Release PPSSPP, Emulator for PSP

New build, based on 0.9.5 plus the new experimental Vertex JIT. This can bring some spedup to intense 3D games.

But there are a few regressions too. Star Ocean, for example, has correct movies but is not playable due to invisible characters ingame.

Also, don't try to Resume Game while in the Pause screen, it will certainely hang (I have to work on that, it's very anoying).

And the version doesn't seems to like default driver, at least on Ggahertz Pandora.

Build 32

  • In synch with the git repo
  • based on 0.9.5 version
  • new Vertex JIT that bring some speedup in some game
  • Warning, this version doesn't like default driver version
  • Don't try to go back ingame once in Menu Screen, it hang for now

And thanks to ekianjo for the many versions beta testing, and the updates on the Compatibility Wiki.
Which driver version is recommended?

It's not your fault but I hate that driver thing.

Isn't it possible to change the driver when launching a PND (Without writing an extra script for every PND?)
Which driver version is recommended?

It's not your fault but I hate that driver thing.

Isn't it possible to change the driver when launching a PND (Without writing an extra script for every PND?)
Yeah. I know it's anoying.

I have 4.02.003 on my Gigahertz all the time, so I can recommand this one.

Changing driver at launch of PND, quite difficult, especialy if you want the change to be temprorary (need to identify current version).
Wasn't there a PND that could change settings at the startup of a PND?

Can't we give sudo right to it and allow it to change the driver at startup?

No need for me to set back afterwards. I'd adjust it for every PND that only works with a special driver.
Wasn't there a PND that could change settings at the startup of a PND?

Can't we give sudo right to it and allow it to change the driver at startup?

No need for me to set back afterwards. I'd adjust it for every PND that only works with a special driver.
Yes, but it will be a bit more compilcate: you have to find the pnd (based on pnd ID searching in the .desktop file, not too difficult), mount the PND, identify the version drivrer and launch the install script, with sudo right, with the right parameters (to avoid the zenity dialog and make it automatic).

Probably doable but not easy.
I have figured out how to get the battle voices, etc. to play in Mana Khemia: Student Alliance. In order for them to work, go to the Options in its Main Menu and select the "Save Jump Start data" option.
dentify the version drivrer and launch the install script, with sudo right, with the right parameters (to avoid the zenity dialog and make it automatic).
And you would have to do it everytime in case you need to change drivers from one application to another.

Definitely not appropriate.

Askarus, why do you have an issue with being on a different driver? all my other applications work fine with 4.03.02.

By the way, I updated the compatibility list with many entries for the latest version :

(Please do not remove the previous results, since there are usually differences).
I've been wondering why the 4.03.02 driver isn't the default driver in the OS yet, are there issues with the 600MHz units? I'm always on 4.03.02 without any problems on my GHz unit.
Didn't know that 4.03.02 will work with most stuff.

I've always reads "different drive needed" and was annoyed because of that.

If I can stay with 4.03.02 than it's ok for me.
Is there some super insider secret information we the mass don't know about? :)

I have a new build that I tryied a bit (well 2 build, but one was not very good). Star Ocean seems fixed, the big black screen in Dissidia is still present. It's a referenced bug on SGX it seems. I tried messing with the fbo creation, but with no effect. I'll try to release 0.9.5 soon.
Well, its beyond soon now.
Are you trying to build a reputation of being an ass around here? Every one of your post is just about demanding stuff to come out when you want and the way you want, without trying to understand what it takes to compile and test stuff.

For your info I am actively testing new builds from PPSSPP and the reason why it's not released yet is because it's not stable yet. When it's stable it will be out. 

So, please stop acting like that, it's extremely annoying to people who are working on projects. 
Zero3Kumaki  :p
OK, if we have any sort of fair mods, they will allow this response...

That was TOTALLY uncalled for, Shenmue, and you owe me an apology.
Is there some super insider secret information we the mass don't know about? :)

I have a new build that I tryied a bit (well 2 build, but one was not very good). Star Ocean seems fixed, the big black screen in Dissidia is still present. It's a referenced bug on SGX it seems. I tried messing with the fbo creation, but with no effect. I'll try to release 0.9.5 soon.
Well, its beyond soon now.
Are you trying to build a reputation of being an ass around here? Every one of your post is just about demanding stuff to come out when you want and the way you want, without trying to understand what it takes to compile and test stuff.

For your info I am actively testing new builds from PPSSPP and the reason why it's not released yet is because it's not stable yet. When it's stable it will be out. 

So, please stop acting like that, it's extremely annoying to people who are working on projects. 
Zero3Kumaki  :p
OK, if we have any sort of fair mods, they will allow this response...

That was TOTALLY uncalled for, Shenmue, and you owe me an apology.
Oh come on.  I was just joking.  OK.  My apology :)
That is a Problem from me too,my english is not the best and there are serveral Ways to understand the Words: The Streetsignal is green.

In the Past was i often to euphoric while posting

And some other People had understand some other Things.

We are all Humans and i can learn to communicate better ;)

And now back to Topic plz ;)

Yesterday i prepared a completly new SD Card with all PNDs and with the actual PPSSPP Version too.

Its a Honor to try the new Version and i want to make this Evening a new Video making Evening ;)

(Because Tomorrow morning freetime and i can sleep out)

I have not realy tested the last Versions and i am Curious what me await.

Thx for that Work Ptitseb,you do so much for us all :)