The World's First 5.5 Inch Handheld PC/Gaming Console Based on Windows 10 System.

This is why I wanted to just say I don't care about your opinion, but I couldn't resist adding more. Bye.

So that's it? You can't actually counter my argument so you're going to hang off the last line instead? That's very poor - I thought this forum was inhabited by capable individuals. Ah well, I'll just take this one then as you've given up.

Well, no surprise considering they seem to have gone the private data trading route full monty.
Not sure that's the reason, more like they fear the popularity of Apple & Android.

There will come a time soon when for the vast majority of users there will be no need for a conventional desktop PC. Just plug your portable mini computer (or smartphone as some people call it now ;) ) into a dock connected to a mouse, screen & keyboard and you'll be able to do everything you really need in terms of computing power. You could also dock to a dumb laptop i.e. a keyboard, touchpad, battery & screen for a portable system. It's my belief that Microsoft have seen this future and don't like the implications if Apple & Android maintain their current shares of the market.

Must admit though I've no idea how much money Microsoft makes from data collected Via Win 10.
The extra work will be in the port it's self and fixing things that don't work out of the box for whatever distro. I will be working on a port personally (not officially) and would welcome anyone wishing to assist as it could be a fair amount of work.

Preloading should be as easy as booting to USB and installing as long as no superficial restrictions are imposed. Barring speculation on if those restrictions exist, the copy process should be fairly painless.
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Could just format the dead weight on the internal storage.

I just received the GPD WIN

I hope the Pyra will not have the inconvenience of the GPD WIN !!!

Check out my video:

At 11'26, 12'53 and 13'26 :-(

It is a burden of not being able to play 3D games !! And the return policy seems complicated ...

For some series of GPD WIN it is impossible to play games in 3D, and we are full of contributors in this case !!!

I just received the GPD WIN

I hope the Pyra will not have the inconvenience of the GPD WIN !!!

Check out my video:

At 11'26, 12'53 and 13'26 :-(

It is a burden of not being able to play 3D games !! And the return policy seems complicated ...

For some series of GPD WIN it is impossible to play games in 3D, and we are full of contributors in this case !!!

So... are we not liking the GPD Win then? Is it a non-starter? I'm considering it for running SpecBAS (PandBAS the pandora) on.
I'd say it has teething troubles, that's all. It may not ever be able realistically run the sort of games demoed in the videos and manage a full day's use, but it should be fine for something like specbas I'd have thought.
I'd say it has teething troubles, that's all. It may not ever be able realistically run the sort of games demoed in the videos and manage a full day's use, but it should be fine for something like specbas I'd have thought.

Yeah, that's pretty much all I want to do with it and it's a lot cheaper than the Pyra - with the added bonus that I don't have to bother porting stuff to ARM anymore :)

I'm seriously considering this for a Pyra replacement now.