The Minigame Project 2x V2.2i


I like turtles!
Sep 2, 2004
Dteuschland ;)
I`ve just been waiting for the beta4 of Fenix (thanks, Puck2099), now here it is:
The first official GP2X version of the Minigame Project, now with 22 minigames!


Changes in the 2X version:
-3 more minigames (yay!)
-disabled the profile system (crashed my gp2x)
-only one background music atm since I have to use ogg. I could have converted all the other music I use to ogg, but it would result in a 10x bigger filesize :P And it already increased to 7mb zipped :(
-slightly nicer graphics than the gp32version
-slightly different menu than the gp32 version
-slightly different controls than the gp32 version

What might be in the next version:
-a new profile system
-a new splashscreen
-better and more music (most unlikely)
-more minigames
-an updated Extender minigame
-an ingame help that explains how to play every minigame
-bugfixes :P

Please read the readme for instructions on how to install and play The Minigame Project.
You can download it here.

As ever, please leave feedback on what should be changed/can be made better, but also on what you like :D
And feel free to post your scores ^_^
It`s just the mod tracker music that isn`t really working.
Normal sound effects (should) work fine. :)
just played it a bit, plays very great, but the control layout is a bit wierd, well, nothing you wont get used to :-)
great work, both of you :-)
I'd love to try this out ... but I can't seem to launch it via a script (shocking, huh ;))

I've tried this:


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed 1 2 200
cd /mnt/sd/The Minigame Project/Minigame Project (266MHz).gpe

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

And this:


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed 1 2 200
cd/mnt/sd/The Minigame Project/
./Minigame Project (266MHz).gpe

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

.. and a few other variations, each gives me a nice black screen. The game loads fine if I launch it from within the folder. Could someone tell me how I'm screwing up?

Love this project, BTW! Best homebrew, IMHO :)
Aren`t the scripts I included working? Why don`t you use those? They can already run it overclocked.
If you want to place some scripts elsewhere, just try to edit the included ones, that should work...
Maybe it`s because my script uses relative path names, and no absolute.

SolidSnake posted on Apr 15 2006 at 09:06 AM said:
but.. which are the minigames?
Take a look here. But my site is pretty much outdated, six minigames are missing, please wait a few days, and I`ll add them to it. Oh, and the scoreboard uploader won`t work yet. I guess.
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/mnt/sd/cpu_speed 1 2 200
cd /mnt/sd/The Minigame Project/Minigame Project (266MHz).gpe

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

You're cd'ing to a file! You can't do that!


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed 1 2 200
cd/mnt/sd/The Minigame Project/
./Minigame Project (266MHz).gpe

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

That would work, except there's no space between cd and /mnt.

EDIT: Looking at it, it wouldn't work, but this would:

/mnt/sd/cpu_speed 1 2 200
cd "/mnt/sd/The Minigame Project/"
"./Minigame Project (266MHz).gpe"

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu
Who would have thought that these mini games would be so entertaining and addictive? I really enjoy them! Thanks for your effort!
Can anyone confirm a working script?? I have tried many different approaches and all I get is the black screen.
not exactly wario ware but still a lot of fun. these are mini games whereas wario ware features hundreds of micro games. i would love to see a wario ware clone for gp2x as well. still til then this is the closest to that we have and is an amazing amount of fun on its own merits.
Nice piece of work, the control in some games is brilliantly implement, though my only gripe with the games is that some of them don't seem to rise in difficulty much as you progress through them. Is there a downloadable source code?

Also what would be a cool feature, similar to Wario Ware, is some random selection generator, where everytime you finish/lose a game the program would switch to another game it chooses at random, that way you no longer need to spend time navigating the menu. What would also be a great incentive to play the game longer is the ability to unlock more mini-games by beating high-scores as opposed to having all of them accessible from the start.

Damn that Sonic minigame is good....