Release Open Arena


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is a fresh  compile of OpenArena (based on the ioquake3 engine). I used the same basics method than with the Jedi Knight series.



And video of the gameplay on OpenPandora by Ingoreis:
  • fixed some bugs on the GLES context creation.
  • added the ability to change nubs function (see files left_nub and right_nub in appdata/openarenahome)
  • added toggleCrouch, disabled by default, and activable by adding the following line to config file (appdata/openarena/home/.openarena/baseoa/q3config.cfg): seta in_toggleCrouch "1"
Build 02

  • Optimised a bit the GLES renderer, especialy stencil shadows (put cg_shadows to "2" to use them)
  • Configurerd Left Nub as Joystick. So Left Nub is usable to move (DPad is still usable). Use "Enter" to validate in menu
  • Added a default tuned config, if you want it.
  • Refined the launch script.
Build 01

  • Initial build.
  • Full GLES renderer

Good fraggin'


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Awesome, will have to try this out when I get to a good internet source.
Couldn't resist to test :) .

Graphics look nice.

Right nub is to slow.

Controls are a pain. I'll remap keys and send you a nice default config for next version :) .
Very nice job and I didn't need to fish for the files. :D

Other than some slow down when things get a bit busy or more graphically demanding such as explosions....a very nice port and a real surprise at that.

Thank you ptitSeb. ;)
I thought the old Quake3 NanoGL had not-terrible controls. People could probably just rip the config out of that if they felt so inclined.
^ As long as the controls don't flip out if you hit the left nub like the NanoGL version.
I've tried against some CPU player.

It's really lagy on the Giga and sound is pretty bad also.

There needs too be some big speed improvement to make this game enjoyable.


BTW, is this project dead or is there still some development on open Arena?
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I've tried against some CPU player.

It's really lagy on the Giga and sound is pretty bad also.

There needs too be some big speed improvement to make this game enjoyable.
Have you tried to change the parameters for sound and geometry ?

I'll do some perf analysis later, and also check if I have put all optimisation in compilation (I think I had, but I'll double-check).
I set sound to low and geometry detail to middle.

Also disabled other stuff like high res sky and such.

Maybe it's slow because I play against CPU and not against human?

Also I added a parameter to the config file: cg_thirdperson.

It enables the third person view is fet to 1.

Don't know if it's possible to give it a shortcut in the game, or at least in the menu.

Just to let you and others know that it's possible and works.

(slowdown is with and without 3rd person enabled)
I somehow got it playable with everything set to low.

For R I use "Fire".

Don't know what to do with L.

Normally I put Items or secondary weapon on L.

As it's nearly impossible to hit someone in this game on Pandora (at least for me) I currently have "Zoom" on the left trigger.

The view moves slower and makes aiming more easy.
Here's my config file:

As usual:

Swtich weapon: O and P

Switch item: K and L

Jump: X (Action button)

Crouch: A (Action button)

Shoot: R.Trigger

Zoom L Trigger

Everything except texture detail is set to low.

I did not test every single option.

So if there is something that does not have an impact to gameplay please adjust this.

Also Mouse has to be as it is in the Jedi Knight games:

Horizontal movement is fine but Vertical movement is much too fast. Please 50-75% speed here.

It would make it so much easier to hit someone.

Also I added a parameter to the config file:

something like cg_thirdperson.

If this is set to 1 then the game will be third person.

Try out nubs, please.


ok. Thanks for the config, I will integrate it and make default. I''ll also try to reduce mouse accel on Y axis like with JK2/JA.

I'll do that end of this week, begenning of next week.

About performances, not sure lowering graphic detail have an impact on perf (at least on the pandora). I think the A.I. for the bots + physic is the most taxing thing. But I cannot do some perf top for now to see what's going on...
If it's the AI then set the graphic level to middle.

I don't want to have bad graphics without any speed gain.