pandian - MARK2

I am trying this out. I tried the normal version and followed the instructions on the wiki. After the startup wizard, Fluxbox didn't start and I was presented with a command line. I did the update then began to work through the section on Fluxbox. When I tried the gen-menu-fluxbox command I got an error. I did some googling around and was going to try the fluxbox-generate_menu command, but found out that the underscore key (and a number of other [Fn] keys were not working. Obviously I want to fix both of these issues. Thanks.
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I found my own solution by reimaging the SD. Not sure why the first one failed, but on the second attempt, both X/Fluxbox and the keyboard worked correctly. Thanks.
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Well my guess is few people in the Pandora community have used pandian and ever fewer have used fluxbox...

Maybe fluxbox is using it's own keymap configuration instead of the Pandora defined one?
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Well my guess is few people in the Pandora community have used pandian and ever fewer have used fluxbox...

Maybe fluxbox is using it's own keymap configuration instead of the Pandora defined one?
I use it all the time, but the problem is totally unfamiliar, so I didn't think I could help.
TrashyMG, thanks for the suggestion. I will look into it. vandyswa thanks for looking. I am going to build the SD again. Cheers.
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TrashyMG, with all due respect baloney. This is a pretty active thread. vandyswa thanks anyway. I am going to build the SD again. If that doesn't work, I may try the slackware build or just give up. Cheers.
So you don't think there are fewer people using Pandian than the default OS? nor do you think there are even fewer people who use Pandian and fluxbox concurrently? the math isn't on your side.
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Hopefully this type of BS is not where this community is headed.
I felt bad you didn't get a response, so I gave you a legitimate theory why you haven't got a prompt response. I also gave a suggestion to look into.. And what do you do is attacked my character. I've spent years on this forum and a bit time on the old GP2X site helping people out on my free time, I could be doing other things..
I was also unaware that fluxbox was the default windows manager in pandian as I've never used it. I've played with pandabian and another attempt at debian by another person.
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Thanks to both of you. Now maybe I can get an answer to my question. FWIW, I did the default install and fluxbox is the default. Hopefully this type of BS is not where this community is headed.
All you are doing is showing a complete lack of respect, IMO.  Especially since the answer to your question is in this thread.  Hint: try reading it.  More specifically, around post #50.
eric, while I appreciate the attempt, it reflects the kind of attitude I am talking about. Had I not already read the thread (and the wiki) and attempted what appeared to be pertinent fixes, I wouldn't have posted. I agree that my response to TrashyMG was inappropriate and for that, my apologies to him/her. The next useless, sarcastic post may have colored my response. As I was having a number of Pandian issues that others didn't seem to be having, I decided to reimage the SD and start again. Success. Having played with Pandian now for a bit, it is pretty nifty. I also setup an Ubuntu VM on my MBPR to allow me to setup Slackware for a try as well.

As I don't think the griping encourages others to seek or provide support, I'm done with that part of the discussion. Cheers.
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eric, while I appreciate the attempt, it reflects the kind of attitude I am talking about. Had I not already read the thread (and the wiki) and attempted what appeared to be pertinent fixes, I wouldn't have posted. I agree that my response to TrashyMG was inappropriate and for that, my apologies to him/her. The next useless, sarcastic post may have colored my response. As I was having a number of Pandian issues that others didn't seem to be having, I decided to reimage the SD and start again. Success. Having played with Pandian now for a bit, it is pretty nifty. I also setup an Ubuntu VM on my MBPR to allow me to setup Slackware for a try as well.

As I don't think the griping encourages others to seek or provide support, I'm done with that part of the discussion. Cheers.
Glad you got it figured out. Sorry you didn't get any helpful response, but like others have said, the number of people using Pandian is a small community within an already small community. I plan to try it out eventually, but for now Pandebian suits my needs. Keep us updated on any other issues in the future, as it will hopefully help others like you. :)
I followed the instructions in the wiki. So, when I tried to update my install, my 4GB card was out of space (I didn't expand the PDROOT partition). So, I started over and extracted the image to my 128GB SD and expanded PDROOT to the max (about 115MB). I did an apt-get update and the upgrade failed with dbus errors. I also had a pixbuf related error earlier in the upgrade. I then followed the instructions for stopping and killing mtp, and tried the upgrade again, but still the upgrade failed. I reset my user directory and still the upgrade failed. I rebooted and X/Slim/Fluxbox/etc wouldn't start and I was left at a command line. I tried the upgrade again with the -f switch (in one of the attempted upgrades I selected "Slim"). It finished, I did a "shutdown -r now" and booted to a GUI, but my nubs don't work and when I plug in my USB keyboard and mouse, they don't work either.

What now? I am willing to start again, but if I follow the wiki to install the image there, how do I update to the most current version/packages? I've read the ENTIRE thread and can't tell which instructions are necessary or OBE. If this project has died as others have indicated based on the lack of traffic/updates then maybe I give up. Thanks.
I'd like to help, but I started from one of the earlier Pandian releases.  It had its warts, but it was pretty much a plain vanilla Debian so easy to figure out what to do.  The newer Pandian releases seem to be much more customised, so much of what you describe I just don't recognize.  You certainly want to make sure your card works reliably with the Pandora--when I bought a 128GB card I did so from so I could be sure of it.  I'd back off to a 16GB and leave the 128 for the second slot (so you can mount movies and such).

It's a pity you're having so many problems!  A plain vanilla Debian armhf is a real delight with its familiar administration and humongous app repositories.
I've tried every permutation of the instructions I can think of and no joy. I am going to stop messing with this until stackshadow or someone chimes in with a reasonable plan. I am going to try SL4P. It seems that Linux-SWAT is actively developing and supporting it. I'm not sure I have the interest to learn another flavor of Linux, but we'll see. My interest in Pandian was as a long-time *buntu user. FWIW, I've done multiple clean installs and upgrades, switched to a 16GB partition, done fsck's, etc. to make sure the SD/ext2 combo work, tried applying the version package upgrades in order according to this thread, etc. etc. Until I get an authoritative answer, I am standing down. Thanks for the ideas from those who tried to help.
I'd put that entire 128GB card on hold, not just partition it.  Dig up a 8GB or 16GB card.

The only other thought I have is to take the older Pandian image and treading your card with that.

It's a simpler install system (and thus demands more of the user) but it sure worked for me.  I have

the old image:

-rw-r--r-- 1 vandys vandys 1.8G Sep 29  2013 pandian-stable-hf_2013-09-29.001.img


If you want to play with it.  Note it'll require navigating the default German language until you

can switch it over.  There's other usage notes, but they're all here on this thread.  Let me know.

(I even kept the original "how to" text.)
While I agree that 128GB is a waste, that is what I have and I am nearly certain that is not the problem. I am pretty confident that an 8GB or 16GB would have the same problems, but I did order 2 15GB cards today. Thanks anyway on the older image. I am going to wait and see if SS chimes in. If this is a defunct project, I don't want to grow fond of it :)
Well, that's the great thing about it being Debian--the repos march forward and we get to ride along.  "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade", and when you need something new "apt-get install <thingummy>".  Ongoing dev involvement is much less important when it's a Debian system, especially now that we have a pretty decent kernel--and even that isn't hard to update when needed.