Preorders Have Started. (Previously named starts in two hours)

Damnit, someone preorder a Pyra! We've been on 495 for about half an hour now I think, and I was hoping to be able to post about the big 500!

FWIW, I've not upgraded by pre-preorder to a preorder yet, because I haven't decided about whether to go for 2GB or 4GB of RAM. I'm pretty sure 2GB will be plenty until I buy a replacement CPU board, where I can choose again how much RAM to have, and I don't think it possibly not being dual-channel will slow things down much. I'd really like to know if it affects battery life much. Perhaps I should just go for 2GB so at least there's an active member of these boards with one who could test power consumption against someone with a 4GB one, and if it is a bit slower for some things that's only until I buy a new CPU board. By my reckoning, saving 30EUR now should be a decent saving towards paying for a future new CPU board, even if it's not much on top of the up-front price.
i don t like chinese products..... whatever another question: if i don't preorder now ( i don t decide if buy 4g or not) can i buy at Day one when product will be available? Thanks
i don t like chinese products..... whatever another question: if i don't preorder now ( i don t decide if buy 4g or not) can i buy at Day one when product will be available? Thanks

That depends probably it will take a few runs before the normal units come in stock but when they do you will be just able to buy and get them soon after.
Some production takes place in china (primarily keymat, and probably some components.)

The case is made in Greece and the PCB population and final assembly takes place in Germany.

BTW I didnt know the keymat was chinese...
That depends probably it will take a few runs before the normal units come in stock but when they do you will be just able to buy and get them soon after.

BTW I didnt know the keymat was chinese...
[12:57:10 | 2016-05-03] <@EvilDragon> DocScrutinizer05, It's a lot more complex. And the case is being made in Greece, the keymat in China :P
Surely the BeagleBoard Black beats this?

it may be the first Debian linux handheld, but not the first Debian linux computer (like BBB).

reminds me of a song. it's the tallest widest and most famous haunted mansion in new jersey...

e.g. the Pyra is the first Debian Linux open hardware modular handheld gaming device... from Germany.
i don t like chinese products..... whatever another question: if i don't preorder now ( i don t decide if buy 4g or not) can i buy at Day one when product will be available? Thanks
We learned that lesson with the Pandora

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good products sell themselves :)

I agree, you just need to reach the people that might be interested. There is a thread on the maemo boards that are talking about the GPD Win and Pyra. A lot of members there are tech savvy and like to play around with Linux - some of them already pre-ordered after the info was shared.
it may be the first Debian linux handheld, but not the first Debian linux computer (like BBB).

reminds me of a song. it's the tallest widest and most famous haunted mansion in new jersey...

e.g. the Pyra is the first Debian Linux open hardware modular handheld gaming device... from Germany.

The BeagleBone Black rev C had Debian. Although it IS a computer and may have shipped with Debian on it, it isn't exactly complete or self-contained. It isn't exactly consumer oriented, has no display, no keyboard, no case - all of which are expected to be supplied by the end user.

That would make the Pyra the, "First fully functioning consumer ready device with built in display to ship with Debian." Right?
This is not how Germans do things. Which is why the Made in Germany label has meaning.
Actually, many of the old German companies do it like this by now indeed although they are always disclosing the real country of origin at some point and it's not expressively written "made in Germany" on it, so at least their mostly honest about it.
"Schimmel" Pianos sells rebranded and recalibrated stuff from Asia as their "low" budget line.
Well known companies for high quality tools and machines like "Scheppach" amongst many others have outsourced their production to Asia as well and so did many companies from Swiss and Scandinavia too like all the others as well.

It's actually often hard to find something that is really made in Germany outside of first class musical instruments of all kinds for example, so the Pyra is kind of retro in this regard in a very good way.
I agree, you just need to reach the people that might be interested. There is a thread on the maemo boards that are talking about the GPD Win and Pyra. A lot of members there are tech savvy and like to play around with Linux - some of them already pre-ordered after the info was shared.

I originally came here from there... then I bought 2 Pandoras, and now a Pyra and likely another one in a few months