Preorders Have Started. (Previously named starts in two hours)

Will I be capable of 'upgrading' my preorder from a non-mobile model to a mobile model if I manage to scrape the funds together quick enough? Already preordered the non-mobile 4G.
Isn't it amazing at how many people were like, there shouldn't be a 4GB option. Now it's the best selling option by a country mile.

Only 5 people have gone for the 2GB options (all of them combined) vs 161 people for the 4GB models. ie the 4GB options are outselling the 2GB options by a ratio of 32:1

Given the above, I think ED should scrap the 2GB options
I'm one of those who said 2GB was enough (for me ! never said there shouldn't be a 4GB option) and finally got a 4GB model. At the time to pay I thought: this is already so expensive, I won't cheap out on these 30€. Maybe it will prove useful in desktop use (docking station) or running and Android VM // to Debian if Android apps keep inflating.
I really hope ED gets back to me about that voucher, I really will feel much better when I can convert my pre-preorder into a regular one.
[doublepost=1462081037,1462080666][/doublepost]About how many people have to order the US mobile version before you can actually produce it? It's up to 45 already!
Glad to see 4gb ram is getting so much attention.

Alas, on moving recently as well as some heavy bills... i have not a cent to spare.
Hopefully fortunes will change by the time Pyras are readily available from the shop... and from the looks of it... I will be able to get the 4G/4gb one I had hoped to be able to preorder....
...Still have a +€200 voucher at the shop, but no liquid capital atm.
Sorry about that. I did come across as a bit of an ass. I tend to do that from time to time when I don't read what I'm posting out loud. I do it IRL as well, much to the hilarity and detriment of those around me.

I think the vibration motor is on all versions.
What happens, if there will still be that less 2GB Orders, but whe have enough orders for massproduktion whit the 4GB???

Also its realy awesome that there are now something around 190 Preeorders so far
In Europe, it was night so i suspekt there will be soon more preeorders when breakfirst is over..
Some potenzial customer might partying yesterday evening because "Witchnight" (the night bevore 1st Mai)..
If there are too few 2GB sales, they'll probably just produce the 4GB board. It'll make more sense and keep from segmenting users more than they already will be. I doubt they'd have to do anything except remove two chips from the board, but that'll take time. And time is money.
I think there is something wrong with your total plot line. I show it should be around 500 pre-orders and not 190.

Total isn't the combined of them all. Line 2 is independent from line 3 and 4, line 3 and 4 adds up to 100%. The 6 lines below are one for each type, those 6 adds up to 100%.
The 200 preorders mark has just been breached and that was on a traditional partying night (night from April to May).
I wonder how the numbers are after 24 hours when everyone was awake and at home at some point.
I had already pre-pre ordered the Pyra so it was mostly a formality. Still, really glad the preorder started and that I secured my EU4 version :)

It is interesting how the 4GB memory option is playing out. I guess the 30EUR price difference is small enough for most people to go for it.

I would not be surprised if the number would change a bit over time. People pre-ordering within the first 24h might not be representative of most of the Pyra purchaser. Remember we need to reach at least 1500 !
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just give me a day off tomorrow
but of course, just take the day

BTW, what's with the blank "terms and conditions" page we had to agree to? :x
Basically you agree to pay the rest.

Sigh. looks at the price. Realizes I'm too young for a credit card. Then realizes that my Bitcoin wallet only had like 5 bucks in it. I'll never get to see the Pyra in my own hands.
Ah, yes. When I was young.... same thing. Radio shack thingies. Cool perifericals for your parents computer that you used... but... you learn and appreciate the effort later on... so it is a good learn moment.
Awhwnkws. I really want a Pyra. But no money. I can't afford the lump payment. And I don't see any options in the us that are like Klarna. Which I could totally afford. Btw, I accidentally stayed up to around 12:20 at night for the preorders to go up, until I realized we're were in compete different time zones.