PGS Windows 10 gaming handheld - GPD WIN competitor

Did you miss the whole actor bit, and them not coming forward about him until he was completely exposed and people pointed it out.

The fact his name is actually different I could understand. His role changing with hilarious excuses - well come on.

Kostas or Konstantin is a male model and actor, what he did on the PGS video was an acting gig. <- the elephant in the room.

He isn't the actor they saw Charisma in , then offered the community manager role to. That doesn't even fit with there own BS, as they said he was originally the Product designer, not the community manager.

As I said, IMO , everyone in that video was an actor.
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FWIW, it's really uncommon for people outside of Europe and America to have a second 'english' name to stop us mangling their real name. Often these are unintentionally hilarious, such as one Indian I worked with who decided that 'Hitler' was a good name.

So the fact he's using a fake name doesn't worry me. The fact they haven't shown any aptitude for designing hardware is slightly more concerning though, for any investors.

True, and I thought the same thing, but I don't think this applies so much to Russian names which usually aren't very difficult for westerners to pronounce.
Did you miss the whole actor bit, and them not coming forward about him until he was completely exposed and people pointed it out.

The fact his name is actually different I could understand. His role changing with hilarious excuses - well come on.

Kostas or Konstantin is a male model and actor, what he did on the PGS video was an acting gig. <- the elephant in the room.

He isn't the actor they saw Charisma in , then offered the community manager role to. That doesn't even fit with there own BS, as they said he was originally the Product designer, not the community manager.

As I said, IMO , everyone in that video was an actor.

To be fair, I think it's fairly common for ads to feature actors that purport to be employees of the company being advertised. In and of itself I don't see a problem with that, it's just how most established companies do PR. The trouble there is that PGS isn't an established company, so lacking any products to their name or even an actual prototype the only thing we can judge them on is how they do their PR, which with nothing else to support it is coming off as dishonest, and they are handling the fallout from that very badly.

Just realize there are 28 people who pledged for $320 rewards while they can pledge the same device for $280 rewards. Had they a gun put to their heads by a Russian mobster?
Just realize there are 28 people who pledged for $320 rewards while they can pledge the same device for $280 rewards. Had they a gun put to their heads by a Russian mobster?
rofl... not only that, but 5 people actually pledged 280$ for the lite version instead of a hardcore version...
Just realize there are 28 people who pledged for $320 rewards while they can pledge the same device for $280 rewards. Had they a gun put to their heads by a Russian mobster?

I guess they pledged when the $280 rewards were all grabbed?
that makes sense. also a lot of backer have withdrawn, so those "good" deals might have become available again.
"By the end of the campaign we'll try to show you the renewed version of the prototype."
Oh no. Oh my god did they really said that?
Thanks for the money guys! You can be sure that we will use that to build a working prototype! :D
PGS said:
Speaking of lack of details and photos of the working process, we think it may make things even worse as it was with our first prototype, when people were not satisfied by photos of half-assembled device or just internals. It may make wrong impression. Now we'd like to present you the fully completed improved prototype, as soon as it is finished. We are really on this path.
So now they realize just how shameful is their half-arse-embled "prototype". :|

It's going to be even funnier when they reveal the "fully completed improved prototype", you know the one they've said it will still be a hack-job of parts canibalized from other devices. xD
"By the end of the campaign we'll try to show you the renewed version of the prototype."
Oh no. Oh my god did they really said that?
Thanks for the money guys! You can be sure that we will use that to build a working prototype! :D
they actually said that about a million times now, almost in every update. it's mind boggling.
Because we're outside looking in...
I was outside there too since I never had a smartphone and didn't trust Hhsnbn before it was cool.
I think it's the whole blatant bad lying, the actors, the Russian connotation, the broken English (especcially from the army of obvious fake accounts from July 2016) the detailled insight into what producing a really compact and mobile computer entails that ED gave us and the shamelessness about it from the very beginning while I guess Hhsnbn wasn't intending a scam at first but switched to it later when it was too tempting.
Give a morally unstable person a lot of money and few obligations and he will most likely scam people sooner or later but this here is so full of sh** all over the place from the very beginning, it's really hilarious.
Well, we all warned the true believing backers in an open and friendly way.
If they don't get it... well, that's life.
Hmm KS is up $3,000 from earlier this morning. They do much better when they don't do anything and everyone in the comments is playing nice.