Wish there was a counter on the main page :)
My credit card declined it and locked the card entirely (so it wouldn't work at any merchants) until I called them, so I just used Bitcoin. ;)
Pre-preorder voucher converted to EU4GB model for an Australian user.
Also added 50EUR voucher and 10EUR Donation.
Love your work, looks like we are up to about 150 orders across the 6 versions.
I got my codes fine. Thought I'd let you know that it at least works sometimes.
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Hello everyone, I keep getting denied on payment attempts with my credit card ( understandable as this is an international purchase from my US location, c.c. security measures etc ). Can someone explain the vouchers alternative please? Also, I plan on maybe buying one or two extra things from said DragonBox shop for simultaneous shipment. So would I then have to recalculate the total cost+ship fees before I could buy and use said voucher/s? Or just order the Pyra only with voucher? Thanks in advance.

Speaking of, I wonder about the iCP2 vouchers and Link's store. Probably best to just forget about claiming on that one, I hope he's recovered well from that fiasco.

Those vouchers will be handled directly through Link's site, once he gets inventory to sale. So these preorders are all through ED's shop, so there is no current option to handle the ICP2 vouchers. Once Link begins to get steady qty's, he will be able to use the vouchers based on sales and revenue coming in. So he won't be able to take them all at once, as he'll have to sale units to cover some of the cost involved.

I really want to get in on these preorders, but I have a rather large voucher with Link, so I'm gonna have to wait for now, as my funds are a little tight currently. I wish everyone well and hope ED reaches whatever goals are needed to continue to move forward. I'm looking forward to some kick ass promo video's, as I'm sure that will be all that is needed to get the preorder numbers up.

Hello everyone, I keep getting denied on payment attempts with my credit card ( understandable as this is an international purchase from my US location, c.c. security measures etc ). Can someone explain the vouchers alternative please? Also, I plan on maybe buying one or two extra things from said DragonBox shop for simultaneous shipment. So would I then have to recalculate the total cost+ship fees before I could buy and use said voucher/s? Or just order the Pyra only with voucher? Thanks in advance.


Hi Patnik!

I'll tell you how it worked for me:
1. I purchased a €500 gift voucher and used PayPal for payment. The check-out went through just fine. I received the voucher code via email.
2. I went back and added the Pyra to my basket and went to check-out again.
3. At the first check-out screen, I entered the voucher code in the appropriate field and hit OK. The €400 discount was applied (I went for the EU 4G + 4 GB RAM), so the whole transaction amounted to 0.
4. I moved through the following screens without being asked for payment method. The whole process was complete, and the order was placed.
5. I checked my voucher in the voucher screen, and the €500 voucher had €100 remaining for future use.

I hope it all works out for you!
Going through with the voucher option.
wish me luck bruv

EDIT: there is a way to use multiple vouchers for a single purchase right?