PCB production continues (2011-01-04)

Craigix 4 EvilDragon 1 = 1 in 5 or 80 to 20 or 20% NOT 25%

O Sorry i dit mean

Craigix 3 EvilDragon 1 = 25% for the Customers of EvilDragon (there are not only Germany, there are Customers from Austria (not to mistake whit Australia :P ), Switzerland, Netherlands, French, Belgie, Luxembourg etc
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O Sorry i dit mean

Craigix 3 EvilDragon 1 = 25% for the Customers of EvilDragon (there are not only Germany, there are Customers from Austria (not to mistake whit Australia :P ), Switzerland, Netherlands, French, Belgie, Luxembourg etc
indeed :)
It was mentioned that this week the Pandora's should arrive in Germany. Any ETA? All the reviews are making me eager to play with my Pandora.
I can Remember, it was said that the Units where send at Freeday, but it may take a while from Unitet Kingdown to Ingolstadt, and from Ingolstadt to the customers..., whe have Monday.., i think whe can expekt they on Wednesday..
omahgad, i MIGHT get mine before leaving oversea next month .....

or i MIGHT miss it by a day or two ....

what is so funny to gods about my nerves?! -_-
I'm so happy - generally don't post, but seeing Pandoras shipping is really huge.

Keep it up guys! As a latecomer (ordered in June or July 2010), seeing batch 1 go out is like... like... oooh, I've got a good one.

It's like jumping out of a plane with a type of parachute you're not too sure about, but there were a bunch of guys who leapt out a minute earlier, and they seemed pretty confident. You're falling for ages, and then off in the distance you see mushrooms appear as the parachutes start to open :D
Probably with a lot of fiddling. The boot logs are dumped to the first terminal which goes to the serial port. If we had the EXT connectors (*pokes Craig* *pokes MWeston* *pokes EvilDragon*) you could easily make a serial connection to plug into your computer and use winterm or minicom or whatever serial terminal of your choice to read the logs. You could even log in via this connection and make your Pandora do stuff. That's how I debug stuff on my BeagleBoard and it would be monumentally useful to have the same for my Pandora.
I meant watching them on the Pandora's screen, instead of seeing the splash screen.
I meant watching them on the Pandora's screen, instead of seeing the splash screen.
I know what you meant. Like I said, it probably could be done with a lot of fiddling, but right now it dumps them to the serial port with no way to get them on the screen, not directly at any rate. How are you at building your own kernel?
This should actually be quite simple to do*. All you need to do is drop the "console=...." part from the kernel command line and disable psplash**.

Update your pandora to HF4 level (u-boot update). Plug it into a linux PC as an USB device.

Boot it to the boot menu (have some SD card in slot 1 (there's a bug in the menu)), select USB serial console.

Pandora's u-boot commandline should now be available on your PC as something like /dev/ttyUSB0 (or the like). Open that with something like minicom.

Say "printenv"

It should print lots of stuff, including "bootargs=<text>". Remove the part with console= from that text and add " psplash=false" (without quotes), then say

setenv bootargs <yournewtext>


Then you can close the minicom and reset your pandora (pandora+power). Happy textual booting :)

* Disclaimer: I havent actually tested this on a real pandora. YMMV.

** This is the part that I have never tested. Dropped console= from my SD boot bootargs a long time ago.
I recommend doing it with autoboot.txt instead of messing with NAND.

setenv bootargs ubi.mtd=4 ubi.mtd=3 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw rootflags=bulk_read vram=6272K omapfb.vram=0:3000K psplash=false

should be enough (not tested).
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Hey neat! Fixed up the autoboot.txt on my OS SD card as you describe, badda bing badda boom, there it is!

I learned something new today. Thanks :)
If you are one of EDs waiting cue you may follow an unofficial delievery tracking done by voluntary users.
I know. I am checking that one daily. It's very close, so I'm kind of wondering how many more ED has to send out. If he has another batch of 30 to 40 waiting to be processed, I'll have my unit. Otherwise I'll have to wait for the 500 arriving this week in the UK (which delays delivery by about two weeks).
I recommend doing it with autoboot.txt instead of messing with NAND.

setenv bootargs ubi.mtd=4 ubi.mtd=3 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw rootflags=bulk_read vram=6272K omapfb.vram=0:3000K psplash=false

should be enough (not tested).
Does not work, sorry.
This should actually be quite simple to do*. All you need to do is drop the "console=...." part from the kernel command line and disable psplash**.

Update your pandora to HF4 level (u-boot update). Plug it into a linux PC as an USB device.

Boot it to the boot menu (have some SD card in slot 1 (there's a bug in the menu)), select USB serial console.

Pandora's u-boot commandline should now be available on your PC as something like /dev/ttyUSB0 (or the like). Open that with something like minicom.

Say "printenv"

It should print lots of stuff, including "bootargs=<text>". Remove the part with console= from that text and add " psplash=false" (without quotes), then say

setenv bootargs <yournewtext>


Then you can close the minicom and reset your pandora (pandora+power). Happy textual booting

* Disclaimer: I havent actually tested this on a real pandora. YMMV.

** This is the part that I have never tested. Dropped console= from my SD boot bootargs a long time ago.
This also does not work.