Preorders Have Started. (Previously named starts in two hours)

Akkording to EvilDragons Posts in the German Boards, only a tiny part of the 300 are Preepreeorders, rest are new preorders..
So if the Preepreeorders all jump in, whe should be have about 480 or something..

Also: most Preeorders were LTE (4G) ones, which are a bit more expensive so the funds for Massproduktion will be reached much faster
I keep the Stalker Scrippt open on a diverent tapp on my smartphone to sheck the preeorders, lets push all thumps for massproduktion...

And please dotnt use "hail" on this boards, whe dont have good experience whit this in germany.. ^^
Last minute thought: is there a sensor/button that detects when the Pyra lid is closed?
So, is there a tentative release schedule in mind since preorders have started? I know among the community, we all know it will be done when it's done, but for those on the outside who may enter the fold soon, will a window be given? I'm sure most new comers won't wait for an indefinite period of time like most of us.

Maybe once ED makes the proper promo videos and begins the "full" promotion push, a more concrete time frame can be given.

Akkording to EvilDragons Posts in the German Boards, only a tiny part of the 300 are Preepreeorders, rest are new preorders..
So if the Preepreeorders all jump in, whe should be have about 480 or something..

Also: most Preeorders were LTE (4G) ones, which are a bit more expensive so the funds for Massproduktion will be reached much faster
I keep the Stalker Scrippt open on a diverent tapp on my smartphone to sheck the preeorders, lets push all thumps for massproduktion...

And please dotnt use "hail" on this boards, whe dont have good experience whit this in germany.. ^^
sorry about starting that. didnt mean it in a bad way
Modern Germans always manage to apply Godwin's law to themselves...
It has something to do with the structure of our history lessons at school, they have a strong focus, if you know what I mean.
How can i manage to apply a law on myself, if i ditnt know Godwin??
It was more meant ironic..

Back to preeorder, if there is still 2 Months (tm) then i get my Pyra in the Month i have birstday..

In the german boards, my posts are much much better than my poor english..
Modern Germans always manage to apply Godwin's law to themselves...
It has something to do with the structure of our history lessons at school, they have a strong focus, if you know what I mean.
Understatement's your style?
They rush through history as if the devils at their heels, then honor NS-times by spending years on it, til the students all get border-line suicidal, and the last half year they rush through the rest.
No this video is old and still uses the Software Renderer. If everything fails we can still use TI's Kernel where the Driver works allready.
No that wasn't software rendering, That was one of the first Devboard videos that EvilDragon done, back then I think he was using Ti old and crusty default image that had the old 3.18 kernel a sort of working 3D driver. Ti stock OS image had a barely working Ubuntu OS and a very crashy xorg and SGX driver.