Release PPSSPP, Emulator for PSP

Hi PetitSeb! Did you have the chance to test last versions of ppsspp?  They integrated Maxim's Atrac3Plus decoder to the emulator, and as far as I read, it increases the performance as well as the quality of sound.  Yet again, thanks for your huge contributions to the comunity.
Hi PetitSeb! Did you have the chance to test last versions of ppsspp?  They integrated Maxim's Atrac3Plus decoder to the emulator, and as far as I read, it increases the performance as well as the quality of sound.  Yet again, thanks for your huge contributions to the comunity.
New version will be released soon (i know, i am testing it :) )
Hi PetitSeb! Did you have the chance to test last versions of ppsspp?  They integrated Maxim's Atrac3Plus decoder to the emulator, and as far as I read, it increases the performance as well as the quality of sound.  Yet again, thanks for your huge contributions to the comunity.
New version will be released soon (i know, i am testing it :) )
Is it better?
How old is Version 0.9.1-141-g8a32dd3

According to my file system...I downloaded it at some point, unsure when, but added it to my SD card on 9/6/13.
Couple of weeks old.

New version coming soon?  Good, I got my eye on this...want to see what improves.  This one has come a long way!
No significant improvements but some games will work a bit better. Don't expect too much :)
Does it support DSP yet? If not, it would be nice for it to be added.
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c64_tools are included in the firmware since yesterday.

Why is PtitSeb so slow and didn't use it already for PPSSPP?

Yeah, I should have worked on this instead of sleeping ;)

Anyway, my roadmap about DSP is first to learn how it works, and that start on something simple. I was more aiming at a Sound Plugin for Mupen first, because I sense it will be simpler to do (even if not super usefull).
Some people seem to have a wrong understanding about what the dsp is and how it works.

In short: It is a lot of work to code stuff for it and integrate this into an application. It is not something you just activate and it will solve all yoir problems automatically.
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Some people seem to have a wrong understanding about what the dsp is and how it works.

In short: It is a lot of work to code stuff for it and integrate this into an application. It is not something you just activate and it will solve all yoir problems automatically.
Oh what? You mean, that DSP will not makes my coffee taste better? How disapointing ;)

But yeah, integrating DSP inside PPSSPP (or anything) means you have to take some working part, remove that part from the current code, rewrite something in C for the DSP, and create the link (setup the memory, the messages, etc), so main program can ask the DSP to do the job.

That's quite heavy stuff, especially when you are not used to that kind of thinking (asymetric multitasking)
bsp is the King of DSP.  Can he lend a hand in PPSSPP and Mupen?  He seems to type and think as  fast as Exophase :D
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I've been playing Valkryia chronicles with latest video drivers on my Rebirth and as stated it plays quite nicely too. Its funny that PPSSPP plays very few games well but the one I want is very playable same with Mupen and perfect dark :)