News Update From Gc Germany


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Jan 26, 2005
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I got this answer by sbock from an earlier topic I started yesterday:

ED told us on the german forum a few things yesterday:

-ED played Elswhere, Replay, Odonata and Payback. All 4 games are looking very well.
-BoB is coming out in october with a stand to put the GP2x on.
-Press, developer, dealer and Linux fans show much interest on the GP2x.
-Firmware 2.1.0 is ready, but the MMU Hack no longer works. So they want to fix this problem first.

German forum member fheusel made a few photos of the booth.
Here is a link to the topic on german forum.


I know many people have been wondering about the current status since GPH offcial bulletin board seems like a ghost city, glad we got this update, thanks Stephan :)
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Blah posted on Aug 26 2006 at 11:39 AM said:
Actually, thats Supertux! :D

Yeah! ED remarks that the girls love Supertux...
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mmmh, nice pics.

but mmu hack breaking isnt good. hope they fix it in the firmware (also good that they are even considering the community when releasing the firmware)

cant wait for the BoB
I hope they still take the time to get some info/pics from the Gamepark booth.
deepmenace posted on Aug 26 2006 at 11:06 AM said:
mmm. payback looks real nice.

bright and shiny!

I have been at the games convention in Leipzig as well today and had the pleasure to meet ED in person and play Payback as well. ED´s booth wasnt as overrun of course as most of the others since the GP2X is not that famours (yet!), but that gave him lots of time to explain everything to people who were interested.

For me it was good as well because i had plenty of time to take a look at payback. Its lots of fun, but for my personal taste its way to bright and shiny sometimes. I talked to ED about it and he told me that you can turn the light-effects off if you want to.
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Heh, you must've been there at a lucky time, usually the booth is CROWDED (all 9 gp2x's), there's a lot of interest...

Videos and pictures will follow when I'm back home.

BTW: The girl in front of the plasma is a friend of mine helping out :) But yes, most girls love SuperTux :)
EvilDragon posted on Aug 26 2006 at 10:27 PM said:
Heh, you must've been there at a lucky time, usually the booth is CROWDED (all 9 gp2x's), there's a lot of interest...

Videos and pictures will follow when I'm back home.

BTW: The girl in front of the plasma is a friend of mine helping out :) But yes, most girls love SuperTux :)
Lucky you :P
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Squidge posted on Jul 6 2006 at 04:46 AM said:
thebooboo posted on Jul 6 2006 at 10:43 AM said:
Upgrading from fw 1.2.1 to 1.4 made the sound for a load of games play twice as fast.
Upgrading from fw 1.4 to 2.0 changed the vsync code so a load of games started screen-tearing.

What will the new fw upgrade do to break our work?

It'll probably break my MMU hack :o :(

Taken from

Oh the irony!!! :lol:
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^Lol I do remember that.

Shame I finally sold my GP2X, as I just got sick of all the hardware quirks to it. I really wanted to play payback.

Any news on what the firmware update will do? Seeing the minor things from 1.4>2.0 must be a screen saver.