PGS Windows 10 gaming handheld - GPD WIN competitor

If anything, ExcellentExpert's trolling makes it all worthwhile.

Excellent Expert 20 minutes ago
@PGS Team

Just as you have research, I too have make researches. I have find source of problem. It not good. Far worse then I first speculate.

PGS, your third dimensional printer is infested with a dybbuk! These malicious spirit is a only cause of current crisis! Any product of these printer will be conduit of horror. I can help defeat these evil, but you first must answer these inquires with absolute truth.

1) dose printer have smell of the sulfurs?
2) do any mothers of the project team peoples have red hair at birth?
3) did Nadir become marriage under new moon?
4) is image of Alan visible inside of mirrors?
5) had any team members born within 50 kilometers of site of Romanov family execution?

Do not waste time with inquiries of trolls, they not important. Please return to me with this responses and I will locate proper remedy.


In mean times, it most important to contain dybbuk. Do not operate printings in presence of horned mammal. Do not permet investors to make examination without first provings they bleed red. And do not attempt removal of spirit in home, it can transfer to coffee maker with great ease.

I wait for your reportings. I advise all supporters of glorious PGS team to light candle on kitchen alter to help weaken dybbuk.
Did anyone report them to kickstarter?

I did indeed, as I'm sure quite a few others also did.

I think that it's obvious we've all been mistaken. Why, as the PGS are full of actors pretending to be whatever it is they're clearly not,'s not a's a movie! Oscars all round to the PGS team and their poor acting with even poorer abilities to get their facts straight and their acts (harhar) together! :)

Oh and this Alan Kostas Konstantin Whatever Whoever Yada Yada might want to rethink this whole changing his name to try and move to the US...he's far too shifty to get a visa or greencard etc. Yeah, time to give up.
Yes, but you are forgetting that they are now claiming the actor that was exposed to be playing the part of Alan Williams, is actually on the team - ie they hired him the actor. They stated that he turned out to be a good product designer. ie they could have said what you stated as a defense, but instead they doubled down on crazy after they got exposed. That's not even mentioning the name discrepancies, the hilarious changing roles etc.

They cant even get there lies straight, a week ago Alec said Nadir was in china, then 4 days later he was said to have just come out of his office after spending 3 days looking at fans. Then , a couple of days ago, Nadir himself posted that he just got back from China,. Apparently he is a real "Jumper" and can by the use of thought alone , be in a place 1000's of miles away.

I wasn't forgetting that, that came under "handling the fallout very badly". :-)

It seems obvious to me that someone on the team has an education in marketing, and they're good at it. The trouble is that it takes a lot more than marketing to get a business like this off the ground. Now they're panicking and trying to do some damage control and doing it very badly. The fact that they are pants at damage control doesn't really say anything about their original intentions though. What it does do is further damage their credibility, making people more likely to dismiss the possibility that they started with good intentions. It plays to confirmation bias, the sceptical and the burnt think "scam" and this seems to confirm that.

The same thing happened with "He who must not be named". When it became clear that he couldn't deliver to all his customers people were calling it a scam, but if it really were just a scam then there would be no Pandora, or Pyra for that matter, today.

I like that Excellent Expert quotes Mussolini to get fanatic people behind the great, albeit rather unsubstantial, PGS idea. There's loads of stuff to discover for a sociologist, comparing this campaign to his.

I do believe this Kickstarter is an evolutionary form of the 419 scam, and we might see attempts with a more professional execution in the future...

(Thinking about backing it like hell and pulling out before the finish, to give them some of the grief they'll give their backers.)
I dream of an anonymous army backing massively it then pulling out massively... it looks as if that PLA pciture inspires that dream to me. Am I mad, Doctor?
to the point:

they also make fun of kickstarter in that episode for being a company that does nothing, and still gets money.

if kickstarter doesn't start screening for these kinds of scams, they're not really innovating and keeping up with consumer demand. (not to get ripped off.)
Now Nadir is going a bit over the top attacking everyone with his legion of broken English alt-accounts from July 2016 (only backing PGS of course) and congratulating himself. :D
It's too bad that the Dybbuk comment from Excellent Expert was pulled.
[doublepost=1468972161,1468971031][/doublepost]Who is Monty and what's the "collaborator"-status on Kickstarter?
Ok I have been really busy with work but who the heck is Monty? Where are all these people coming from? Why is no one that is listed on the team commenting. This just gets weirder and weirder.

Also I noticed KS removed some comments. What did I miss? And no update. The soon strategy is working for them!

edit: They banned Excellent Experts masterful trolls, and one of my comments but this devin robertson fellow calling people f****** idiots is allowed? *sigh*

edit 2: One more thing to add I made a long post showing a member on Dingoonity forum the Nadir in China/3 Days in office for the 50% speed increase with a fan update... Anyways I believe Nadir and Alec as being one in the same person, i'm sure i'm not alone. One of the posters provided something that slipped past me that's worth sharing. My appologies if it has been posted here already:

Here's my post:!!!/msg147540/#msg147540

And the reply that proves this:!!!/msg147612/#msg147612
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This is so pointless..

They got some other random guy to talk on their behalf, and it probably is a real person given his English seems markedly better. The previous "Alec" person needing to leave to work on the prototype makes less sense, and just makes it seem more likely that he's really the same as Nadir.

But there isn't really anything to address with someone writing in the KS comments anyway.. these things that he talked about being in an upcoming update:

-Who we are (Profiles of each team member
-Our situation with investors
- A new prototype

Aren't going to make a difference. Unless the profiles link to real projects that certifiably link back to people they aren't worth anything. The "situation with investors" will probably just be a reiteration of this claim of complete and unconditional financial backing being given. Unless they name the investors and we can confirm they're a real investment group or at least confirm that they have money, and that they really do back PGS, it isn't going to matter either. And they've been very clear that the new prototype will still use guts from other devices. Maybe it'll do more to cram them inside their shell, but that too is more or less meaningless. I suppose if they got a working demonstration of their hinge design or telescopic analog sticks that'd mean something, but that sounds really hard to do with a 3D printer.
They are up 9 backers and $1830 so far today.

They used a magic word "Survey" in the title of an update that can only be viewed as a backer. I suspect that that probably encouraged a few people who were interested but undecided about backing it into becoming backers.

They are up 9 backers and $1830 so far today.

They do better without discussing anything pertinent to the actual development and production of their handheld. They don't get called out on anything shady and the comments complaining nothing is happening and they are avoiding the real issues get crapped on by their supporters. Ignorance is bliss and if you have complete confidence in them delivering it makes it an easy con.

I'm eagerly anticipating their BIG update, can't wait to see what they cooked up.
In the first 10 minutes after the clock ticked over to the new day they lost a backer and $245.

I really don't want to be an asshole, but if all the backers are ignoring those that are trying to look out for them, screw 'em. I still think it is worth trying to reduce the damage the campaign can cause for the somehow ignorant backers. Even if they aren't trying to rip people off, and really want to make this thing, they seem to have less of an idea what they are doing than I do, and I know I have no clue how to go about doing something of this scale (which is in smaller numbers than the big companies, yet somehow cheaper than they can do it for, plus plenty of fairy dust thrown in for a bunch of other things).

I wish I could throw a keyboard layout discussion at them.