I'm taking about a delay in delivery, because of software not being ready yet to accommodate Vsync and ensure the first Pyra owners do not suffer from this ? It does not seem Notaz was very confident it could be fixed easily based on his post on this thread.
The device is already fully usable, even if you have tearing until the software solution is found.
The WIZ had the same issues. The Pandora had a lot of non-working things in the beginning.
Heck, a lot of XBox360 games have horrible tearing as they disable VSync completely to gain speed.
And I still see tearing on a lot of PC games...
So what would the reason be to delay here?
How does the Smach Z approach this particular issue then ?
Who knows. Probably using the GPU.
Which means the rotator is basically unusable in the video mode, I don't see how you can say it's not a fault of that chip. It could've provided some way to sync to the video stream but it does not. The only way to use it is the command mode, but OMAPs have no drivers for that (Nikolaus has another solution, see below, but I'm a bit skeptical).
The rotator follows the MIPI specs, which only have a tearing fix for command mode. That's more the fault of the MIPI specs and not the chip.
Yes, it's annoying that it can't simply use the video input timings, but you could also say it's annoying that all SoCs ignore the anti-tearing signal when run in video mode...
Well, I know there's a driver for the OMAP2+ DSS that supports command mode:
Not sure how much that would work with omapdrm (I still haven't really understood how omapdss and omapdrm go together).
But with the release of the AM-Series which are using basically the same DSS as the OMAP5, chances are high there'll be a command mode driver available.
If there is nobody to work on that software update it is, don't you think?
Then I'll hire one. I've said that multiple times, haven't I?
At least two who want to fiddle around with low-level stuff will get a devboard.
About the possible landscape display notaz mentioned:
ZBOE might have a 5" landscape display available at some time. It was planned to be available sometime in April, but as it looks now, it might be end of next year IF it will ever be available...
Then we wouldn't have any issues.
But waiting for that would be crazy - as I'll probably run out of money at some time, waiting won't improve the specs of the Pyra and it could also be some crucial parts like the OMAP5 might not be available anymore.
So we can wait until the project dies because something like this happens or create a working hardware with some tearing issues on fast movements, but prepared so they can be overriden (when using the GPU) or fixed as the hardware is connected and software ideas to fix it exist already.
And if such a display EVER appears, the old units can be upgraded - we're modular, all you'd need to do is to replace the display PCB and the LCD and that's it.
What would you all prefer?
Should I now stop with everything, probably file for bankruptcy in a while (unless the magical hardware fix that needs no software work appears suddenly) or continue finishing the unit?