Ok, so someone made a comment on the PGS KS with links to posts on Dingoonity showing Alan Williams as being Kostas Volav, with photos of him on set of the PGS ad shoot. Also, posts showing Kostas saying he is in a movie coming out , but you can see him in an ad he did for PGS - he points to the PGS KS video.
So I log onto Dingoonity, and I can see PGS have logged on and are viewing the incriminating posts about Alan Williams ( the Product designer who then was the Community manager) being Kostas the actor. I can see them in the thread for a fair amount of time.
Then some time goes by , and they respond in the comments with this:
Alec Arzh Alexander less than a minute ago
Konstantin is a part of our team. We needed a person with charisma and acting skills to be a community manager. It makes sense.
Eventually he has become much more valuable team member than just a community manager, participating in product designing."
This is getting ridiculous.
First they say Alan Williams was the Product Designer in there video that dates back to at least April. Then recently PGS said he was the Community manager in the staff update(note that it wasn't the other way around). Then when someone said , hey , I thought he was the product designer , PGS then say, oh , yeah, he is both.
Then of course people say, hey isn't his name Kostas. To that they reply , yeah ok, it's Konstantin, we couldn't tell you his real name because , ah Russian political situation and Konstantin wants to migrate to the US. If that was the case, why did you just out him. Makes no sense.'
Then the incriminating evidence is posted which they then see about him being an actor. What do they say, ah , yeah ok, he is an actor, but he has charisma , that's why we hired him for the Community manager, then we found he is good with product designing. Remember, he was labelled as the Product deisgner way before being labeled as the community manager - ie not the other way around.
Oh, and lets not forget that as the supposed community manager - he has made zero posts on KS. Aha
Oh boy, what do I say. - Further and further down the rabbit hole we go.
I think you can guess that I find this hilariously unbelievable
Frankly, and I said this from the start, I firmly believe everyone in that PGS video is an actor. And that includes the members in the video they now claim to be still in their staff. ie Sergei - the engineer who cannot be found at all and Emanuel Johnson - marketing manager . By the way, Emanuel is listed as Eman Gardiner on Russian social media. Not that I believe either of those names are real. But once again, another name discrepancy..
Artur did have a matching social media account to his reported name, and he did say he was PGS's financial guy as PGS claim. But , Artur is also a) Not in the PGS video, B) The only person in Nadir's Friends list on his russian social media account- Hmmm