pandian - MARK3 - development


Nov 1, 2012
Incoming Call....

.. connected

Hello pandora-fans,

later than planned i can get back to the pandian projekt. Actually i build up the root-filesystem.


Jep, also MARK3 will be hard-float


Kernel compilation is finished and pandian boots up with it.


I tried this already on MARK2 but it not helps. Because of the missing hard-float support in pnd's and we have everything in debian what we need ;)

Okay, okay, i'am not against the pnd-idea. Personally i like it, to have one file to deploy an piece of software is nice. Also its an clean solution for people who are not linux-pros ;)

So this Feature is delayed or somebody else will try it ?


The pandiand is a rewrite of the pndevmapperd, which is not finished yet and will not be placed in the first RC of pandian.

pndevmapperd will be used


Is nearly finished, only resize of sd-card is missing :)


Debian packages for the main parts are finished. ( the sources will be uploaded to my github-account )

The repository setup is the next on the to-do-list

more news...

I create an account on quitter, there you can follow the actual development process
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Things will break with a newer kernel, so you'll have use and maybe tweak some of the actual patches.

Hard-float = few PND may work, some will look ugly, most won't work.

Why don't you use the official scripts for hardware management ?
The kernel i grab from the official pandora sources and compile it just as it is.

Later on i will try to merge to an newer kernel. Somebody tried this already ?
Got it in my TODO list (quiet long).

  • Current kernel: patch to have adeos support and XENOMAI (for get real time and control for example an crazyflie nano quadcopter)
  • LTS Kernel (for example 3.14) and device tree support.
I use the ones from a rootfs for Slackware, but they should be available through some git.
I use the ones from a rootfs for Slackware, but they should be available through some git.
Hmm.. the scripts are in /usr/pandora.. not hard to find.

For my understanding the pndevmapperd do the magic. I've read  a little bit through the code and its... well... hard to find everything ( very hacky :D )

Just an example: I try to find out how the g_evmap is filled with the .scripts ... but all the vars are named like "n" and "p". Its just hard to read and understand ^^°.

Everything else looks fine to me and at the first step, i will implement the official librarys and scripts.

How its done in SL4P ? Did you use udev-rules or something else ?